Bush has expressed his anger over the New York Times story that revealed a program that monitors financial transactions. Of course, like all the previous programs involving spying on others, the claim is its only on suspected terrorists and only on international transactions. As a result, the program is on the legal up and up and no judge or congressman needed to sign off on it or be informed.
Keep in mind that this is the same series of lines fed to the public when the programs on wire tapping and phone call records was being revealed and all was later learned to involved collecting information on American's, their domestic, not international calls, and that the information being collected is actually pretty random since you don't really know for sure who a terrorists is until they reveal themselves. Anyway, history is repeating itself for the third or fourth time these last few years.
Anytime something like this is revealed, the republican army rises as one, writes up their talking points and sends their soldiers out to sway the media and the public. Usually, the democrats, unprepared and incapable, wilter under the onslaught of talking points and other nonsensical "facts". However, it seems at least one democrat spokeperson has tried to learn from previous fiascos.
Bernie Ward finally did something that few do on television today against the grand spinmasters of the republican party - he held his ground, found a question worth answering and demanded an answer. This of course is something that is simply never done anymore by anyone in the media who usually may ask a question but allows the "answer" to be a spinfest of talking points that doesn't really address the question at all.
Chris Baker tried that today when Bernie Ward kept asking "Do you want the government to tell news papers what to do or not?" Its a yes or no question and over and over Chris tried to dodge the question and go into a diatribe about national security and the evil of revealing information. This has nothing to do with the question itself and Bernie Ward kept calling him over and over on it. The end result is Chris lost control of his temper, cut his interview short, and gave Bernie the final word on the issue. Usually something that the republican spinmasters are granted.
Click here for the link and videos of the exchange.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Super Mario Room
Click here for a bunch of pics of someone doing a great job of using their bedroom to pay homage to Super Mario Bros complete with pipes.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Aaron Spelling 4/22/1923 - 6/23/2006

Aaron Spelling, TV producer extradonaire with literally hundreds of shows to his credit, died Friday one week after suffering a stroke. His huge amount of credits include Charmed, Summerland, Charlie's Angels, 7th Heaven, Beverly Hill, 90210, and so many more. He may not have created award winning, critically acclaimed stuff, but he did create entertaining television and will be missed.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Futurama Returns with New Season

The Fox series "Futurama" cancelled back in 2003, has gotten a new lease on life thanks to a 13 episode order from Comedy Central. "There is a deep and passionate fan base for this intelligent and very funny show that matches perfectly with our audience and it is great that we can offer them not just the existing library, but something they've never seen as well," said David Bernath, senior VP, programming, Comedy Central. Doesn't hurt that the repeat airings of Futurama have solid ratings nor does the success Fox has enjoyed with Family Guy.
(source)(pic source)
Apple Macs at Best Buy

Once again Apple computers return to Best Buy store stores, well at least 7 stores. Thanks to the immense success of the iPod and the constant buzz that Apple laptops and desktops have been enjoying for the last or so year, its the time to try it for many.
Thanks to the switch to the Intel chipset, Windows can be installed on a Mac, using the Apple provided program Boot Camp allowing users to enjoy both worlds without needing two computers to do it. That combined with the solid power of the machines and sleek looks, this could finally be the moment that Apple claws itself out of the 5% market share it has had for so many years.
Now might be time to buy that Apple stock if debating it, but be forewarned, the Best Buy experiment was tried before in the pre-iPod days in 1998 and had to be pulled due to slow sales.
Pic from here.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
iTunes trying to expand to movies
iTunes is trying to push its business to the next frontier of entertainment - the movies. Apple CEO Steve Jobs is trying to follow the previous model of a flat rate for all movies at $9.99 a download. The studios, as expected, say no.
They want control of the pricing and want to employ a sliding scale to get the most bang for their buck. Their preference is a $9.99 to $19.99 range for the movies. It seems that when they no longer have to deal with distribution (iTunes does that), extra (what extras on a download), portability and other features one sacrifices to download from online, the studios want to pass those savings straight to their own pockets. I think I will pass.
They want control of the pricing and want to employ a sliding scale to get the most bang for their buck. Their preference is a $9.99 to $19.99 range for the movies. It seems that when they no longer have to deal with distribution (iTunes does that), extra (what extras on a download), portability and other features one sacrifices to download from online, the studios want to pass those savings straight to their own pockets. I think I will pass.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Louisiana Passes Abortion Trigger Law
Louisiana, the state of Katrina and the devastated New Orleans, apparently decided they had more important business to do - pass an abortion bill that bans any abortion except in situations where the mother's life is in danger. So if raped or molested, so sad but the baby is yours!
