"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Monday, February 27, 2006

Georgia says no to FDR day

The Georgia House Special Rules Committe decided to block a bill that would make an FDR day in the state of Georgia. Why Georgia? Well that is the location of Warm Springs, the place FDR vacationed, where he went to heal, and where he died after serving this country and sheperding us through World War II. His accomplishments are unmatched in our history. By most, he is considered our greatest President. So what did he do to not deserve a special day of recognition? He cheated on his wife.

Now this isn't a good thing by any means, but apparently in the eyes of Rep. Calvin Hill, Republican for Canton, that trumps all else. Apparently cheating on your wife can eliminate all good, any accomplishments, and destroys all that goes with your history. Even worse, this decision is based on a "constituent's concern that it doesn't make a good statement." Thats right, he is choosing to block this legislation because one person told him too. Apparently when Canton wasn't paying attention, this person became the voice for all.

Some may ask, is an FDR day even needed? Probably not. But that isn't the point. This bill wasn't blocked because it was unnecessary or redundant or any other logical reason. It was blocked because one person and their idiot of a representative has decided that an act of wrong eradicates an entire history of accomplishment.

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