Well, it seems that preliminary speaking, the sales boost that retailers where expecting and hoping for the holiday season occurred...just not as high as they hoped. Today, the public went out to return items, take advantage of sales, and use those gift cards they all received today. However, despite these extra few days of moolah coming in, it doesn't seem it will have the overall boost they wanted, and probably by extension the Bush Administration wanted. I am sure right now they are going "We cut taxes!!!" that should have fixed everything, but of course it didn't.
I wish fixing this lagging economy was as simple as cutting taxes. It would be nice. Simple solutions for complicated problems are always a great thing. However, most people tend to realize that if four straight years of plan A isn't resulting in the expected growth, maybe its time for plan B. But why did plan A, cutting taxes for everyone, but especially the rich not work? Pretty simple really, its called greed for the rich and no change in disposable income for the rest.
Now don't get me wrong, just like they say in the movie Wall Street, "Greed is good." I do believe that. It can be a good thing. However, to much of anything, including greed, can be a bad thing. To much greed leads to Enron disasters. To much greed leads to the virtual monopolies that oil, cable, gas, etc currently enjoy. We call them cartels right now, but really they are monopolies for their is no real competition. The corner stone of the western economy is competition which doesn't exist in those and many other areas.
Greed is the reason why the free enterprise economy works and other economic theories don't. Communism assumes people are willing to sacrifice for the whole, basically that greed doesn't exist at all as part of the human condition. Of course it does and communism belief that they can end it is why it will always fail. Socialism assumes the same but tries to control the greed. Again, it can't be totally controlled. Trickle Down economics, a favorite of the republicans, also assumes greed is not a factor. They just assume someone will spend that dollar as it trickles down, it doesn't occur to them that someone would just keep it rather then spend it. Free enterprise though actually harnesses greed. Uses it to the wholes advantage. The problem of course is that it can't account for a level of greed so strong it damages the whole. Thus the need for government regulation.
The whole point of the tax cuts for the rich is the assumption that they use the money saves to re-invest in their companies and by extension their people. Its assumes that greed would not be a factor. They could use the tax savings by expanding, therefore hiring new people, therefore growing the economy cause they new people now have more money to spend. That's the theory anyway. The problem though is twofold. One, the tax cuts help the bottom line, guarantees that the higher ups get their bonuses, but doesn't nothing to encourage expanding or re-investing in a company. Profits do that not tax cuts. The problem then leads to how profits grow...which is people buying the product. However, currently no one has the high level of disposable income to buy the products that encourage a company to grow that then encourages the company to hire, give raises, etc which then leads to more disposal income which leads to...well you get the idea. In other words, why should the company use the tax cuts to expand when their is no demand from consumers to meet that demand? What is happening then is the rich get their bonuses and not much else. The cycle has been disrupted so the growth has been too.
Excess greed is part of the problem. Part of the disruption. Companies now treat their people as disposable. Benefits get cuts, raises and bonuses have all but disappeared. Job security? A myth your parents tell you about. All this leads to the one thing a powerful economy doesn't want...careful spending. People buy what they need rather then what they want. They don't buy the big ticket items in volume either such as a house, car, that plasma tv, boat, etc. Those are long term costs that can only be made if assume long term job security. These are also things that build and grow an economy.
Again the assumption is that the tax cuts will fix what ails the average person. Give them a little cut, they have more money, thus will buy more. The problem is once again an issue of motivation. With companies, they have no motivation to grow, no demand to do so. With the average person, the tax cuts are such they don't build a sense of security and they don't increase spending. Supposedly the average middle-class family has had a tax cut for the last four years. Have you noticed it on your paychecks? I know I haven't. I think its there but its not like I go "Yes! Five bucks off my taxes, I can buy that car!". Simply put the cut isn't enough to influence spending habits.
The solution for the economy then is not easy but the goal is. Figure out ways to increase the disposable income of the average American. Devise ways that encourage companies to invest in their existing workforce rather then investing it overseas. Encourage companies to expand the skills and knowledge of their works. Encourage job security. Do whatever it takes to so that people feel they have the security to buy and buy and buy. That grows the economy. That is why the bubble of the late 1990s was so successful and it can be found again.
Tax cuts might be apart of the answer but they are not the only answer. More solutions need to be tried. More needs to be done. This administration doesn't have the care or the concern to do that. Their idea of helping is to basically make bankruptcy an exercise in futility. To waste billions of dollars on interest to loans that pays the tax cuts for the rich. To ignore problems. This country has lost its world-power status. It can find it again. We just need leaders that understand that rather then kow tow to the damaging greed of companies, they need to harness the greed of its citizens.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Generation NEX

Remember the NES? Have some old games laying around but needing something slick to play em? Or know a place that has old famicon and NES games and need a device to play them on? Well it looks like IGN.com has found the toy for you. The Generation Nex console that plays both NES cartridges and Famicon cartridges. Also, it can be used with wireless controllers. Both the console and a set of wireless controllers cost $60 each making you wonder if its worth it. You can order em here is so desire.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Serenity on DVD!
