Tuesday, August 06, 2013

San Diego Comic Con 2013 Panel Links

About two weeks ago, the movie, TV and comic book world converged at San Diego Comic-Con 2013. Held from July 18-21, 2013, the con has essentially been taken over by Hollywood to promote upcoming movies, reveal a few tidbits of news (mostly movie titles), and talk about the next season of TV shows. The comics and toys still get their time but usually not nearly the same volume of press attention. Any case this year was chock full of panels. In the past I tried to link to all of them but frankly the effort vs read count is way to low to put that kind of effort in so instead I am linking to a bunch of YouTube channels I used to watch many of the panels that interested me. Check them out, might find some great stuff like Joss Whedon's panel, Marvel movie panel and bunch more.

3HeadMonkey | ArchiveTaxi | BeccComic-ConBuzz | Cody Austin Deal | Cosmic Book News | 11&PondFan | ENI | Kelly Walker | GeekTryant.tv | Hit Fix | How I Met Your Mother | MagicInTheNumbers | The Pixel Dan Channel | Liz Mason | Misfits of SciFi | Paopukkiten | Priscilla Spencer | ProfessorFarnsworth | RabidMovieFan | Geek Legacy | SDCC Unofficial Blog | Sean Long | TB Fan Source | Comic-Con Redux | ThinkHeroPro | The Young Folks | Padma Bella | Nerd HQ