Thursday, October 29, 2009

Links of the Day

Medical Waste - A new report shows the many ways the current healthcare insurance system causes a great deal of waste. 40% is for unnecessary care caused by doctors either ordering unneeded tests because it’s profitable or simply to avoid the risk of lawsuits. 19% is flat out fraud of filing claims for medical care that didn't occur. 17% if for the administrative overhead, you know the copious amounts of claim forms you have to fill out. 6% is for preventative conditions that should never have become medical emergencies. There is more but the next result is around $600 to $850 billion a year could be saved by simply making the system more efficient and more focused on patient care, not profit. Note that the savings is about the cost over 10 years for universal coverage with public option. However, considering insurance companies make a lot of profit from these inefficiencies, they will continue to fight tooth and nail to prevent any changes and use the GOP sheep to help in that battle.

24 Season 8 Trailer - The new season starts in January and as the trailer shows, things go boom as Jack Bauer exits retirement to continue the yelling and blowing things up.

Nightline Report on Scientology - Below is the first part of six segments as Nightline from a week ago. At the link are also various articles from ABC about the cult whose tactics are essentially criminal but uses the cloak of "religion" to continue their practices. Of note is when asked about "Xenu", the spokesperson refuses to respond and ends the interview. Why you ask? Because "Xenu" aka the cults "Devil" is part of their origin myth (involving aliens and volcanoes, no not kidding) that normally costs members literally tens of thousands of dollars to learn about. Yes, cost. Scientology charges for its "classes" and books, much like if Christianity were to charge for Sunday School and the opportunity to read the chapters of the Bible.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6

GameBoy 20th Anniversary Retrospective - Below is a decent video that covers the long history of the first real portable game system that continues in the DSi.

Golf Ball Technology Meets the Car - From Mythbusters is apparent proof that golf-ball dimpling on your car can create a more fuel efficient car. It’s not a leap to assume this also means a faster car. While not the future of car design due to aesthetics, it nevertheless makes for an interesting idea.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Links of the Day

Lego Pop-Up Box - Like a pop-up book but only a Lego box that opens up to reveal a building scene. The design and idea is very slick.

Pixar Intro Parody - If letters were alive and one was squished by a living lamp, the results probably wouldn't be as precious as this video shows.

Windows 7 Guide - From Lifehacker, a link fest of information about the new operating system, useful for anyone about to upgrade or considering an upgrade. My quickie advice if your upgrading is a) backup backup backup b) don't forget to backup your bookmarks c) note your favorite programs and any special settings so can reinstall and reconfigure after if needed.

Wife Has Cancer? No Insurance? Join the Army - A sign of how bad it is while Republicans and their sheep pretend it’s not, a 39 year old man has to join the army to make sure he and his family have their healthcare coverage they need because of the cancer his wife is fighting. He lost his job earlier in the year and his options were limited. Like most, he didn't think it could happen to him, wasn't prepared and didn't even care about the healthcare debate going on. The lesson for everyone before forming an opinion on the public option is first consider what would happen if you lost your job and couldn't replace it right away like is occurring to millions of Americans. If after considering that scenario and your still against a public option then my hat is off to you for at least giving the issue more thought then most seem to nowadays.

Indefensible - A bill amendment created by Senator Al Franken would prevent companies from having US contracts if they prevent their employees from taking sexual assault (such as rape), battery and discrimination cases to court. The reason for the law was because of the repeated raping of Jamie Leigh Jones by Halliburton and KBR contractors while overseas. She can't really prosecute them (happened outside US jurisdiction) but you would think a civil case would be allowed, but thanks to Halliburton's lawyers she isn't even allowed to do that. So basically the company and their employees are legally allowed to rape woman as long as it doesn't happen on US land. It sounds like a slam dunk yes for everyone regardless of party but it turns out that 30 Republicans considered it a "political shot" at Halliburton and vote no. This includes ex presidential candidate John McCain. In effect, when given a chance to vote for a corporation or for protecting rape victims, they went with the corporation. As the report below shows, that choice is having at least a minor impact on those Republicans who are refusing to go on the record on why they voted the way they did (real reason is money). Sadly I doubt this will have an impact on their re-election bids as most are in Republican strongholds.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Special Comment - Healthcare

In a first, Keith Olbermann devoted an entire episode of Countdown to a Special Comment on the healthcare debate. The reason seems to be the horrible experiences his father has experienced under our current healthcare system governed by corporate bureaucrats driven by bonuses rather than providing proper healthcare. The biggest problem I have with the debate is what is driving the whys (high costs, government bureaucrats deciding care, rationing, and more) are the very things already going on now only its being done by corporate executives who want their bonuses and drones that simply want to keep their jobs.