Buy Serenity on DVD. If you don't have Firefly, buy that to. Those links are for Amazon to make it easy for ya. Just an FYI, the special features are average, but it does have a gag reel. The commentary track is informative and entertaining which is sadly rare in most commentary tracks. Its unfortunate they didn't have a seperate cast track however. Also over at Aint It Cool, there is a mini-interview with Whedon.
Ryu vs Scorpion
Fantastic flash movie of Street Fighter II Ryu vs Mortal Combat Scorpion. Despite the two different art styles, the creator did an excellent job of blending the STII character to the Mortal Combat world.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Patriot Act renewal halted
The Senate refused to reauthroize part of the Patriot Act. Amazingly enough, for once the Democrats took a stand the republicans listened. Even more importantly, it seems that the republicans listened because of actual concern what is good for the nation rather then party politics or just because. Its a refreshing change from the last five years and I hope it continues.
Congress shouldn't pass laws just cause, they should pass laws because it is good for nation. The Patriot Act isn't good for the nation. It never was. If saftey is all that matters above all else, then the Act is a good thing. This however is America.
Safety is not priority #1, freedom is. Or at least its supposed to be. The Patriot reduces hard fought freedom. Its does it in such as way is all it takes is a skillful leader to repeat the mistakes of McCarthism and the Hoover era. Only now they can do it legally.
Currently no one seems to be grossly abusing the power the act grants but like anything, its only a matter of time. No one though McCarthy could do what he did, but he found a way. No on thought Hoover could either, but again he found a way. Its only a metter of time. Absolute power does corrupt absolutly. Some can ignore the call for abuse, some rathionize it and only abuse it a little. What I fear is those that see the power it grants and absues it with every means that the Act allows and seriously damages this country.
Republicans may think thats not going to happen, our leaders are too good. Well, I just remind you that those evil Democrats don't like may eventually come back to power and here is this lovely Act waiting for them to abuse. If you fear abuse of leadership, of control, and the loss of Freedom, you should fear this Act. It shouldn't be extended, provisions shouldn't be made permanent. All aspects of that law should be reversed. If not for our freedoms now then for the future when someone, whether Democrat or Republican, comes along and abuses that law in ways we haven't dreamed of.
Congress shouldn't pass laws just cause, they should pass laws because it is good for nation. The Patriot Act isn't good for the nation. It never was. If saftey is all that matters above all else, then the Act is a good thing. This however is America.
Safety is not priority #1, freedom is. Or at least its supposed to be. The Patriot reduces hard fought freedom. Its does it in such as way is all it takes is a skillful leader to repeat the mistakes of McCarthism and the Hoover era. Only now they can do it legally.
Currently no one seems to be grossly abusing the power the act grants but like anything, its only a matter of time. No one though McCarthy could do what he did, but he found a way. No on thought Hoover could either, but again he found a way. Its only a metter of time. Absolute power does corrupt absolutly. Some can ignore the call for abuse, some rathionize it and only abuse it a little. What I fear is those that see the power it grants and absues it with every means that the Act allows and seriously damages this country.
Republicans may think thats not going to happen, our leaders are too good. Well, I just remind you that those evil Democrats don't like may eventually come back to power and here is this lovely Act waiting for them to abuse. If you fear abuse of leadership, of control, and the loss of Freedom, you should fear this Act. It shouldn't be extended, provisions shouldn't be made permanent. All aspects of that law should be reversed. If not for our freedoms now then for the future when someone, whether Democrat or Republican, comes along and abuses that law in ways we haven't dreamed of.
John Spencer of the West Wing dead
I know, another actor has died, BFD. I don't know John Spencer but I did like the show he is...was in. The West Wing. Great show that found its second wind this season. John Spencer played the character Leo McGarry who was the Barlett Chief of Staff, then Democratic VP candidate. Its a shame to see him go and condolences to his family. The show will not be the same without him.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
"War on Christmas"
Someone made this excellent observation "Who is stopping you from saying merry Christmas, and why are you listening?"
Isn't that the real question? Where is the who? So far all anyone has is the word of O'Reilly and Fox News for this supposed injustice. Mac is all pissed off over this but haven't heard yet any personal experience of his with the war. For someone so fervently pro-Christmas you think he would have a story to share of the horrors this evil war has had on him. All soldiers in a war usually have a story to tell. Unless of course the war is manufactured. Of course to admit it at this time for most would be to admit to an act of real stupidity which few are willing to do voluntarily. So the story shall live, grow, and only because of repeats will become a "fact" without any real facts to back it.