Oddly, the law is really what is called a trigger law. If the Supreme Court ever overturns Roe vs Wade, this law would more or less go immediately in effect. So if the "trigger" is never pulled, this law never goes into effect. Even stranger, this bill already existed on the books. Its just took longer to go into effect.
The end result is this law is clearly designed to do one thing: pander to the base. As always, the base loves to be pandered to even if a waste of time and effort to duplicate a law that may never be activated. Personally, I would insulted to the manipulations, but the base doesn't worry about such things apparently.
Oddly, the law is really what is called a trigger law. If the Supreme Court ever overturns Roe vs Wade, this law would more or less go immediately in effect. So if the "trigger" is never pulled, this law never goes into effect. Even stranger, this bill already existed on the books. Its just took longer to go into effect.
The end result is this law is clearly designed to do one thing: pander to the base. As always, the base loves to be pandered to even if a waste of time and effort to duplicate a law that may never be activated. Personally, I would insulted to the manipulations, but the base doesn't worry about such things apparently.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
After tax cuts...Comes more spending
The Senate approved a $94.5 billion emergency spending bill today for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and for hurricane Katrina damage. Most of the money, about 70% of it, is going to the Pentagon. This brings the cost of Iraq to $320 billion and $89 billion for Afghanistan. The bill passed 98-1 with Senator Arlen Specter, R-PA, the only dissenting vote.
Spector is pushing to spend money on things like education and health for Americans which is a no-no for the current administration. Its war or bust. The main question that should be asked and isn't, is where is the billions of dollars going? Katrina recover has barely scratched the surface and fraud is rampant. Iraq and Afghanistan, can't see the money there either. The books are poorly kept, the money horribly monitored and I bet if an actually audit is ever done, most of the money isn't even going to where it needs to. Nevermind where the money is even coming from with the multitude of tax cuts.
You already have Haliburton being given carte blanche to so whatever the hell that companies want to to do and they are the main contractors for Katrina, Iraq and Afghanistan, all of which the last three or so emergencies bill have been for. They are also a company that some how seems to have the money to sub contract out the work its doing to companies that then also have the money to sub-sub contract the work out. Its mighty suspicious to me that companies are getting paid so where via their contracts that they don't even have to do t he work to make a profit, they can just get someone else to do it. The American tax payer is basically paying them to be the middleman who just takes their large cut and doesn't do much else.
I guess as long as the words "freedom", "security" and "9/11" continue to get tossed around haphazardly, the public will just eat it up and accept it as normal business (nevermind that if Clinton had done this the republicans would have hung him by his balls).
Spector is pushing to spend money on things like education and health for Americans which is a no-no for the current administration. Its war or bust. The main question that should be asked and isn't, is where is the billions of dollars going? Katrina recover has barely scratched the surface and fraud is rampant. Iraq and Afghanistan, can't see the money there either. The books are poorly kept, the money horribly monitored and I bet if an actually audit is ever done, most of the money isn't even going to where it needs to. Nevermind where the money is even coming from with the multitude of tax cuts.
You already have Haliburton being given carte blanche to so whatever the hell that companies want to to do and they are the main contractors for Katrina, Iraq and Afghanistan, all of which the last three or so emergencies bill have been for. They are also a company that some how seems to have the money to sub contract out the work its doing to companies that then also have the money to sub-sub contract the work out. Its mighty suspicious to me that companies are getting paid so where via their contracts that they don't even have to do t he work to make a profit, they can just get someone else to do it. The American tax payer is basically paying them to be the middleman who just takes their large cut and doesn't do much else.
I guess as long as the words "freedom", "security" and "9/11" continue to get tossed around haphazardly, the public will just eat it up and accept it as normal business (nevermind that if Clinton had done this the republicans would have hung him by his balls).
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Update: "Scientology is Gay"

A little amusing bit occurred this weekend in Hollywood when director John Roecker was caught by devout Scientologist Jenna Elfman (Darma and Greg) and her husband wearing the above that claims "Scientology is Gay. Very Gay" by other followers Tom Cruise and John Travolta.
Elfman of course doesn't take anyone making fun of her religion lightly and let this be known and in an effort to get him to go away might have asked him "Have you raped a baby?". Now what that has to do with wearing a shirt is beyond me.
Now that may seem bizarre but its gets wierder. Apparently when Roecker tried to discuss the Scientologist "god" Xenu, the Elfman's 20-something male friend was instructed to cover his years. The reason for that is to get that knowledge your supposed to pay to get to OT-8 level in Scientology teachings which doesn't not come cheap. Basically you have to be a millionaire to afford it.
