Obama: He Completes Us - Hilarious spoof of the happy bio video that usually airs during the convention from the Daily Show.
Governor Sarah Palin as Republican VP Nominee - Senator McCain has made his choice and his choice is a hot 44 year old governor from Alaska that has been in office for all of 22 months. You’re probably going who? too. She is an ultra-conservative, claims to be big on fiscal responsibility while trying to privatize everything in the state (which has yet to work for anything), claims to be against corruption (while under investigation for corruption), pro Iraq war (son going to Iraq, or was anyway), and huge right conservative. More to it but really she was chosen for one reason and one reason only - she has a vagina. The PUMA and other Hillary like supporters have shown that the only thing they care about in a candidate is their sex and this is a way to meet that need and peal those voters away from Obama. The little hotty has a chance to make history to bad the why isn't more substantial then she just happens to be a woman rather then say a highly qualified woman that really was the best person for the job (crazy thought I know).
Drivable Star Wars Landspeeder - Someone with a bit of creativity and too much free time has created a working Landspeeder that can go as fast as 25mph. Click the link for the gallery.
Mythbusters 1100 Barrel Paintball - Click the link for a video that is a demonstration of the difference between single and multicore processors using paintball guns. The multicore processors example was 1100 barrels that created a pizelized version of the Mona Lisa in one shot. Very cool in the end with the slow mo.
Four-Foot SNES Controller - click the link for a gallery of pictures that show the construction of a working four foot long Super NES controller. Pretty sweet looking but must be a pain to play Mario Bros with.
Joker Fatality - For the upcoming Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe game, which is shaping up to be a must buy, a sneak peak was revealed. Its pretty good with Joker fake shooting and giggling before blowing their brains out.
Stargate Worlds Trailer - Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis may be cancelled but the show will live on in the MMORPG. The trailer shows off some of the enviroments and brief glimpse at some game play.
Chuck Gets Full Season Order - Despite the second season not even premiering yet, NBC has decided to go ahead and order a full season of Chuck resulting in a season of 22 episodes instead of 13. The decision was apparently made on the strength of the first 6 episodes already shot. Excellent news. If your not watching the show, then give it a try.
Lego Human Sized Boba Fett Costume - Someone with creative bent and too much time has created a Boba Fett outfit entirely with Legos. That includes the guns, helmet, chest plate, belt and so forth. Click the link for the full gallery.
Jon Stewart Lectures Reporters - Daily Show host nails reporters for their inability to actually report the news. Thanks in a large part to the 24 hour news cycle, investigative journalism has gone away and based mostly on opportunity and whatever random ideas pop up in each others heads. He said the never-ending television news cycle creates a "false sense of urgency" and forces reporters to "follow the veins that have been mined," instead of pursuing serious and in-depth reporting. As he points out, the reporters are focused on crap of no importance like how well a candidate bowls then the issues themselves.
DieBold Admits Machines Are Faulty - The famed die bold machines that’s counties across the country spent millions on (thanks to prodding by republicans), finally admits what has become common knowledge. I think when they fought tooth and nail for paper back up, refused to allow outside scrutiny and just generally did everything possible to block any attempt at getting to the truth should have been a red flag for most. Sadly though, it seems despite this the machines will still be used this November and since most areas still do not mandate paper backup, voter fraud will likely continue on these devices.
How Lego Minifigs are Assembled - Click the link for a video that gives a rundown on how the Lego figures are built and assembled. It is amazing what machines can do.
Biden Bad on Net - While it seems many are voting based on how their feelings where hurt, sex (Hillary not winning), or sporting ability (oh noes Obama can't bowl!), for those that take issues into account here is some info. Turns out that Biden is neck deep in bed with the RIAA, MPAA and has demonstrated a dislike to net neutrality (which the telcos would love to see go away). Any other year and that might be cause for me to switch my vote but sadly John "McSame" McCain and his promise of four more years of Bush policies prevents that from occurring. I just have to hope the Democrats neuter the VP position so his ties to those groups don't become a problem.