The choice being offered right now is real simple - do something or do nothing. The Democrats are at least trying to do something. The Republicans are offering the option of doing nothing. I think there are few, conservatives or liberals who feel doing nothing is the best way to go. They may advocate Corporate Socialism, but I advocate caring for my fellow Americans or to just be more selfish, myself.

Ultimately, the public option is really insurance for health insurance. It’s there for when your current insurance says no, because it’s not covered, you didn’t feel out the form properly, you reached your maximum or you simply can’t afford to continue the premiums because you lost your job. Much like health insurance is for the catastrophic moments we have no control over such as getting cancer, breaking bones, a car accident and so much more, the public option is for those moments such as losing your job, pre-existing condition or a company that simple doesn’t offer it.

What you should consider isn’t “I have insurance, why should I care?” but what if you no longer have a job. What then? The "public option" is your fallback position for you and your family if the worse happens. You should want it there, you should demand it be there just in case. What Republicans are promising is nothing. No fallback position, no coverage regardless of life’s curveballs. They promise simple nothing but a series of no.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Links of the Day

Barnes & Noble's Nook Official - The companies answer to Amazon's Kindle has officially been announced. It does seem to address some areas that might be preventing wide acceptance of the e-book market. This version has two screens (video), one for reading and another as a color touch screen. The solution provides a touch of color for images and book covers along with a touch keyboard. The operating system is based on Google's Android OS which indicates greater expandability in the future, something the Kindle isn't capable of (as a result it supports more formats including pdf, epub, eReader, mp3, PNG, JPG, and GIF). Electronic downloading is providing by AT&T, but also includes Wi-Fi for faster connection. It has 2GB of built in memory but as an SD slot for additional storage. The device is thicker then the Kindle but has a removable battery, headphone jack and speaker. The battery power is rated for 10 days on average (2 days if use extra features a lot) and will sell for $259 (like the Kindle) when released in November (comparison chart). Over all this is the first time I have read stats that makes considering buying one of these devices worth considering.

Inside Ben Heck's Home - Pretty much the undisputed king of video game modding provides a peak into his home and work space in the below video.

Starcraft II Battle Report 4 - Click the link to go to an Italian website that shows off a new battle report for Starcraft II as it shows off some pretty cool tactics that new features of the game allows on the "Lost Temple" map.

Motion Comics the Future of Comics? - Neal Adams, long time Batman writer, indicates that he feels the future of the comics could be in motion. Considering the example below, I can see why he might feel that way as the trailer for Astonishing X-Men shows. I wouldn't mind seeing how they take static images and give them as much movement as they do considering the limitations of what they are dealing with.

Apple's New Products - A day after Apple's stock reaches new highs (why didn't I get any in 2001 when I knew the iPod would be a hit?), the company has announced new and updated products. Part of that includes a re-introduction of the iMac all-in one computer with screen size that begins at 21.5'' ($1,199) to 27'' ($1,999). The MacBook now has a 13'' ($999), new designs for the apple keyboard, mouse and remote, and tweaked Mac Minis. Overall the prices remain the same, the chips and memory have been upgraded and the "Apple tax" remains high as always on their entire line of products.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Links of the Day

Jon Stewart Mocks Fox - The Daily Show takes nailed Fox News for their hypocrisy. After spending a few days whining about how no one "properly" covered their self manufactured news story of the Tea Party thing in Washington, they spent the weekend ignoring a similar event when homosexuals did it asking for equal rights. Funny how it only matters to the "news" station when it’s something conservatives like, but yeah they are "fair and balanced".
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Queer and Loathing in D.C.
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorRon Paul Interview

Jon Stewart Mocks CNN - The Daily Show also attacked CNN Monday for their tendency to "leave it there" on various issues and often made up claims by their guests. The simple reality though is the talking heads on all the networks are empty heads idiots who only know what the teleprompter tells them to know. Their knowledge on any given issues is about as deep as a headline and they cover it up by asking lame questions and not countering any idiotic claims. It’s pathetic and a primary reason why people no longer have any respect for the press. Hell, even the big "get" of the year, the Couric/Palin interview was dumb. By that I mean listen to the questions. They are truly banal, non probing, moronic questions. Palin's inability to answer them doesn't change the fact the Couric was in no way prepared for that interview and she does not deserve accolades that she is getting for it.
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
CNN Leaves It There
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorRon Paul Interview

"New" CPR Saves Life - Sweet story that indicates the new version of CPR is probably more effective than the old method (five compressions, breath, repeat). The method calls for fast forceful compressions and no breaths. The goal is less about getting oxygen and more about keeping blood flowing until help can alive. In the case of the story at the link, doing that for 10 full minutes still allowed a woman to survive a heart attack. It is likely she would have died under the old method.

