Steve Jobs did his traditional January Apple promo that gets lots of press as Apple has been riding a hell of a wave of new products that get people interested in hearing about them even if not going to buy them. Started in '01 with the iPod. So, like many, was waiting with baited breath for what new toys that Jobs was going to introduce. What we got was Apple's new laptop and desktop that run on the Intel chip, a new expensive toy for the existing iPods, and some upgrades to existing software. Suffice it to say, a major disappointment. Maybe the next round of product annoucements. If want the specifics, Engadget did an outstanding job covering the event so I am just going to link to them. Starting with their live blogging of the live keynote (heh makes ya giggle thinking about it).
If want to read details about what was introduced...click here as its a nice summary of all the articles Engadget put up about the new stuff. General info:
MacBook Pro - Slimmer design but identical look to the Powerbook, powered by 2 1.67 or 1.83GHz chips with 512 of RAM and lots of bells and whistles. Basically the most powerful laptop you can buy I do believe. Also expensive ($2000 or $2500) as all get out but then most laptops in this range are. Apple where is the cheapy versions for those that want to dip their toe in the Apple world?
Intel iMac - The all in one computer. The monitor and all the stuff that usually resides in a tower is built right into the monitor casing. Fantastic for those with limited office space or those that just like their shit to look good. This one has the Intel 1.83 or 2.0Ghz chip, ATI x1600 graphics processor. 17 or 20 inch displays. Price is $1299 and $1699. For the design type etc, its priced competivily to the Windows based PCs (if can find em). Then again, if how it looks doesn't matter so much, might as well blow the money on a Windows based tower that would be much more powerful and upgradable.
iPod Radio Remote - The only real toy that is iPod related. Just what it sounds like. Its a remote and its a FM reciever. The display is on the current gen Nano and iPod screen with ability to remember stations. Very useful toy, but also very expensive at $50. I am going to wait however as don't really need the remote feature and would prefer some kind of small add on that plugs into the bottom but otherwise interfaces with the iPod the same. I have enough wires and crap to keep up with, I don't need another.
Other stuff was also shown including updates to iLife, iWork, .Mac, and OS X. Since I know next to nothing about those software suites have no comment. Again read up here. Lots of info to be had.
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