Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas sued

In another example of a country gone wacky on get rich easy through litigation, a New York grandmother is sueing Rockstar, the make of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas because she was upset over their "false, misleading, and deceptive practices."

For those that don't know, recently this game was changed to Adults Only rating do because khackers discovered hidden sexual explicit areas on the game. Areas that are by no means easy to access. Now before then this game was Mature Only (17+ years of age), which means if parents where doing their part, and lets face it many don't bother anymore, that 14 year old child should never have owned the game to begin with. Which is a main reason why the case should be tossed out, the grandmother should have never bought the game to begin with. The ONLY difference between a M rating and an A rating is wether the person is 17 or 18 years old. That is it! The judge should toss this case on its ass for that reason alone but we all know it will get settled and her get rich scheme will be a success.

Now of course, led by that worthless piece of crap Hillary Clinton, Congress once again wants to somehow legislate video games. This is a good example of how laws don't always help. Here is a rating systems that clearly states children shouldn't own the game. Its all over the box, the advertisement, any read up on the game would make it clear on any internet site in the world. Yet this and many other adults go right out and buy the games anyway turning them over to children without making even basic research or I don't know, reading the fucking box. Then they go crying about how they didn't know. How about instead of trying to force retailers to somehow tell adults what to do, they punish the parents for not doing their fucking jobs. I am so sick of everyone else being punished because of the laziness of others.

Anyone can agree that the extra content, since not really meant for retail use, should have been removed from the code before it shipped. The fact that it took over a year to be discovered is a good indication it wasn't meant to be found, but still, not there can never be found. They have since been punished with the bad press, loss of sales, and the government scrutinizing everything. Yet no one still asks the fundamental question, how can government "fix it" if parents don't do their part. If Clinton wants to do something useful, ask the question "where where the parents?"

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Supreme Court Nom

Too early to form an opinion on the nomination but based on what little I have read, I don't really have cause to complain. Sounds like Bush might have picked a conservative moderate and really can't ask better then that (well for a liberal moderate of course :P). I am alo pleased that Bush didn't pick a woman or minority just to pick a woman or minority so points for that to.

Now here is the thing, its been proven that the press (and by extension congress) only has the attention span for one story at a time, so which will get the focus now? Rove or Court nom? Next few days should be interesting. Either way Bush wins. Attention focuses on the nom, Rove story becomes "old". Or they stay drilled on Rove, attention moves away from the nom making his passage more likely.

Now not saying that the Court nomination was planned for that cause really, I don't. Bush had to wait long enough after the British bombings to announce and if he waited too long that would just look indecisive. So timing is just lucky happenstance.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Harry Potter Year 6

Just finished the book and sadly I found it too short at only 630 pages. I wanted it to be longer because it was such an enjoyable read. I love to read, always have, and I can't recommend Harry Potter enough. It is a great read for all ages. Once get to book 3, you will not stop till get through with six.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is a great and enjoyable read that further's his adventures and his relationships. The novel goes a long way into filling in the back story, motivations and evil of Lord Vordemort while at the same time showing how that back story plays apart into the previous books including a very neat explanation for the diary in the Chamber of Secrets. Pretty much every previous book gets touched upon in this story further filling out many backstories and questions. And like any good book series, new questions arise to join the ones not yet answered. If I had one complaint, it was the ending which seemed sudden and quick even with the big o' boomstick that Rawlings dropped on fans. Oddly enough the ending seems so rushed with the changes, revelations, and a quest that is introduced. that it feels like either the next book will be dictionary sized or maybe just maybe year 7 may not necessary be just one book. I don't remember if Rawlings ever said there would be only 7 books or 7 years but on can hope for the former.

New or old, go read this and all other Harry Potter books.