Beijing 2008 Closing Ceremony - Sadly the 2008 Olympics ended with the closing ceremonies. While not as good as the opening, they where still pretty darn good. While many like Phelps, I like his sisters more and enjoyed Shawn Johnson's performances more. To bad NBC didn't show more cycling. Overall a highly entertaining Olympics and I am looking forward to London in 2012. As for those that like NBC's credits roll that showed lots of great images of the Olympics, the music played during it are "To The Stars" from the Dragonheart Soundtrack by Randy Edelman and "Titan's Spirit" from Remember The Titans Soundtrack by Trevor Rabin.
Olympics Break New Viewership Records - About 86% of the US TV audience tuned into the Olympics this years breaking previous viewership records. The average viewers were about 100 million a day and that doesn't include the 10s of millions of hits a day NBC's Olympic website received. It’s nice to see that despite the years that it remains an event that doesn't seem to be losing any steam.
Transporter 3 Teaser - A new trailer is out for Transporter 3. Personally I am looking forward to the films because the previous 2 where very entertaining and fun. Great popcorn movies.
Weekend Box Office - Tropic Thunder (boring) remained top dog with a $16.1M take. The House Bunny (cute but really silly) was at the second spot with $15.1M. Death Race (a whole lot of fun, highly recommend) came in at number 3 with $12.3M. The Dark Knight is close to crossing the $500M threshold with another $10.3M in the money sack. Finally Star Wars: The Clone Wars (blah, rent it) took in $5.7M.
Munn and Balloons - The lovely Olivia Munn of the Attack of the Show has a fear of balloons popping. Why? Who knows but the reactions are hilarious. Watch the below clip and you will learn a few things about the Munn. A) She is gorgeous B) She has balls, as she is doing the same thing as asking someone afraid of heights to jump off a building c) she has a hell of a sense of humor. d) Of course D, watching people do crap involving their fear is freaking funny. Her reactions are classic. For a woman so gorgeous you wouldn’t think she would be so cool.
Stargate: Universe - The real reason for the cancellation of Stargate: Atlantis has been revealed. To pay for the cost of the new series Stargate: Universe. The series will launch with a 2 hour movie and then start its run next summer. The series is Star Trekish as a new cast boards the Ancients ship Destiny that begins a pre-programmed course to explore the galaxy. Where it goes and when it leaves, the crew has no control over so anything could happen (but probably will not).
Superman Reboot -Due to the success of The Dark Knight and semi-success of the Incredible Hulk, WB has announced that the studio will reboot the Superman franchise along dark lines. They also indicated they are finally learning from Marvel and taking a page from their book of making movies on many of their different properties and then down the line doing a group movie (Justice League). Personally I have my doubts as WB talks a lot but does very little.
Bond Moves a Week - Now that Harry Potter has abandoned its Thanksgiving time slot and Twilight moved to fill it, WB moved Quantum of Solace up a week to try to take advantage of those Thanksgiving buck. So now the new release date is November 14th.
Stargate Atlantis Cancelled - Sci-Fi announced today that it is not going to renew the television show for a sixth season. As a result the 100th episode that will air in January will also be the show's final episode. The plan is to live on in direct to DVD movies but I doubt such a plan will last long. This probably also means that plans for a 3rd spin-off Stargate Universe has been canned. The show continued to be one of Sci-Fi's most popular shows so the probable cause of the cancellation is the continued incompetent management of NBC. Since the flagship channel continues to fail to grab viewers the loss in revenue is being spread among all the networks resulting in a need for budget cuts. Considering Stargate was probably one of Sci-Fi's most expensive shows, cutting that one program probably met most of the cost cutting measures required.
Mythbusters to Bust Moon Landing Hoax - The new episode of Mythbusters coming next week plans to prove that the moon landing really occurred. It appears the plan is to try to recreate the various theories that "prove" that the landing was a hoax.
Wrath of the Lich King Intro - Joystiq has the intro the next expansion of World of Warcraft. As a non player (due to crappy computer) I don't really understand what is happening in the video but it sure looks good whatever it is.
