Monday, December 30, 2013
Best News Bloopers of 2013
A little year end funny with a bunch of news bloopers from the year edited together in two parts. Technically NSFW due to language and sexual references.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Working Life-Size Lego Car
As the below video does show that using a whole lot of ingenuity, 500,000+ Lego, and air Steve Sammartino and Raul Oaida were able to build a car that is drivable and does move forward while powered only by air. Everything about the car is Lego including the engine with its 256 pistons and is capable of a speed of 20 - 30kpm (12.5-18.5 mph). (via i09)
Friday, December 06, 2013
Disney Buys Rights to New Indiana Jones Films
Today Walt Disney Studios and Paramount Pictures have announced a new agreement regarding the Indiana Jones franchise. While buying Lucasfilm gave Star Wars to Disney, the deal did not come with Indiana Jones as Paramount owned the rights to the character and movies. Under the new agreement, Disney will have the rights to make, market and distribute new films using the Jones-verse while Paramount will retain distribution rights to the first four films and get a cut of the future films. Disney did not announce a new film is in the works but if Star Wars is any indication they are working on that as they will want to recoup whatever the unannounced cost of the rights transfer as soon as possible.
Thursday, December 05, 2013
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Trailer #1
The first trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has been released and it is looking pretty good. The movie, coming May 2014, has Electro (Jamie Foxx) as the main big bad but clearly there is more to the movie with teases of the Rhino, a sick Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn with what appears to be glimpses of Doc Octopus's mechanical arms and the Vultures wings. Probably one of the Osborn's will become the Green Goblin but unknown if that alter ego is in the movie. The suggestion could be the film at least introduces the "Sinister Six."
In the comics that is the name of six Spider-Man villains joining together to defeat Spider-Man, a kind of anti-Avengers team to stop one hero. The idea could be awesome if handled well but as Spider-Man 3 proved, too many bad guys can be a bad thing, especially if forced to spend a good chunk of the movie providing the big bads origin, spending enough time to get the audience to love or hate him and usual story needs. Seems a proper use of the Sinister Six would need to be saved for The Amazing Spider-Man 4 or 5 so that each of the six can get all that done in the previous installments. Again The Avengers formula of using other movies to do the character introductions, origin etc. so that the team movie can just focus on the main story. In this case, assuming The Lizard is one of the six, after the sequel you may or may not have the introductions for Lizard, Green Goblin, Rhino and Electro. That leaves Six mainstay Doc Oct and I guess the Vulture (personally I would swap out Lizard and introduce Mysterio). Any case that is a lot of character origin stuff to juggle unless use three and maybe four to introduce the new characters with the fifth as a kind of grand finale six vs one fight. All that speculation is years away from being proven true or false so instead just enjoy the trailer below. The second video is commentary from the core cast and director for the trailer that is more informative then would expect.
In the comics that is the name of six Spider-Man villains joining together to defeat Spider-Man, a kind of anti-Avengers team to stop one hero. The idea could be awesome if handled well but as Spider-Man 3 proved, too many bad guys can be a bad thing, especially if forced to spend a good chunk of the movie providing the big bads origin, spending enough time to get the audience to love or hate him and usual story needs. Seems a proper use of the Sinister Six would need to be saved for The Amazing Spider-Man 4 or 5 so that each of the six can get all that done in the previous installments. Again The Avengers formula of using other movies to do the character introductions, origin etc. so that the team movie can just focus on the main story. In this case, assuming The Lizard is one of the six, after the sequel you may or may not have the introductions for Lizard, Green Goblin, Rhino and Electro. That leaves Six mainstay Doc Oct and I guess the Vulture (personally I would swap out Lizard and introduce Mysterio). Any case that is a lot of character origin stuff to juggle unless use three and maybe four to introduce the new characters with the fifth as a kind of grand finale six vs one fight. All that speculation is years away from being proven true or false so instead just enjoy the trailer below. The second video is commentary from the core cast and director for the trailer that is more informative then would expect.
