The "Last Lecture" titled "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams" was a look back on his life and the many lessons he learned along the way. The video has already been seen by million on YouTube (video below) and led to a best selling book. The Lecture, recorded on September 18th, 2007 was the result of Pausch learning he had terminal cancer with little time to live so he assembled the lecture as a departing gift to his students and his family.
He is survived by his wife Jai, and his children Dylan, 6, Logan, 3, and Chloe, 2. He managed to do what few people get to, achieve his dreams and make the world a little bit better along the way.
Some moments from the Lecture:
-Never underestimate the importance of having fun. I'm dying and I'm having fun. And I'm going to keep having fun every day because there's no other way to play it.
-Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted.
-No one is pure evil. Find the best in everybody. Wait long enough and people will surprise and impress you.
-Brick walls are there for a reason. They are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The brick walls are there to stop people who don't want it badly enough.
October 23, 1960 - July 25, 2008
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