Today the Emmy Nominatiosn where announced. Its was mostly full of the tried and true with very few suprises. If the show was getting alot of press, then chances are it got a nomination. Sadly, top quality shows, but low on the media radar got left out such as Veronica Wars. What few suprises include the nom in writing for Battlestar Galactica, usually everything on the Sci Fi Channel is ignored.
The main problem is the nomiations are decided by people that usually don't know what they are voting on. The opinions are mostly based not on their enjoyment of the programs (as they don't watch them) but rather what they heard critics, friends, etc say about a program. Also, nominations and voting is based on only 2 episodes of a submitted program. This is why you hear about "emmy episodes" such as the several ER does every year. Really, a show doesn't have to do an entire season of outstanding episodes, just 2 that are good enough. This is why 24 got noms, even though the season was horrible. Jean Smart should have been nominated last year, not this year, for instance. Its also why some actors get overlooked. The selected show might not be so good for some actors but better for others.
All this without Hollywood politics entering the mix which further complicates things. All this is why most (include me, see below) will do a "should win" and "will win". The should is based on belief of quality deserving the win. The "will win" is based on all the crap that goes with a vote, from it being a safe choice, press, popularity, maybe quality, and politics.
Main categories:
OUTSTANDING DRAMA - Wow this category is toast. Where is Rescue Me? Where is Special Victims Unit? Boston Legal? Its more comedy then drama. Not a great selection at all.
Boston Legal
Grey's Anatomy
Heroes -
Should win. The most creative show on television.
The Sopranos -
Will in. Lots of press for a show with only about 8 millions viewers and emmy favorite.
OUTSTANDING COMEDY - Where is Scrubs? Where is My Name is Earl? 2 and a Half Men? Monk? What the hell? Once again safe known choices. Frankly don't care who wins in this category.
The Office -
Will win. Press, politics, movie star in it, blah blah blah
30 Rock
Two and a Half Men
Ugly Betty
WRITING - DRAMA - Battlestar got a nom!!! As I live and breath. All those noms for Sopranos. I have watched it. Its over-rated.
Battlestar Galactica • Occupation/Precipice -
Should win. Really was a great ep, but the Emmy's don't like Sci Fi.
Lost • Through The Looking Glass
The Sopranos • Kennedy And Heidi
The Sopranos • The Second Coming
The Sopranos • Made In America -
Will win. Its really a toss up on which of the Soprano eps will win so guessing this one since the finale ep.
WRITING - COMEDY - Hmm, actually seen all these eps. Extras was funny but not that funny. Probably hoping Daniel Radcliffe will show up to help the ratings. I have no preference on who should win.
30 Rock • Jack-Tor
30 Rock • Tracy Does Conan
Extras • Daniel Radcliffe
The Office • Gay Witch Hunt -
Will win. Just cause about gay stuff and was funny.
The Office • The Negotiation
WRITING - VARIETY, MUSIC OR COMEDY - Ooh this category is tough. All excellent programs, all funny, all well done. Really its the Colbert Report vs the Daily Show as far as I can tell. Both are equally outstanding and its a shame that both can't win.
Late Night With Conan O'Brien
Late Show With David Letterman
Real Time With Bill Maher
The Colbert Report-
Should win. Because of the snark and the like, actually a much more difficult program to right, also much more biting. Because comes across as almost off the cuff I don't most voters will recognize the difficulty in doing this program.
The Daily Show With John Stewart -
Will win. Has lots of TV and media folk on to help in the voting.
ACTOR - DRAMA - Again, lots of safe choices, with others left out. Any cast member from Lost, Heroes, Law and Order, and so forth would be better then Kiefer Sutherland and James Spader, who both are just in neutral in their roles.
James Gandolfini -
Will win. A send off for this years of Sopranoes service.
Hugh Laurie
Denis Leary -
Should win. Really is one of the best performances on television.
James Spader
Kiefer Sutherland
ACTRESS - DRAMA - Sigh. Again with the safe choices. Again, pic a women from Lost, Heroes, Battlestar Galatica, etc. Patricia Arquette? The women can't act. Changing your pitch and looking constipated isn't acting. Sally Field is just playing the same roles she has been for the last 20 years. Krya Sedgwick is good on the Closer, but not this good. The role simply hasn't given her much range to work with. This category is an excellent example of how safe choices and lots of press can fill out the roster. Don't care who wins, so no should win choice.
Patricia Arquette
Minnie Driver
Edie Falco - - Will win. More goodbye Soprano love.
Sally Field
Mariska Hargitay
Kyra Sedgwick
SUPPORTING ACTOR - DRAMA - Some Lost love here. Michael Emerson was good, but he was better a few seasons ago. Same for Terry O'Quinn who should have won about 2 years ago. Knights angst is just dull and not really that spectaular. Masi Oka, I want him to win but honesly not sure if he deserves it, at least not yet. William Shatner is the man, but he is playing it in neutral. Nothing outstanding comes to mind.
Michael Emerson
Michael Imperioli
T.R. Knight -
Will win. All the press about being gay will help, not hurt him.
Masi Oka
Terry O'Quinn -
Should win.
William Shatner
SUPPORTING ACTRESS - DRAMA - Again, another Sopranos nom. Eye-roll. More nods for Grey's, none deserved. Rachel Griffiths is here cause familiar name due to Six Feet Under, but not deserved for Brothers and Sisters. Once again, press and safe known choices has resulted in better choices being left out.
Lorraine Bracco
Rachel Griffiths
Katherine Heigl
Sandra Oh
Aida Turturro
Chandra Wilson -
Should win. Will win. Enough Soprano love by this point. The women is the best actor on the show.
ACTOR - COMEDY - Charlie Sheen? Really? Where is Zack Braff, Jason Lee, and so forth? Lots of better choices left out. Monk is great entertainment but enough with the win. Alec Baldwin did nail it out of the park.
Alec Baldwin -
Should win. Will win.Steve Carell
Ricky Gervais
Tony Shalhoub
Charlie Sheen
ACTRESS - COMEDY - I just don't find Desperate Housewives or Weeds all that funny. Cute and silly perhaps, but not funny. Again, safe, known choices. None particularily outstanding. Ugly Betty is a bit two note - hurt or happy and not that funny.
America Ferrera -
Will win. Just a guess.
Tina Fey
Felicity Huffman
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Mary Louis Parker
SUPPORTING ACTOR - COMEDY - Not liking half the noms. Repeat of many comments said before. However, Rainn Wilson and Neil Patrick Harris do deserve the noms and wins. But only one can.
Jon Cryer
Kevin Dillon
Neil Patrick Harris -
Should win. Nails it everytime and makes it effortless.
Jeremy Piven
Rainn Wilson -
Will win. Lot more press for the Office.
SUPPORTING ACTRESS - COMEDY - Slightly better filled out category. Jaime Pressly outstanding as is Jenna Fischer.
Conchata Ferrell
Jenna Fischer
Elizabeth Perkins
Jaime Pressly -
Should win. Will win. A little Earl love.
Holland Taylor
Vanessa Williams