Wednesday, December 04, 2013
Beautiful Time-lapse Compilations from the ISS
Take a few minutes and enjoy the grandeur of Earth from the International Space Station in the two compilation videos edited by David Peterson using footage from ISS Astronauts including Don Pettit. (via i09)
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Man of Steel Honest Trailer, Everything Wrong with Pacific Rim
While I really loved Pacific Rim and Man of Steel, buying both Blu-ray versions on day of release I am more then willing to admit that both movies have flaws. Flaws that the Honest Trailer and Everything Wrong series is happy to use to amusing effect.
Monday, November 04, 2013
Outstanding Lego Arkham Asylum
Lego Masterbuilder Thorsten Bonsch has built an amazing Lego version of Arkham Asylum from the Batman comic books. The large structure doesn't appear to be based on any one version of the Asylum but Bonsch view of how it might look with inspiration from HP Lovecraft. Just as amazing is he created an 82 "making of book" that explains exactly how the built the huge structure. To view his gallery, hit his flickr account and download his making of book (.pdf) here. (via Brothers Brick)
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Apple's October Event Introduces iPad Air
Tuesday Apple introduced the next iteration of their iPad, iPad mini, Macbook Pro and Mac Pro. As expected, most changes will not particularly big, just small hardware improvements that only graphic intensive gamers will enjoy. For the iPad, its gets another new name called the iPad Air to highlight that its now at just a pound in weight while the iPad mini enjoys a solid boost with Retina Display but its comes with a $70 increase in price tag. In addition to the hardware tweaks iOS X update, called Mavericks, is free along with new hardware buyers able to get most of Apple's suite of programs for free (iLife, iWorks, etc.). Currently the release date is November 1st for the iPad and later in the month for the mini.
iPad Air
- 20% thinner at 7.5mm, 1 pound in weight, screen resolution and battery life same as previous gen.
- Cameras same but now front camera can shoot at 1080p instead of previous 720p
- Contains the A7 chip, same as iPhone 5s with its 64-bit architecture
- Smart cases now cover entire iPad, not just screen but now at double the price for $80.
- Price: $499 ($16GB), $599 (32GB), $699 (64GB), $799 (128GB) and add $130 for mobile equivalent
- Comparison
- Hands-on: Engadget | Verge | Gizmodo
iPad Air
- 20% thinner at 7.5mm, 1 pound in weight, screen resolution and battery life same as previous gen.
- Cameras same but now front camera can shoot at 1080p instead of previous 720p
- Contains the A7 chip, same as iPhone 5s with its 64-bit architecture
- Smart cases now cover entire iPad, not just screen but now at double the price for $80.
- Price: $499 ($16GB), $599 (32GB), $699 (64GB), $799 (128GB) and add $130 for mobile equivalent
- Comparison
- Hands-on: Engadget | Verge | Gizmodo
Friday, October 18, 2013
$24 Billion Lost
The cost of the government shutdown that last 16 days to the United States economy was $24 billion. $24 billion, with a B. Remember that number the next time Republicans talk about fiscal responsibility.
$24 billion, to gain nothing in return. $24 billion to accomplish nothing except look like fools and please their Tea Party morons, the same morons that later complained when government services were not available when they wanted them, even though their leaders were doing exactly what they wanted. $24 billion which could have paid for a host of programs, helped a host of people, that painfully proves that government is needed.
While I hope that Republicans look at this and decide that maybe their goal should be to improve government. To fix what is broke, to always improve what is already working, and to cut the fat where clearly it needs to be cut. Sadly, the Republican party lives to break that which works and make worse those things that need to be improved. Sadly, the Republican party believes a hammer is always the solution when a scalpel is needed. Sadly the Republican party is nothing but fools that seem to be determined to destroy the United States just so they can claim a empty victory. The Tea Party is a cancer on American but before they rot away hopefully they will take the Republican party with them. The conservative movement has consistently been on the wrong side of history and sadly it looks like that will remain true.
$24 billion, lost for nothing.