Free Ringtones for iPhone - Click the link get instructions on how to create ringtones for the iPhone for free. Just make sure you have DRM free music and you’re good to go.
Largest Record Collection No One Wants - Or can afford at least. Paul Mawhinney is trying to sell his vinyl record collection worth $50 million dollars for a bargain price of $3 million due to health issues. Sadly, as people move more and more too digital, the old analog standbys seems to be losing value. You would think a music museum or the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame would be interested in such a collection. Soon people will regret when such artifacts of the past disappear.
Firefly to Blu-ray - One of the best television series that never succeeded in a large part to Fox meddling comes to Blu-ray. For the detail anal it’s probably a good buy but at a price tag of $62 on Amazon, it isn't a must buy but definitely goes on the list for a future purchase. The set will be out on November 11th.
House of the Dead: Overkill Trailer - A great trailer that is a throwback to the 70s cheap flick trailers. The game will be for the Wii, no release date. I just purchased the House of the Dead 2/3 combo and found it a lot of fun, especially once replace the Wii Zapper with a "gun" accessory.
Veronica Mars Movie? - Creator Rob Thomas and Kristin Bell have both indicated they are open to a movie but as AICN points out, it’s probably not going to happen. Both are entirely to busy and really the interest isn't there in a mainstream way. If the fan base had been big enough to begin with, the series would be starting season four.
Poltergeist Remake? - The 80s horror flick remake factory is getting ready to churn out another piece of crap, this time screaming up the class film Poltergeist. Boogeyman scribes Juliet Snowden and Stiles White have been assigned the writing duties. I would have more confidence but it’s pretty clear that today's movie makers have no clue how to do a good entertaining horror movie.
Keith Olbermann aired another Special Comment on Countdown yesterday that is about Senator McCain's latest attempt to gain votes. The first step is attacking the press, specifically Fox News favorite target NBC, for daring to reveal that for Rich Warren's Forum that he not only showed up late but there is a good chance he was able to hear the questions while Obama answered them allowing him to better prepare answers. Rather then deny, he goes on the offensive and attacks NBC for daring to talk about it (nevermind Fox News does the same thing with a lot less info to run with).
The second part is to appear around vets, pound his POW experience (which has become a catch-all excuse for all things), and claim that Obama is not patriotic despite no evidence to back this up. Even more hilarious he claims Obama flip flips on things like the war even though there isn't an issue that McCain hasn't been all over the map on over the last few years as he courts the base.
I know that over the years the Republicans have stopped campaigning on the issues and just make up lies as needed but I had hoped the McCain I would have voted on in 2000 would return. It’s sad to know that McCain probably never existed to begin with. The full transcript of the commentary can be found here.
Phelps Wins 100M Butterfly - In one of the most exciting races of the games, click the link to watch as Phelps pulls off a come from the behind victory by the smallest possible measurement of 1/100 of a second. Click here to watch his mom's hilarious reaction to the near loss. The victory tied Mark Spitz for most gold medals in a single Olympics.
Phelps Pass Spitz - Click the link to watch the 4x200M free relay where Michael Phelps passed a probably very annoyed Mark Spitz for the most gold medals in a single Olympics. This also brings his total medals to 17, making him the second most decorated Olympian in the modern era.
8 Golds Means More Gold - Thanks to Phelps achievements; it appears he is likely to start entering the realm of mega-bucks in endorsement contracts. He already has pocketed a 1 million dollar bonus from Speedo, has $5 million a year in existing contracts and is estimated to hit around $30 million thanks to his recent achievements. Being the best has its rewards.
Olympians Need Condoms - Not work safe site that has an article that discusses the hundred of thousands of condoms that the Olympians need during the course of the Olympics. Now that Phelps has broken his record, I wouldn't be surprised if he is going through a few boxes of them.