Now for some mean o fun:

- Snape kills Dumbledore.
- Voldemort is practically immortal because he committed murders to store 7 pieces of his soul in objects including the diary and his current body.
- To kill Voldemort, all 7 pieces have to be destroyed. Currently two pieces are destroyed, the diary and Sytherin's ring.
- Remaining pieces are in a snake, Humplepuff cup, and two unknown objects beloning to Ravenclaw and the other house.
- Potter vows to destroy Voldemort and will not return to the school to do it.
- Malfoy is instructmental in helping to kill Dumbledore, yet at the same time sorta redeems himself.
- Snape is the one that informed his master of the prophecy that led to the death of Potter's parents and his mark.
- Voldemort created his own arch enemy by responding to the prophecy. No action taken, no dead potter parents and no "chosen one".
- And for the wee ones, Harry and Ginny "snog" then break up and Ron and Hermoine are clearing about to snog but haven't yet.
- Lord Vordemort is winning the war.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Return of the Press Corps!

As the Daily Show recently highlighted on its Tuesday Karl Rove edition, the Press Corps have finally remembered what their job is. One of even invoked the sacred "don't the people have the right to know" comment. Something probably not heard in that building for at least five years. The White House continues to comment with the "don't comment on an investigation [when one of us is named but have no problem doing it]" defense and finally the press corps has perked up and said "how odd". The smelled blood, they since the ability to tear a person's life to shreds, to bring someone high down low, to finally do what they love to do. The shark has awakened. Oh how the american public has pleaded for this shark to return.

Lies to the public didn't awaken the shark. The bad intelligence, the lack of WMDs, the plethora of lies and misinformation about Iraq, the list goes on really of huge wrongs didn't wake the shark. Hell, not even some gay escort non-journalist given full press crendentials and unheard of access awoke the shark. Instead of wakes the press corps? The reveal of ultimatly inconsequential name. All those many many wrongs and the press stays quiet and slumbers. But for this it awakes?!? What the hell? All these wrongs, all the lies, from an administration that sold itself as the honest not clintonite administration, and this is what wakes the shark?

Sadly the shark is still sleepy and not quite into the kill yet. Not even five years agot hey would be pushing the "what did the president know" angle. But this time? Nope not even a whisper. You can't tell me the president didn't know about this. Something as big as a leak like that had to have been passed onto the president and approved. Oddly if this is the case, then Rove probably has a defense and the president, who didn't testify, would take a hit but doubtful he broke a law either (being commander in chief and all). But the important thing to ask is "What did the president know and when?" Why hasn't that been asked? Will the press finally revive itself enough to ask? Will this finally lead them to ask for answers that before they let slide. Hell, just explain Gannon and I might be satisfied if the more complicated stuff like Iraq is too much for their wee little heads. The Bush Administration has done so really way out shit then Clinton has in his most debauched wet dreams, its about damn time the press did their jobs and called them on it.

Monday, July 11, 2005

The Stupid Character in Movies

Ok I got a question, why do all movies like this require one of the major characters to be so damn stupid over and over and over? In this movie, the stupid character is Cruise's son. The boy re-defines movie stupidity. His stupidity was so often, so spectacular that it actually took me out of the movie several times. I spent an inordinate amount of time hoping they would kill the character so the story could move on. Also figure great stupidity shouldn't get rewarded but anyways.

Overall a good movie, would have called it great if not for that stupid stupid stupid character.

Fantastic Four Review

- Spoilers lurk with, consider this the warning -

I thought it was a good popcorn flick.

But as great movie or even comic book movie, not even close. It was very much the broad brushstrokes take on the FF, like the writer and director just read a encyclopedia entry for each of the characters rather then really trying to understand them. Cause lets face it, as a concept, FF has got to be one of the hardest comics to write for.

Their rogues gallery is non-existant, their powers don't really lend themselves to a teamwork approach. Reed's real "power" is his brain shown off craploads of times in the books because its pretty difficult to make solid use of his powers on a regular basis. Also because its a team book, you really need a villian team to go against, not just one character.

Even in the comics, its rarely Doom vs the FF. Its more like Doom, his bots, distractions, etc vs the FF. The movie failed in a big way by not creating multiple enemies for the big fight so that each would "naturally" use their powers rather then forced into the sequence (the Incredibles being an excellent example of this). Its probably why the Thing and the Human Torch where used most effectivily both in the movies and the comics. Their powers are the easiest to incorportate into any storyline as is their relationship.