$24 billion, to gain nothing in return. $24 billion to accomplish nothing except look like fools and please their Tea Party morons, the same morons that later complained when government services were not available when they wanted them, even though their leaders were doing exactly what they wanted. $24 billion which could have paid for a host of programs, helped a host of people, that painfully proves that government is needed.
While I hope that Republicans look at this and decide that maybe their goal should be to improve government. To fix what is broke, to always improve what is already working, and to cut the fat where clearly it needs to be cut. Sadly, the Republican party lives to break that which works and make worse those things that need to be improved. Sadly, the Republican party believes a hammer is always the solution when a scalpel is needed. Sadly the Republican party is nothing but fools that seem to be determined to destroy the United States just so they can claim a empty victory. The Tea Party is a cancer on American but before they rot away hopefully they will take the Republican party with them. The conservative movement has consistently been on the wrong side of history and sadly it looks like that will remain true.
$24 billion, lost for nothing.
Wednesday, October 02, 2013
RIP Tom Clancy
Sadly one of my favorite writers Tom Clancy died today at the age of 66. He was most known for the creation of the Jack Ryan character that was the star of a bunch of his books from the mid-80s to today with five movies created based on the character. I have been reading his books since I was in Jr High with some of my favorite books being Red Storm Rising, The Sum of All Fears and Executive Orders. I have long looked forward to each new novel, reading through them in just days. I recommend reading any you can get hold of with a special focus on the Jack Ryan series. While his post 2001 politics often mucked up the books, they were still entertaining reads. His last Jack Ryan novel, Command Authority, will be out at the end of the year. While my mini write-up is frankly crap, I do recommend reading AV Club's look back at this fantastic writer an enduring character that will soon be as well know as Jason Bourne and James Bond. Thanks you John Clancy for the great childhood reads that carried on into adult. Your creativity will be missed.
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
Republicans Successfully Shut Down US Government
After threatening it for every law, every month, for years, the GOP has finally successfully shutdown the US government. The last time they did this was 17 years under the leadership of Newt Gingrich. This time they are doing it under the pseudo-leadership of Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz. The cause, of course, is Obamacare. Basically this is a hail mary pass to try and end the law that Republicans have been running against for the last four years while offering absolutely nothing as an alternative. Literally. It has been asked on their solutions, their answer on how they would improve health insurance is to improve health insurance. I wish I was exaggerating. That answer isn't a plan. It isn't even a good sound byte. So due to their lack of a concrete plan they have failed to get the support they needed to repeal Obamacare. Now they are hoping to use a shutdown to get the same result. Its kind of the political equivalent of throwing a temper tantrum.
Now to be fair, for once the GOP isn't marching into lockstep over a cliff. It turns out that the "suicide caucus" of 80 House Republicans, representing only 18% of the US population, are leading this charge. Sadly this isn't a situation the framers of the Constitution were prepared for. Who would think that the minority party would devolve into a bunch of children? Can you imagine the outrage the GOP and their followers would have had if the Democrats had even suggested such actions under George Bush? Yet because their team is doing it, suddenly its ok. The Daily Show kind of summarizes my disgust and view on this whole thing.
Sadly those making these decisions are mostly removed from the consequences of it. After all, the average income of Ted Cruz and his ilk is measured in millions. Just a quick reminder, all members of Congress are part of the 1%. The government shutdown impacts the other 99%. For them its no biggie if millions of Americans are suddenly not getting paid, if basic functions that serve people, kids, families and businesses are not getting done. As long as they get what they want, screw the rest of us. Republicans believe in survival of the richest, I just wish the rest of America would wake up (and be less stupid) and realize this belief isn't how you lead a country. I wish they would then vote accordingly and wipe the actual danger that is the GOP out of public office, or at the very least get rid of the 20% far right crazy that is currently driving the series of bad decisions that is harming all of us.