Gymnastics New Scoring System Needs Work - It used to be the measure of a performance was measure on a scale of 0 to 10. The closer to 10 the better. Seems simple enough. Now the scoring system is some complicated mess that requires paragraphs to explain and even then most are going to scratch their head and go "huh?". Even worse is it appears that ties are no longer allowed as a rather complicated three tier tie breaking method that had something to using deductions from three of the lowest scoring judges that cost Nastia Liukin a gold on the uneven bars to Cheng Fei. Both scored the same so it seems natural they both get gold but I guess that is too complicated.
Beijing Olympic Building with 140,000 Playing Cards - Click the link to see a video of the major buildings of the Olympic Games such as the Bird's Nest, Swimming Cube and others as built from playing cards.
Voltron Dropped and Pick-up - The oft rumored live action Voltron film saga continues as New Regency passed on the film but Relativity Media quickly stepped in to get the rights, shooting for a cheaper budget by using the film techniques used in 300 and Watchmen.
Fishburne to CSI - Film star and king of gravitas Laurence Fishburne has agreed to replace William Petersen on CSI. Petersen has decided to leave the show by the 8th episode and Fishburne will start by the ninth. The character is a college professor who is interested in the why of serial killers because he has a genetic profile that indicates he could have the same proclivities (eye roll).
The Dark Knight Falls - After five weeks, The Dark Knight finally stopped taking the number one slot for the weekend box office. Instead Tropic Thunder was crowned king with a $26M take to Knight's $16.8M. Star Wars The Clone Wars did ok with $15.5M and was probably done in by many bad reviews. Mirrors, $11.1M, and Pineapple Express, $10M, round out the top 5. Of note is with a total domestic take of $471.5M, the Dark Knight passed Star Wars for the number two spot in all time sales. Of course what isn't mentioned is the world wide take and in that regard the movie sits at the number 19th spot ($800.1M) and needs at least a billion more in sales to reach the number one slot.
Mega Man 9 Intro - As a sign of how old school Mega Man 9 will be, check out the intro that harkens back to the 80s when intros like this where considered cutting edge.
Top 10 How To Videos - From lifehacker.com is videos that show a few tricks to save money and get more bang out of your devices such as buying a car successfully, seal chips without a clip, folder a shirt and many more.
Lucas on Clone Wars - Dark Horizons spoke with George Lucas about the upcoming Clone Wars movie and TV series and some of the decisions made for the series.
Nearly Every NES Game Auction - Well probably not every game made but as the picture shows, its a huge chunk of them. Click the link for the auction. Only problem is you need about $4k for the purchase. If I was rich, I would definitely be buying right now. You can also go to NintendoEarth.com and view all the cartridges available.
Invasion Bad...In Europe - The Daily Show has fun with how the Russian invasion of Georgia seems similar to the US's invasion of Iraq but as the Bush admin tries to stress it isn't because invading a country isn't allowed if its part of Europe.
Olympic Opening Ceremonies - Click the link for NBC's first half coverage of the opening ceremonies (before the long and boring Parade of Nations). It was truly astonishing effort of thousands of performers working together to near perfection. It was just visually fun to watch and be in awe of. An excellent start to what has been a very entertaining Games.
Men's 400M Freestyle Relay - Click the link to watch what is currently one of the best moments of the Olympics so far as the US men's team won gold. It didn't look like it was going to happen either until Jason Lezak on the last 10 or so meters somehow found the extra bit of will to pull ahead and touch the wall 8 hundredths of a second ahead of France's Alain Bernard. He swam the fastest 100m freestyle ever recorded and helped break the previous 400m relay record by a full 4 seconds.
Indiana Jones DVD/Blu-ray Details - October 14th is the release date. The DVD will be the usual one disc set or two-disc rip off set with extra features that include the long development period (probably glossing over the strife), productions diaries (that aired online), and info on makeup, FXs, and the skull props.
The Dark Knight Trailer for Kids - Click the link to watch the Dark Knight trailer as done by kids and their toys. Its actually both hilarious and very well done.