"The Colbert Report"'s "War on Humbuggery" did an excellent job making fun of those whole "controversy." He just talked about how no one is following the old Christmas traditions, pointing out how Christmas use to be truly celebrated at the turn of the century before commercialism took over. Watch the repeat today if get a chance.
I forgot that almost ALL of the Christmas traditions are not Christian origin but pagan and commercial origin. From the Christmas tree, to carols, pretty much everything, does not have a "sacred" origin despite what many may think. Even ole Santa Clause we all know was manufactured by Thomas Nast. He was the same cartoonist that created the iconic symbols for the Democrat and Republican parties.
The fact that many are discussing this issue so seriously is actually frightening in scope. Here we have that jackass insane bastard O'Reilly literally creating a controversy out of whole cloth...and the nation bought into it. He made it up! Absolutely made it up. He proves that Americans are so damned stupid that lies actually can become a "truth" by repetition. Day in and day out he "proof" is getting rejected and disproved. From so-called press releases to town supposedly banning the colors of the holiday, his overall thesis is disproved. Hell, take a walk anywhere and tell me that Christmas is being banned. Hell, those most defending it can't seem to even come up with proof it even exists beyond whatever new thing O'Reilly chooses to make up. People should just be ashamed of themselves about this whole thing. Fox News should be ashamed too but they stopped being about news a long time ago anyway.
Someone in college should seriously use the war on Christmas to show how an opinion becomes "truth" through repetition. Its a truly fascinating and new political phenomena that few recognize.
Isn't that the real question? Where is the who? So far all anyone has is the word of O'Reilly and Fox News for this supposed injustice. Mac is all pissed off over this but haven't heard yet any personal experience of his with the war. For someone so fervently pro-Christmas you think he would have a story to share of the horrors this evil war has had on him. All soldiers in a war usually have a story to tell. Unless of course the war is manufactured. Of course to admit it at this time for most would be to admit to an act of real stupidity which few are willing to do voluntarily. So the story shall live, grow, and only because of repeats will become a "fact" without any real facts to back it.
"The Colbert Report"'s "War on Humbuggery" did an excellent job making fun of those whole "controversy." He just talked about how no one is following the old Christmas traditions, pointing out how Christmas use to be truly celebrated at the turn of the century before commercialism took over. Watch the repeat today if get a chance.
I forgot that almost ALL of the Christmas traditions are not Christian origin but pagan and commercial origin. From the Christmas tree, to carols, pretty much everything, does not have a "sacred" origin despite what many may think. Even ole Santa Clause we all know was manufactured by Thomas Nast. He was the same cartoonist that created the iconic symbols for the Democrat and Republican parties.
The fact that many are discussing this issue so seriously is actually frightening in scope. Here we have that jackass insane bastard O'Reilly literally creating a controversy out of whole cloth...and the nation bought into it. He made it up! Absolutely made it up. He proves that Americans are so damned stupid that lies actually can become a "truth" by repetition. Day in and day out he "proof" is getting rejected and disproved. From so-called press releases to town supposedly banning the colors of the holiday, his overall thesis is disproved. Hell, take a walk anywhere and tell me that Christmas is being banned. Hell, those most defending it can't seem to even come up with proof it even exists beyond whatever new thing O'Reilly chooses to make up. People should just be ashamed of themselves about this whole thing. Fox News should be ashamed too but they stopped being about news a long time ago anyway.
Someone in college should seriously use the war on Christmas to show how an opinion becomes "truth" through repetition. Its a truly fascinating and new political phenomena that few recognize.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Richard Pryor Dead
Richard Pryor has died from a heart attack. When I was growing up, he was one of my favorite comedians. Most of his movies where hilarious but for whatever reason Brewster's Millions is the one I liked most. The comedy world has lost a legend.
CNN report
CNN report
Friday, December 02, 2005
Georgia embarrassment Continues...CBLDF wins pretrial motion
CBLDF scored a major victory in the Rome Georgia case against Comicbook retailer Gordon Lee with the dimissal of 4 of the 7 counts two of which where the felony counts.
The case is a major waste of tax payer money not only for the state but for the Rome citizens. IF they had any knowledge of the case they would make their displeasure known during the next election cycle.
Read more here with a good summation of events. Rome Georgia is a known Bible Belt kind of town so events are not suprising even if disappointing but its nice to see that the judge is doing is job properly even though realistically the whole case should have been tossed.
The case is a major waste of tax payer money not only for the state but for the Rome citizens. IF they had any knowledge of the case they would make their displeasure known during the next election cycle.
Read more here with a good summation of events. Rome Georgia is a known Bible Belt kind of town so events are not suprising even if disappointing but its nice to see that the judge is doing is job properly even though realistically the whole case should have been tossed.
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