Now to be fair, for once the GOP isn't marching into lockstep over a cliff. It turns out that the "suicide caucus" of 80 House Republicans, representing only 18% of the US population, are leading this charge. Sadly this isn't a situation the framers of the Constitution were prepared for. Who would think that the minority party would devolve into a bunch of children? Can you imagine the outrage the GOP and their followers would have had if the Democrats had even suggested such actions under George Bush? Yet because their team is doing it, suddenly its ok. The Daily Show kind of summarizes my disgust and view on this whole thing.
Sadly those making these decisions are mostly removed from the consequences of it. After all, the average income of Ted Cruz and his ilk is measured in millions. Just a quick reminder, all members of Congress are part of the 1%. The government shutdown impacts the other 99%. For them its no biggie if millions of Americans are suddenly not getting paid, if basic functions that serve people, kids, families and businesses are not getting done. As long as they get what they want, screw the rest of us. Republicans believe in survival of the richest, I just wish the rest of America would wake up (and be less stupid) and realize this belief isn't how you lead a country. I wish they would then vote accordingly and wipe the actual danger that is the GOP out of public office, or at the very least get rid of the 20% far right crazy that is currently driving the series of bad decisions that is harming all of us.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
The Story of Metroid
Kotoku has posted a two part article that any Metroid fan will enjoy reading. For those that are not familiar, Metroid is the name of the video game franchise from Nintendo that follows the adventures of Samun Aran who was basically the first major female hero in video games. In the last 25 or so years, only about 8 games have been released for the franchise that have expanded on the universe. As is often the case with Nintendo franchises, there is a continuity to it even if playing the games may not make that entirely clear (like the Zelda series). This confusion gets worse as so much time passes between games that its hard to create the mental continuity of that universe. At the links below is now the unofficial chronological story of the Metroid universe based on the games that finally provides coherence. Even if its not technically official, the details are rich enough to be able to map the entire series events. It sounds dry but its not as it reads like a short story with lots a fantastic fan art on each "page".
Part 1 | Part 2
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
New iPhones 5c and 5s Announced

Friday, September 06, 2013
Everything Wrong with The Riddick Movies
In time for Riddick, hitting theaters today, Cinema Sins has posted their "Everything Wrong With" take on the previous two movies - Pitch Black and The Chronicles of Riddick. As usually the observations are amusing and spot on but in this case I don't mind the multitude of mistakes as enjoyed both films.
Wednesday, September 04, 2013
Iron Man 3 Honest Trailer
I was considering ranting about Syria, but honestly with how politics work (aka governed by corporate dollars), its inevitable. A dance will be done but the US will bomb and invade at some point because the military industrial complex will want the extra few billion in revenue for doing it. So instead of focusing on that noise, lets just enjoy ourselves with some humor. In this case with the latest Honest Trailer from Screen Junkies that makes fun of Iron Man 3. In addition, the voice in the "Honest Trailers" series narrates what random people are doing in movie trailer speak.
Tuesday, August 06, 2013
San Diego Comic Con 2013 Panel Links
About two weeks ago, the movie, TV and comic book world converged at San Diego Comic-Con 2013. Held from July 18-21, 2013, the con has essentially been taken over by Hollywood to promote upcoming movies, reveal a few tidbits of news (mostly movie titles), and talk about the next season of TV shows. The comics and toys still get their time but usually not nearly the same volume of press attention. Any case this year was chock full of panels. In the past I tried to link to all of them but frankly the effort vs read count is way to low to put that kind of effort in so instead I am linking to a bunch of YouTube channels I used to watch many of the panels that interested me. Check them out, might find some great stuff like Joss Whedon's panel, Marvel movie panel and bunch more.