Barack Roll - A spin on the Rickroll, it's Barack Obama "singing" Never Gonna Give You Up" by cutting together clips from his many speeches.
Lego Donkey Kong - Lego's Mindstorms and a love of video games results a working re-creation of the iconic game.
The Dark Knight Streak Continues - For the fourth week in a row, The Dark Knight rules to box office as it poised to past Star Wars for all time US sales (not counting for inflation). TDK sits at $441.5M to Star Wars $460.9M. Titanic is a bit of a ways off at $600.7M. The top 5 are The Dark Knight ($26M), Pineapple Express ($22.4M), The Mummy 3 ($16.1M), Sisterhood 2 ($10.7M), and Step Brothers ($8.9M).
Star Trek Online - Sunday the first trailer (below) was released for the upcoming MMORPG that is set in the Star Trek Universe. Based on the costumes, etc it appears to be post The Next Generation but not entirely sure. You can also see a Star Trek Convention presentation of the game here.
Beijing Olympics Giant Footprints "Faked" - In an interesting bit of news, Chinese bloggers are calling foul for the faked passage of giant firework footprints that was used to start the fantastic and amazing opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics. The way everyone stayed together and did their thing flawlessly is truly amazing and worth watching. Anyway, the start had 29 firework footprints that went from Tiananmen Square to the Bird's Nest stadium that looked real but where CGI. For practical and safety reasons, CGI were used since trying to use real tracking via copter (while flying near fireworks and never mind the VIPs in the stadium would have been a no-no. I don't know about the rest of the world but NBC in the US did say they where CGI so no attempt to mislead stateside.
Heroes Season 2 Alternate Ending - Click the link for what would have been the ending to the mid-season of Heroes if the strike had not interfered with plans. Basically the virus would have been released; Nathan would have collapse from the infection (rather then the virus) and cut to black.
It turns out the National Enquirer got one right. Way back in October they reported that Senator John Edwards, ex two time candidate for President, was in an extramaritalaffair with then 2004 campaign staffer Rielle Hunter which he denied. Except for Fox News, whose loves anything that makes Democrats look bad (but even then was pretty careful), none of the other news services reported the issue due to lack of evidence. Let's face it, the Enquirer's batting average for accuracy is probably somewhere in the low hundreds.
However, it was apparently enough to get the ball rolling and enough proof has been discovered so that John Edwards sat down ABC News to admit and discuss the affair which will air tonight on Nightline. There is also a claim that he fathered a child with the woman but has not taken a paternity test. He says the timing of the affair doesn't make it possible that he is the father.
Edwards admits that his wife Elizabeth knew about the affair as far back as 2006. The child to 44 year old Hunter was born in February 2008 but by the time the baby could have been conceived the affair had ended. The timing of the affair is not nailed down but apparently it was from around 2004 to 2006.
Suffice it to say that Edwards’s presidential hopes are done forever (if losing twice didn't already do that). As for Vice President Slot? Forget it. There is no way that the people are going to vote for a guy that is cheating on a wife that is fighting cancer. Never mind that the affair seems to have occurred before the diagnosis in 2007. All people are going to remember is cheating husband and cancer fighting wife. He might be able to get re-election but I have my doubts about that too. If even shows up at the Democrat Convention in late August I will be shocked. I be there are a lot of disappointed people out there.
The 2008 Beijing Olympics Games begin tomorrow and perosnally I plan on getting all the games I can get. Thanks to the internet video age that is easier then ever but some slight preprep is needed mostly to know when to watch and where.
Engadget has a prep guide that covers equipment but I am thinking more about what US channels are showing the games and what websites to go to for live streaming.
The games are about 12 hours ahead of Eastern standard time so expect much tape delay action but during the late night programming I expect much will be live.
Event Schedules: HDSportsGuide.com NBC's Olympics - an basic shedule of what the US channels will cover and when. Google - The site has added a "onebox" to the standard search so if you are looking for particular event times, just type the event name + olympics. It doesn't tell you when TV will air the event.