The final bit of odd on this story? "Sources at the Church of Scientology's Celebrity Centre say Roecker is no stranger to them. Several non-celeb parishioners have also complained about Roecker's t-shirts." Apparently Scientologists like to run to mommy anytime they see a shirt they don't like and mommy apparently keeps a list.
Update: Turns out there is a reason that Jenna Elfman asked "Have you raped a baby?" Apparently "It’s one of the questions Scientologists are asked by Scientology leaders when they’ve misbehaved,” a source familiar with the religions.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Anne Coulter Under Fire
Anne Coulter is starting to get some massive flack for the first time in her career from all sides, both conservative and liberal. Hillary Clinton, of course added her two cents on the issue, which makes sense as she is a Senator for New York City. The reason why isn't over her racist comments, her frequent mis-use of treason, her inability to fact check anything that comes spilling over her mouth. Despite her many many years of spewing absolute crap, what gets her in trouble is daring to attack the poor and now very wealthy and politically connected 9/11 widows. The 9/11 widows response is here.
"I have never seen people enjoying their husband's death so much," she said on the 6/6 Today show. This is what gets people upset? A statement that why not that nice isn't entirely that inaccurate. The widows went from being lower middle class political nobodies to politically powerful (they are their own lobby), well connected, and well financed somebodies. They may not have enjoyed the loss of their husbands, but I find it hard to believe they haven't enjoyed the change in their lifestyles. They wouldn't bother me so much except that they get the attention while completely ignoring those that where also effected by 9/11 including those that had to help with clearing the debris, finding the bodies, identifying the bodies, the list is long and completely ignored.
Mostly I am just amazed this is the thing that could blow up in Anne Coulter's face. After all these years, this is the issue that could be the turning point. WTF?
Click here for C&L's much better summary on the whole thing.
"I have never seen people enjoying their husband's death so much," she said on the 6/6 Today show. This is what gets people upset? A statement that why not that nice isn't entirely that inaccurate. The widows went from being lower middle class political nobodies to politically powerful (they are their own lobby), well connected, and well financed somebodies. They may not have enjoyed the loss of their husbands, but I find it hard to believe they haven't enjoyed the change in their lifestyles. They wouldn't bother me so much except that they get the attention while completely ignoring those that where also effected by 9/11 including those that had to help with clearing the debris, finding the bodies, identifying the bodies, the list is long and completely ignored.
Mostly I am just amazed this is the thing that could blow up in Anne Coulter's face. After all these years, this is the issue that could be the turning point. WTF?
Click here for C&L's much better summary on the whole thing.
Gay Amendment Fails in Senate
Not three days after Bush's grand plan to regain the "base"s confidence and the Senate quickly dashes it in too. Its actually quite amazing how fast that went. I think the Senators actually realize there are bigger fish to fry and just don't waste time on this piece of grandstanding. The must slower House will get its chance to revive the issue and make much noise for the mid-term elections next month.
On that issue, Jon Stewart on his show had a high ole time eviscerate yet another Conservative who writes about issues but doesn't seem to really understand them.
Stewart: So why not encourage gay people to join in in that family arrangement if that is what provides stability to a society?
From crooksandliars.com:
Quicktime video of exchange is here.
Being gay as a fetish. Interesting yet accurate summation of what seems to be the view on homosexuality. Its simply just an interest that can be ignored and prevented. Being a heterosexual is a drive as divined by God. When that fails, its all about the family even though there is no foundation for the arguments and that chestnut falls apart in light of the great deal of crime and divorce that occurs even in "complete" families, whatever way that is defined. The "victory" over gay marriage is a temporary one at best. The next generation is not as likely to be closed minded on the silliness of this manufactured issue and it too like segregation and suffrage, will crumble under the footsteps of time and freedom.
On that issue, Jon Stewart on his show had a high ole time eviscerate yet another Conservative who writes about issues but doesn't seem to really understand them.
Stewart: So why not encourage gay people to join in in that family arrangement if that is what provides stability to a society?
From crooksandliars.com:
Bennett: Well I think if gay..gay people are already members of families...
Stewart: What? (almost spitting out his drink)
Bennett: They're sons and they're daughters..
Stewart: So that's where the buck stops, that's the gay ceiling.
Bennett Look, it's a debate about whether you think marriage is between a man and a women.
Stewart:I disagree, I think it's a debate about whether you think gay people are part of the human condition or just a random fetish.
Quicktime video of exchange is here.