3HeadMonkey | ArchiveTaxi | BeccComic-ConBuzz | Cody Austin Deal | Cosmic Book News | 11&PondFan | ENI | Kelly Walker | | Hit Fix | How I Met Your Mother | MagicInTheNumbers | The Pixel Dan Channel | Liz Mason | Misfits of SciFi | Paopukkiten | Priscilla Spencer | ProfessorFarnsworth | RabidMovieFan | Geek Legacy | SDCC Unofficial Blog | Sean Long | TB Fan Source | Comic-Con Redux | ThinkHeroPro | The Young Folks | Padma Bella | Nerd HQ
Thursday, July 04, 2013
Lego Steampunk Castle and World Trade Center

Thursday, June 27, 2013
Supreme Court Upholds Gay Marriage
Today the Supreme Court of the United States did something surprising. In a 5-4 decision, they ruled that the 1996's The Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional. The law prevented the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages even when legalized in states. While most anti-gay focus on the "married" part, the law has repercussions that extend into taxes, death benefits, health care coverage and host of other legal issues that other marriages simply did not have to worry about. In essence the ruling is saying the federal government is not allowed to discriminate based on sexual preference. The case regarding gay marriage is ultimately about a founding and constant principle of this country - equality for all.
The ruling occurred because of an unexpected jumping of sides from Justice Anthony Kennedy, who while Republican, tends to go back and forth across the political dividing line, wrote the majority decision. In other words he behaves like a Justice should and makes me wish the other 8 were just as unpredictable as he tends to be.
The ruling occurred because of an unexpected jumping of sides from Justice Anthony Kennedy, who while Republican, tends to go back and forth across the political dividing line, wrote the majority decision. In other words he behaves like a Justice should and makes me wish the other 8 were just as unpredictable as he tends to be.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
XBox 180's On DRM
In a blog post Microsoft has reversed course on their universally disliked DRM policy and declared that how things work now on the XBox 360 will carry over to the XBox One. Before the reversal, the policy was that publishers would have absolute control on your ability to loan out games, sell games or buy them used. Even if the publishers allowed you to sell them, they would also have final say on what retailers you could sell too. In other words the days of trading games with friends, giving them away or just making a few quick bucks when done with them would be over. Now some fans would say that it would not be that bad but the reality is if publishers could do it, they would make the used game market illegal. They have zero interest in encouraging it and would have used Microsoft's technical solutions to try and prevent it. On top of that they had a 24 hour check in to homebase to verify your copy of the game was legit. If could not check in, then your system became an attractive piece of furniture until it could.
The result of this decision resulted in a pretty consistent buttwhupping by the gaming press and fans with many wondering if MS knew what they were even doing anymore. This was followed by a so-so E3 Press Conference that showed off the XBox's traditional bread and butter of shoot em ups and sports game that pretty much everyone ignored in light of their DRM policy. The final nail in the coffin is when Sony used their own press conference to use that DRM policy against them while also beating them on price. The resulting consensus is if going to buy a next gen system, skip the XBox One.
The result of this decision resulted in a pretty consistent buttwhupping by the gaming press and fans with many wondering if MS knew what they were even doing anymore. This was followed by a so-so E3 Press Conference that showed off the XBox's traditional bread and butter of shoot em ups and sports game that pretty much everyone ignored in light of their DRM policy. The final nail in the coffin is when Sony used their own press conference to use that DRM policy against them while also beating them on price. The resulting consensus is if going to buy a next gen system, skip the XBox One.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Nintendo E3 2013 Press Conference
Tuesday was Nintendo's turn to show off their slate of planned releases for the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. To no surprise Nintendo has thrown in the towel on 2013 and conceded the year to the new consoles 6 months before they come out. Instead their focus seems to be on 2014 where they do seem to have a solid slate of new games but most will not be out until late summer or Holidays 2014.
The only big game for 2013 for the Wii U isn't even vaguely original but a remake of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. A fine game but its intentional cartoon design means that graphically the only real change will be smoother animation and widescreen but not a real dramatic improvement that makes it worthwhile to buy the system or buy the game all over again for $60. However, 2014's slate includes some pretty good looking games starring a slate of Nintendo classics. Games include Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze, Super Smash Bros (which does something useful with classic MegaMan since Capcom is unable), and Bayonetta 2.
The Wii U eShop will also get a bunch of smaller games exclusive to them that have a lot of varied game play. A trailer for those games is here.
