"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Wacko Jacko Trial

Am I the only one that doesn't really give a crap about all these celebrity trials such as Wacko Jacko trial? Just because a celebrity did it, why does a crime get more attention then those committed everyday? Let's face it, pedophilia occurs daily. Shouldn't that get a full press coverage? Wouldn't that probably even help reduce occurance of the crime if the pedophile has to work about Wacko level coverage?

What about the Robert Blake trial? He may or may not have murdered a woman. That to sadly happens all the time. Again why does the press not give it the attention it deserves.

Or the king of all to much attention, the Peterson Trial. Why does the killing of a black woman get this level of attention? What about a poor woman? How about a murder that didn't occur in California? It seems almost racist that the only murder trials that get the full court press across the country involve attractive white rich woman in California. It seems if a murder occurs anywhere else, its just a page 10 item. But if its a rich white woman hold the presses!!!
Its a stupid double standard that is exasperated by the public that laps up whatever crap the press is willing to feed them.

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