Ralph Lauren's Attempts to Block Blog - As a sign that old business still doesn't understand the internet, Ralph Lauren dent a DMCA request to various blogs for posting an advertisement used in Japan that shows a hugely distorted model with an impossible body shape that was photoshopped. Later Lauren admitted to the ad and apologized for the bad work. However, the model Filippa Hamilton has come forward and said she was fired by the company for being too fat. How that is possible when you’re 5'10' and 120lbs is unknown but then that company likes to sell a body type that just looks odd and few real men are interested in.

Study Confirms Healthcare Rationing - Republicans have been fighting healthcare reform claiming they fear rationing but a new study indicates that Americans are doing that already do mostly to financial burdens. As has consistently been the case, every reason Republicans are fighting reforms are the very things that are already occurring and need to be fixed. But then their real goal is to protect insurance companies profit margins, Americans be damned.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Links of the Day

Toy Story 3 Trailer - Click the link for the new trailer of the new movie that indicates the story is what happens to the toys when the boy becomes a man.

PSP Go Release Becoming Nightmare? - New article is Ars Technica suggests that the release of the PSP Go has caused a major headache for Sony and video game owners. The cause isn't the hardware itself but really comes down to the many choices Sony made in their quest to maximize profits. It starts with the premium price for the hardware, continues with their surcharge for games on their store, their requirement for ESRP rating (that costs $2500 per game, regardless of how "mini" it is), their use of a new Sony only standard that requires a re-purchase of all your favorite peripheral and ends with no UMD trade program so in essence Sony wants you to all re purchase all your favorite games to boot. The goal of the system is clearly not to make it fun and easy to play video games anywhere but instead just another way to hit your wallet before the inevitable upgrade that will probably come out next year with the goal of getting you to buy everything all again.

New Michael Jackson Single - A new single from the now dead King of Pop called "This Is It" was released Monday with back-ups by his brother (so guess informal Jackson 5 reunion?). The goal is to seem like homage but really it’s a way to siphon money into his family member’s pockets and drive ticket sales for the upcoming movie. On the bright side, while the song is nothing special, it does indicate that Jackson was moving away from his constant hiccupping through songs tendencies.

White House's Anita Dunn on Faux News - Below is an interesting video of an interview between Dunn and CNN's Howard Kurtz who seemed at a loss on how to handle blunt honesty since it’s not really something that comes up very often on his program. She basically calls out Fox News for being “a part of the Republican Party. Take their talking points, put them on the air. Take their opposition research, put them on the air, and that’s fine. But let’s not pretend they’re a news network they way CNN is." The Fox response (but not denial) that "the average news consumer can certainly distinguish between the A-section of the newspaper and the editorial page which is what our programming represents." They can because newspapers make the distinguishing with big letters and are very clear about it. Fox News doesn't make the distinction clear as it’s really difficult to find even an hour that isn't peppered heavily with "editorial" content. Also, people are not the bright. You listen to Fox News and the "facts" they cite, they don't come from the "A-section" of Fox, they come from the "editorial" section. You don't see that happen anywhere except with Fox News viewers and that’s because for Fox the "A-section" and the "Editorial section" are one and the same.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Links of the Day

Lego Zombie Apocafest 2009 - Clink the link for pictures of the Lego Zombie invasion of a Lego City. Of note is the invaded Carnival, troops getting trucked in and various attempts at defense as the Zombies march to consume some brains. The display is part of BrickCon, a Lego convention.

Nicole Eggert Back in Baywatch - The star of Charles in Charge, Baywatch and childhood crush of many in the 80s, has grown up and to me remains gorgeous. Apparently to others that is not the case as this amusing video with the actress shows.

New 2012 Trailer - Click the link for a new trailer for the disaster movie that is coming out in late November. The movie clearly follows the formula of friends/family attempting to survive a disaster. All I care about is the CGI effects where things get destroyed in spectacular fashion. Overall, it’s shaping up to be a visual interesting (but probably plot and character empty) movie that makes for perfect escapism.

Fall TV Update - The Fall TV season is not even a month old but already some signs of who will live and who will die is starting to become clear. In the survival department is Glee, The Cleveland Show, NCIS: LA, Good Wife, Modern Family, and Cougar Town which all now have full season orders. On the cancellation fence is Hank, The Middle, and Community. In great danger is Eastwick, Brothers, Accidently on Purpose, The Forgotten and Melrose Place (which will probably stick around to see if Heather Locklear can save the day again).

An Actual Democrat with Balls - 8th District Democrat Rep. Alan Grayson is shaping up to being the ideal Democrat that American's want but can't seem to find as he shows some actual fire and spine as he chastises his fellow Democrats for bending over backwards to accommodate Republicans who have shown repeatedly they are not receptive to those efforts. He also takes Republicans to task for their clear view that corporate America is their one and only concern and not the welfare of the American people. While his speech likely fell on deaf ears, it is something worth listening too.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Links of the Day

Final Fantasy on the Wii - The video game that launched the most popular RPG franchise in history has now hit the Wii in its original form when first released in 1990. For the price of $5 you can now enjoy a piece of video game history in the battle of good and evil. I recently checked my original cartridge of this game and amazingly enough the battery still functioned and had the save from the last time I played the game nearly 20 years ago.

