This weeks linkfest includes a goodbye to a great children's author, Emmy nomininations, cool Lego builds, launch of 135 shuttles, Oz trailer and a dig at the usual GOP hypocrisy.
R.I.P. Donald SobolDonald J. Sobol, the author and creator of the Encyclopedia Brown children's books, died at the age of 87 around July 11th. He wrote more than 80 books with 29 of them Encyclopedia Brown books from 1963 with the final book called "Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Soccer Scheme" coming out in October. I remember reading his books as a child, always trying to find a new one that I had not read before at the library. His books are the reason I developed a
love of reading. A love that continues despite the mini-war my English teachers had waged on it. I think it’s time I do some catching up on those stories, just to see what mysteries I have missed. Thank your Mr. Sobol for teaching me to love reading.
2012 Emmy Nominations AnnouncedHit the link to see what favorite TV shows were nominated for the 2012 Emmy Awards. The winners will be announced on September 23, 2012. Few surprises in the list with the safe choices (those who offend least) occupying most of the categories. A few surprises include Lena Dunham for Girls (decent choice), Veep (really? not that funny a show), Don Cheadle (could do the role in his sleep), Kathy Bates (really? not enough to fill the category?), Ashley Judd (more proof that "movie stars slumming it" always get Emmy love even when not deserved) and lots of love to Sherlock (sweet). Sadly that mostly awful American Horror Story was also given lots of nominations. While a fan of the lovely Connie Britton, it doesn't deserve to win a single category. I am sure there are lots of snubs but except for Fringe, I can't think of any I care about.