Being gay as a fetish. Interesting yet accurate summation of what seems to be the view on homosexuality. Its simply just an interest that can be ignored and prevented. Being a heterosexual is a drive as divined by God. When that fails, its all about the family even though there is no foundation for the arguments and that chestnut falls apart in light of the great deal of crime and divorce that occurs even in "complete" families, whatever way that is defined. The "victory" over gay marriage is a temporary one at best. The next generation is not as likely to be closed minded on the silliness of this manufactured issue and it too like segregation and suffrage, will crumble under the footsteps of time and freedom.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Bush Re-Visits Gay Marriage Amendment
Bush has struck again. Out of nowhere, for no apparent reason, he has decided to renew the 2004 chestnut of a gay marriage amendment to the Constitution is a priority for his administration. Why this over Iraq, the economy, New Orleans, the deficit, and many other issues?
Reason is simple of course...the base. The republicans need to gear up their base for the '06 election and nothing does that more then getting them gays. All that other stuff just doesn't strike the same chord with them. To complicated and messy I guess. Requires explanations, knowledge of history, and an understanding that compromise is sometimes needed.
This renewal of a dead issue, more then anything shows the sad state of affairs of the electorate. If I was a member of the base, I would be incredibly insulted that the Republicans think I was that easily manipulated, but sadly they really are that easy to manipulate. Its hard to take the base seriously because they are such sheep, but these sheep have in the past shown to have fangs.
What makes this even more amazing is the recent down turn and increase in inflation that has Wall Street and the Fed concerned. Now those of us not of the rich already knew this as we couldn't buy the stuff we want and have been cutting back on this and that for many months. Finally though the powers are seeing the signs of this and when that happens the wheels of decline usually start to speed up. Should be interesting to see what happens next but I already know Bush's response, another tax cut for his brethren.
Reason is simple of course...the base. The republicans need to gear up their base for the '06 election and nothing does that more then getting them gays. All that other stuff just doesn't strike the same chord with them. To complicated and messy I guess. Requires explanations, knowledge of history, and an understanding that compromise is sometimes needed.
This renewal of a dead issue, more then anything shows the sad state of affairs of the electorate. If I was a member of the base, I would be incredibly insulted that the Republicans think I was that easily manipulated, but sadly they really are that easy to manipulate. Its hard to take the base seriously because they are such sheep, but these sheep have in the past shown to have fangs.
What makes this even more amazing is the recent down turn and increase in inflation that has Wall Street and the Fed concerned. Now those of us not of the rich already knew this as we couldn't buy the stuff we want and have been cutting back on this and that for many months. Finally though the powers are seeing the signs of this and when that happens the wheels of decline usually start to speed up. Should be interesting to see what happens next but I already know Bush's response, another tax cut for his brethren.
Friday, June 02, 2006
New York Not Worth Protecting
According to a report from abcnews.com, the Department of Homeland Security cut the funding of protection by more then 40% (from 207.5M to 124.4M)because apparently the state doesn't have any icons or monuments worth protecting.
Bloomberg has hit the nail on the head. Money that is supposed to be spent on security is instead being spent to curry votes and generally pander. Other effected cities include California which saw most of its major cities budgets slashed. Areas that saw an increase in spending was Louisville, KY. Kansas City, MO, St. Louis,MO, Charlotte, NC, Omaha, NB, and Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Now the money division may have been fair and a true analysis of what was needed for each city and state to have. However, it does seem suspicious that the the blue states such as California and New York took major hits while historically red states such as the above, saw some nice gains. Gains that can be used by politicians running for election to crow about how they are protecting the heartland for upcoming elections.
"All I can tell you is if you look at their worksheets, and it says that New York City doesn't have any high visibility national icons ... I mean, I don't have to list the Brooklyn Bridge, the United Nations, Rockefeller Center, the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building and the Stock Exchange," New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in response to ABC News' questions.
The formula did not consider as landmarks or icons: The Empire State Building, The United Nations, The Statue of Liberty and others found on several terror target hit lists. It also left off notable landmarks, such as the New York Public Library, Times Square, City Hall and at least three of the nation's most renowned museums: The Guggenheim, The Metropolitan and The Museum of Natural History.
"I think the facts are clear," Bloomberg said. "What they've really done is taken what was supposed to be threat-based and just started to distribute it as normal pork."
Bloomberg has hit the nail on the head. Money that is supposed to be spent on security is instead being spent to curry votes and generally pander. Other effected cities include California which saw most of its major cities budgets slashed. Areas that saw an increase in spending was Louisville, KY. Kansas City, MO, St. Louis,MO, Charlotte, NC, Omaha, NB, and Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Now the money division may have been fair and a true analysis of what was needed for each city and state to have. However, it does seem suspicious that the the blue states such as California and New York took major hits while historically red states such as the above, saw some nice gains. Gains that can be used by politicians running for election to crow about how they are protecting the heartland for upcoming elections.
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