Thursday, October 28, 2004

War on Terror...mean War on WMD, uh War for Freedom!

Let see if I have my timeline correct. First we where involved in the War on Terror, then it became the War on Terrorists in Iraq, then it became the War to stop WMD, then it became the War to Free Iraq. Somehow, the why and rules and well everything can change in the middle of a war and the American people as a whole don't see to have a problem with it. Clinton sneezes in the wrong direction, we called it gate something. Bush can basically make up reason for war as he pleases and we just shrug and justify it to ourselves with "we freeing the people praise be!".

I am still confused when it became ok for the United States to force democracy at the end of the sword "you will like it or else!!!". I thought our role was to encourage it, to be the example that it works. Basically to tell the people, "You want it, you must fight for it and we will help you". In the end though it was always the people's fight to win or lose.

Apparently, under Bush this is no longer the case. Spreading democracy by any means necessary is an acceptable course of action. Not only acceptable, but honorable. Shouldn't we then, to bring freedom to other people, for women, "for the children", shouldn't we advocate a campaign against any country that doesn't have a democractic system of government. Why stop with such "easy" targets as Iraq? There are other people that have horrors brought on them, that have no freedom as we define it. Why not conquer Saudi Arabia, Cuba, China, or North Korea? Why not those targets? To hard? Costs to high? Are you not being hypocritical in being choosey about who to spread democracy to and who not to? If you truly adovate this "free the people" mantra, shouldn't it be open season on any country that doesn't practice government as we define it? I guess I just don't understand this "freedom for some by force" for some but no others. I would love for someone to explain the distinction because I don't see it.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Jon Stewart and Crossfire

What's really sad is that the press doesn't even get it. Some thought he was being a dick, others thought he was being a hypocrit (nevermind his show has never sold itself as a news source), and even others just went on about an opportunity that CNN let pass by not putting it on their website while dismissing the content of what Jon was saying.

I don't think the press gets how disgusted Americans are with the media now. They are lazy, irrelevant hacks who can't even be bothered to research a story. If its not written for them by a source, producer or handed to them as "Talking Points" they can't even be bothered. Even the so-called "political experts" such as those on Crossfile, all they do is regurgitate talking points like some mindless puppet. A monkey could do that. No attempt is made to actually discuss or delve deeper into the topics. That would be fine if they didn't then lie to themselves and the audience and claim the contary.

At least Jon Stewart has the integrity to not pretend he is something he isn't. He doesn't call himself a reporter, a source for news, or even an expert. Yet his show consistancy shows to is superior to the networks in all three arenas. Its actually pathetic that the media gets queues from his show (which Jon is fully aware). The press corps is so far gone now though I don't think it will ever recover. I think ambulance chasers have more credibilty now then a member of the press.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Time for Politics

I often post of various boards on the web and decided that since I am making the equilvant of blog entries with my on the fly responses, it would be a waste to not use em here. So here, have a diatribe.


For some this whole "please make me feel safe and secure from the terrorists" is their entire world. Me, I think terror, I think war but I also think gas prices, medicare, taxes, deficit, laws, order, murder committed by our own, environment, abortion, Supreme Court, .... well you know that whole pesky and inconvient domestic policy that really has nothing to do with a War on mean War in mean War for a Free Iraq....oh wait I think its back to War on Terror again this week. Something Bush likes to forget cause domestic policy is hard...poking at a map and say sure blow that up...thats easy.

4 years and Bush's policy for home, when he remembers to have one, is tax cuts. Thats it. He talks all the time about Kerry's record...but look at his. He basically has no record because he has done nothing domestically. I guess if your world is "please protect me from the bad foreign men" thats great. But I prefer a president that has the ability to multi-task. Something Bush's record shows he is incapable of.

Anycase, my point is your warm and fuzzies are important...but you do have remember there is more to running a country then just attacking others and the occasional tax cut.

Friday, October 22, 2004

My Favorite "The Apprentice"

Wow been a while. Need to do better on the blogging.

Just got done watching the Thursday lineup for the day (recorded it). Joey and Will & Grace not doing it for me like it use to. I watch it but more as background noise then really paying any attention to. Recording the Apprentice is great cause take an hour ep and watch it in about 25 minutes since can skip through the boring stuff.

But I always stop on my favorite Apprentice - Stacy Rotner. I am just in lust or something with her. Absolutely gorgeous to me. Maybe its her height (I am not exactly towering), maybe her smile, her confidence, her intellect, or her bluntness. Whatever it is, I would love to meet her and figure it out and learn more. Normally for all these TV personalities, reality or otherwise, I could care less. She is the exception for she strikes me as exceptional.

Sadly this is the end of the line, the last episode with my favorite Apprentice. She was fired and now the reason for watching the show has ended. A sad day for all. Ah puppy love, its been awhile. Hopefully she will return to the airwaves again beyond a reunion show...or at least maybe take a move to Georgia ;).

Oh and her website is so definitely already taking steps to capitalize on her 15 minutes...mmm intellect is sexy.