Gourmet Magazine Ceases - As a sign of the coming death of print, the 70 year old magazine will cease production by the end of the year. The final issue is expected to be the November issue. This and three other titles are being shut down resulting in loss jobs for 180 people.

Model of New Media - As the above showed, old style media may be dying but in its place is "new media" which allows for niche programming that can be directed at a passionate few rather than the masses with only vague interest. The ultimate and really first example of this is the TWIT network started in 2005 by Leo Laporte which is now has a revenue of $1.5 million a year. For mass media standards that is paltry, but for a small business owner with seven employees and hundreds of thousands of viewers that is the very definition of success. I know it’s something I would love to achieve with my small network of blogs. Any case, click the link above to view a video presentation from Leo as he discusses his career and the successful network of podcasts that he started.

The Golden Age of Video - Fantastic mash-up that uses scenes and lines from movies and TV to create a pretty slick music video.

Reward Program Costs Breakdown - Click the link for a chart that brings down just what a colossal waste of your money reward programs are. It you pay a fee for it, you are wasting your money. If you make purchasing decisions with an award program in mind you are really wasting your money. What the chart essentially tells you is feel free to take advantage but arm yourself with the program limitations and do not allow those programs to influence your decisions.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Links of the Day

Letterman Thwarts Blackmailer - The problem with blackmailing is it assumes the target isn't going to call your bluff...but at the end of the day they have no choice as blackmailers don't just go away when they get what they want. So the net result is your damned if you do, damned if you don't so you might as well reveal all and nail someone for breaking the law along the way which is exactly what David Letterman did with his confession on his Thursday show and grand jury testimony. My only thought is why Dave would settle for ok looking co-worker tale when there is probably a good number of Hollywood scarlet who would have happily thrown themselves at his feet.

Watch CBS News Videos Online

POV of Avalanche and Rescue - I don't know much about skiing but apparently this skier in the below video made a few errors that resulted in him being buried and then rescued from an avalanche and all in just 9 minutes. The footage is dramatic, a touch scary and reminds you to just be careful because Mother Nature can easily kick your rear.

Avalanche Skier POV Helmet Cam Burial & Rescue in Haines, Alaska from Chappy on Vimeo.

Mythbusters New Season - At the link is an article that talks about some of the new myths that will be explored in the new season of Mythbusters that finally starts next Wednesday. Some of the ideas come from Twitter, YouTube and more. Can't wait.

Final Fantasy XIII Trailer (In English) - The trailer for the upcoming game now has English voices that allows you to understand what is said but still leaves me completely in the dark on what the game is about. Safe to say its good guys versus bad guys for the fate of the world.

Lego Indiana Jones 2 - Maybe it’s just me, but this trailer for the sequel to the first Lego Indiana Jones game seems more like a remake. Still looks fun but it seems if you already own the first one, buying the second may not be necessary.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Links of the Day

JL: Crisis on Two Earths Preview - A look at the next animated movie from DC that is the Justice League vs. the evil Justice League (Crime Syndicate). Overall, shows lots of potential.

Saturn Officially Dead - Despite best efforts to keep it going with a potential deal with Penske Automotive Group, Saturn is going to cease as a brand by end of 2010 as part of GM's reorganization. There are 350 dealers that likely will have to close their door and no telling how many jobs will be lost.

PS3 Slim Laptop - From modder extraordinaire Ben Heckendorn comes his latest creation. The device is essentially the PS3 slim jammed into a Dell laptop chassis and the result is pretty cool.

California Valets Breaking the Law - An interesting report from an LA station that shows the lengths valet companies go to get their overpriced buck for parking cars. The main point is if the companies are doing this in LA, chances are they are doing it elsewhere so its behavior to be aware of, especially if you valet a lot. Personally, a sign of a restaurant probably not worth going to (high price, small portions, and crap service) is ones that have valets.

PSP Go Games Cost More - If you need another reason to not by a PSP Go, here is another. It turns out that buying the exact same game for the PSP costs more than it does on the iPhone and often with crippled features like online and multi-player options being removed. The net result is until Sony decides to price competitively and does something transferring UMD owned titles to the Go; there is no solid reason to pay the high price of the Go.

$1 Million Batmobile Replica - For those with too much money, here is a 700 horsepower Batmobile built over a 1973 Lincoln Continental that is loaded with gadgets including a plasma TV, rearview cameras and more.