The only big game for 2013 for the Wii U isn't even vaguely original but a remake of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. A fine game but its intentional cartoon design means that graphically the only real change will be smoother animation and widescreen but not a real dramatic improvement that makes it worthwhile to buy the system or buy the game all over again for $60. However, 2014's slate includes some pretty good looking games starring a slate of Nintendo classics. Games include Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze, Super Smash Bros (which does something useful with classic MegaMan since Capcom is unable), and Bayonetta 2.
The Wii U eShop will also get a bunch of smaller games exclusive to them that have a lot of varied game play. A trailer for those games is here.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
E3 2013 Microsoft, Sony Press Conferences

Monday, June 10, 2013
Apple's WWDC 2013 Introduces iOS 7

iOS 7
Friday, June 07, 2013
The Government Is Really Spying On You
After 2001, at the behest of the President George Bush, Congress passed a bunch of laws that were designed to find terrorists by any means necessary including spying on phone calls, email and internet activity, often with little or no oversight. While vocally Congress talked about how these immense powers would never be abused, it would never be used to spy on Americans and other noises of "trust me!". Of course since them we have learned that Americans have been spied on from the very beginning and that FBI and other agencies would use their powers not so much to stop terrorists but as fishing exhibitions against whoever they were targeting for whatever reason. Long story short, people were given power and they abused it. The old adage about power made real. Yet despite know people will abuse the power they are giving, we still act amazed when we discover it is happening.
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
Everything Wrong With Superman Returns
Next week finally brings a new Superman film to theaters with The Man of Steel. So CinemaSins decided to release Everything Wrong With Superman Returns in 6 Minutes or Less. The film, released back in 2006, was a bit of a critical debacle. Which is actually a shame because Brandon Routh actually did a good job in the role of Superman/Clark Kent as did most of the cast (except Kate Bosworth who excelled at looking good but not making a good Lois Lane). Sadly the problem was the story and the inconsistent rules of the story when it came to Kryptonite. The choice to essentially retell the first Superman movie while lathering on the homage in boring ways was just to much for the actors to overcome. A little homage is great but when go so far as to lift the entire story and retell it again, it can be a bit much. Also, no kids. Really, thats just plain dumb.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters Trailer #2
Below is the latest trailer for Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters which is a sequel to Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. The books are a fun read and I like the first film (does hurt that Alexandra Daddario is gorgeous) so I plan on checking it out.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
How Iron Man 3 Should Have Ended
An amusing take on some of the story ideas from Iron Man 3. I especially like the idea of the super powered Pepper Potts replacing Stark on The Avengers.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Lifesize Lego Star Wars X-Wing

Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Xbox One Announced

- 8-core Jaguar x86-64bit AMD CPU, DirectX 11.1 graphics
- 8GB DDR3 RAM (think old was 512MB)
- 500GB HDD (old started at 4GB and went up), not swappable but external storage supported
- Blu-ray drive (old system was HD-DVD)
- 3.0 USB, 3 802.11N antennas
- HDMI 1.4 passthrough (so HDMI in from cable box, out to TV)
- 1080p and 4k video, 7.1 surround sound
The Wolverine Trailer #2
A new trailer for The Wolverine, coming out on July 26th. If the lovely woman in the beginning looks familiar, that is Famke Janssen as Jean Gray, the character that died in X-Men 3 and Logan loved. As for the movie itself, I have to admit, can't say I am excited about it. It looks like it might be good but for me the block comes from the comics. I never liked the "Samurai" Wolverine stories that took place in Japan. They all were variations of the same "I must restore my honor!" while killing a bajillion ninjas. Still such a story on paper gets boring over and over but done will on the big screen can be an enjoyable action film. I will likely be there opening weekend regardless of my reservations.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Pacific Rim Theatrical Trailer
This is probably one of the films I am most looking forward to this summer. The scale and scope just makes it seem like it will be a really fun film. Because of the scope, I am giving serious consideration to seeing it in IMAX as might be one of the few films worthy of that extra large size.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Man of Steel Trailer #3
Below is the latest Man of Steel trailer. I am a comic book nerd but have to admit I can't get excited about this film. Part of it is little confidence in Warner Bros to get it right (to many executive cooks in the kitchen interfering) and part of it has to do with the trailer itself which just makes the film seem depressing and boring. This isn't to say I will not see the film, its just not achieving that level of excitement where I am ready to pre-order tickets for a 12:01a showing. Instead I will simply watch it whenever I get around to it.