The movies has some big ass plot and detail holes in it (since when can Strechy throw a mailbox like he has super strength). The biggest hole was Doom. He was a major wuss. They did nothing to make him seem a super villian threat. Instead he was just a dick and not much else. If they had him blow up the bank boardroom and the entire floor, that at least would have super villian like behavior, but instead he killed one guy and then tried to trick the FF. Also, if you think about it, the two main fight sequences are all situations created by the FF. The bridge sequences wouldn't have been necessary if the Thing just used his head and sat his ass back down instead of scarying the guy and Reed Richards created Doom. He screwed up his calculations that results in the births of themselves and Doom. They should have stole from Ult. FF and had Doom change the calculations. Really at the end of the day, the movie forgot the most important questions of all "Why?" and "How?" Why hate the FF? How did they master their powers? Why do we need this Stretcho in this scene? Why revenge? and so forth.

For Alba , I had zero expectations for except for nice eye candy. Which really is all she was. She must be screwing the right people to keep getting these movie roles is all I am thinking cause there are not only much better looking actresses out there but better skilled ones too. (Is it me but does it seem like she doesn't have a whole lot going on upstairs?)

Thursday, July 07, 2005

London Subway Bombed

If you haven't heard about this you might live in a whole in the ground. London experienced explosion of four bombs in their subway system that currently has killed 37 and wounded 700.

The group claiming responsibility is is called the "Secret Organization group al Qaeda Organization in Europe." If their actions didn't prove it then their name does. They are the stupidest bastards on the planet. The redefine stupidity. At a time in the ties between the US and Britain where falling apart, they decide that instead of trying to sever those ties to renew and strenghen them instead. They actually blew stuff up to make the relations stronger and better for the US. Gee thanks guys, didn't really need your help on that. Stupidest bastards.

What really amazes me about these groups beyond their stupidity is just how close minded they are. When we blow their shit up, they get pissed. What the fuck makes them think are reaction wouldn't be the same? Seriously what goes through their heads? It seems like their solution to everything is to blow shit up even though that hasn't worked. For centuries. They have literally been blowing shit up for centuries and accomplished nada, yet they continue the path as if something will change. They get pissed when their shit blows up, so do we. There something in common. And it shows just how stupid they are. At least the "infidels" learn after a few years when a new approach is needed. These dumb shits still haven't learned after centuries.

Another reason we know they are dumbshits. They stole from the Christian Playbook. Christian rulers way back when, lets use crusades as an example, would tell the uneducated that the bible says go kill the evil Muslims. Of course the Bible never said this, but the uneducated masses marching off to war couldn't read so they couldn't disprove it. They just assumed their leadership was telling the truth. That is exactly how these dipshit terrorists work. Instead of learning to read and verify for themselves what the Koran says, they just happily follow along with whatever garbage spews from their leadership. Once again, they fail to learn from history. The very tactics used against them, they know use against their own people. And the people love them for it. Once again, stupid dumpshits.

Finally, they blew up the streets of London. London people. Stupid. This is the city that has dealt with more then its share of bombings. The IRA for decades, Indian uprising, pretty much ever country in the world at some point in time has dropped a bomb or two on London. This is the same London that was bombed to hell and back in WWII. After all that, when the resolve of the British never changed, do these dipshits seriously think blowing up a subway system is going to get them to cower? Please.

Again, history. WWII is all you need to know to realize that the only thing this act would do is piss the British off. To again renew their ties with the US. To strengthen the goals of the US. The opposite of what the terrorists want. Stupid stupid stupid dipshits.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Sandra Day O'Connor Steps Down

Sandra Day O'Connor, the first female member of the Supreme Court, has resigned. This seems like a sad day for the US for it gives Bush the ability to continue his streak of unqualified choices for important positions. I swear he does it to amuse himself and just to see if can be done. So far, as proven with Bolton, he apparently can and even the republicans that disagree with the choice will bend over for him.

I have hope though that for something as important long term as a Supreme Court appointee that republicans will finally grow a backbone and start making decisions for the good of the country, not the party. They use to know that the country comes first, the party second or even third. I hope they once again find those priorties for such an important position.