Friday, April 05, 2013
Linkfest - RIP Roger Ebert

R.I.P. Roger Ebert (6/18/1942-4/4/2013)
Today the entertainment industry lost a legend in the form of long time movie critic Roger Ebert. The 45 year veteran of the Chicago Sun-Times didn't have an opinion he wasn't willing to share (about all forms of entertainment), died today from cancer. To say Ebert loved the movies would be an understatement. Probably not words in the dictionary that can describe that love. Even when he hated the movie, I suspect he loved that it existed and added a little bit to the collected culture even if seen by few. Ebert, the other half of Siskel &, rose to fame starting with his review television show in 1975 that eventually morphed into "At the Movies" with its famous thumbs up or thumbs down reviews. Even after losing his lower jaw in 2006 to cancer, the critic continued to share his opinions about all forms of entertainment. Well except video games which he didn't consider art to the consternation of video games fans worldwide. That his opinion on the subject matter shows that even the current generation of kids knew who he was and cared what he thought. There really doesn't exist a critic today of his caliber and fame and in this age of dispersed entertainment, I doubt there will be one again. While Ebert probably didn't influence many of our entertainment choices, I suspect his influence on Hollywood was quite large. So by relation, the impact of Ebert on our day to day entertainment choices will likely never be known. Condolences to his family, I suspect he will be watching from on high, watching ever movie that comes out from now until the end of time.
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Playstation 4 Announced

- custom 8 core x86-64 AMD Jaguar CPU with 1.84 TFLOPS AMD Radeon graphics engine (current gen is at 1.76 TFLOPS)
- 8GB GDDR5 RAM (for comparison the PS3 has 512mb so a 16x increase in RAM)
- Build-in hard drive (sizes not announces)
- 6x Blu-ray/8x DVD drive
- USB 3.0 ports (number not specificed)
- Ethernet, b/g/n Wi-fi and Bluetooth 2.1 (essentially same as PS3)
- HDMI, analog AV-out, and optical S/PDIF audio output (so essentially same as PS3)
- DualShock 4 controller with touchpad, gyroscope, accelerometer, vibration, lightbar with 3 LED lights, mono speaker, micro USB port, headset port, battery
- Playstation 4 Eye with two 1280x800 camera, 85 degree field of view
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Linkfest - Goodbye Arcades and the PS2
For once a linkfest without politics. Mostly because just don't feel like talking about it since the year has opened with more of the same. If had hope that Senator Reid would grow a pair and alter the filibuster rules to return to the more transparent "Mr. Smith" style that Republicans eliminated in 1971 (I think) then might be more involved but I suspect this year will end up looking like last year. In any event, below is a look at the Superman S-shield, goodbye to the PS2, death of the arcade, data caps sucking, behind the scenes of the Avengers and Red 2 trailer.
120 Superman S-Shields from 75 Years
An interesting infographic that shows off the Superman shield from every year including the variations that would pop up from year to year and in movies and cartoons. Of note is while the shield mostly remained static for 60+ years, the last 10 years brought about the most constant change in design which makes since only because DC is constantly engaging in gimmicks to maintain their audience. As for the picture to the left, those represent the highlights of the 120.
120 Superman S-Shields from 75 Years
An interesting infographic that shows off the Superman shield from every year including the variations that would pop up from year to year and in movies and cartoons. Of note is while the shield mostly remained static for 60+ years, the last 10 years brought about the most constant change in design which makes since only because DC is constantly engaging in gimmicks to maintain their audience. As for the picture to the left, those represent the highlights of the 120.
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