Streaming Video Sites: NBCOlympics.com - Planning something like 3000 hours of video available online, no charge to my knowledge. itsGameTime Stream - a stream in Flash TV Tonic CCTVOlympics - coverage for China and Macau. Probably good for a different perspective assuming you can figure out how to navigate the site. BBC Sports - For the UK, focuses on daily highlights and athlete interviews. CBC Olympics - Canada's coverage.
Time for Some Campaignin' - Hilarious music video from JibJab that makes fun of the current presidential election that is actually well done and entertaining. MTV should add it to their rotation. They also have a few others worth watching such as "This Land" and "What We Call the News".
Mega Man 9 "Bug" - Capcom is going all out in recreating the 8-bit era experience with the game. They re-created the look and now they are even re-creating the bugs. The famed sprite flicker is back for enemies that just have too much going on for the "hardware" to keep up with. At least that was the cause on the old NES. For the Wii, the flicker is an intentional design "flaw" that can be toggled off.
Danica McKellar "Kiss My Math" - Math genius, Wonder Years star, and just general drop dead gorgeous, Danica is out to promote her new book that is trying to get girls interested in math. My interest in math died in college but with her involvement I could get interested again. I had a crush on her during the Wonder Years and with the brains and beauty combination I might be developing another one.
Paris Hilton's Energy Policy - In a recent ad McSame compared Obama to Paris Hilton and Brittany Spears, trying to imply that fame doesn't mean responsible. Her response is actually a very funny and solid response on how to ween the US off its dependence on foreign oil. At the very least its better then McCain's "drill everywhere" policy.
iPhone App Remote Disable - A hacker is claiming he has discovered code that allows Apple to remote disable installed apps. I guess could be a big deal if an app is disabled that you paid for without a refund but otherwise it’s probably a good way to quickly eliminate malicious apps that escape into the wild. Time will tell if it will be used for good or not.
Buffy The Animated Series Teaser - Sadly the series never was picked up so all you can do is look at the four minute teaser to see what could have been. To get the lowdown on the series from Jane Espenson and Eric Wight, click here.
Asus Eee Box B202 Review - Hot hardware provides a good review of the new tiny desktop computer that costs only $349 for 1.6ghtz and 1gig of RAM. Basically if you use your computer to surf the web, watch porn and listen to music, this thing is perfect. If you’re into graphics, movie editing, or outputting to an HDTV, take a pass but the price alone should have told you that anyway.
Morgan Freeman in Accident - The great Oscar winner actor was hospitalized after a car accident in Mississippi. He is currently recovering from surgery and expected to make a full recovery, but may take 3 to 4 months to fully heal.
Dark Knight #1 Again - For the third week in a row, The Dark Knight rules the box office roost with a $43.8 million take as it probably zooms past the domestic $400 million mark today, just 18 days after the movie's release. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor took second with $42.5M, Step Brothers took $16.3M, Mamma Mia $13.1M and Journey to Center of the Earth took fifth with $6.9M. As a sign of what bad word of mouth can do to a movie, in only its second week X-Files 2 dropped 66% to a $3.4M haul.
Circuit City Rethinks MAD Ban - Friday a Circuit City rep jumped the gun and sent out a notice asking its stores to remove the magazine from the stores due to an unflattering parody of Circuit City. Yeah, I know I didn't know they sold magazines either but turn out about 40 of them too. Apparently the PR department caught wind of the event and reversed course, apologized and had a little fun with the incident. All in all the guy deserves a raise.
Indecision 2008: The News Better Run - The Daily Shows over the top, hilarious promo for the upcoming election promo. I have a feeling the other networks are going "why don't we have an election building instead of feeling ashamed for their own promos that this video is making fun of.
Exxon Sets New Profit Record - The oil company racked up another profit record for an American company with $11.7 billion. Oddly that was considered a "disappointment" by Wall Street. I guess they where expected to make a few billion more. All kinds of problems with this number at the very least why are we still giving these companies tax incentives, kickbacks and the like?
Samuel Jackson Game for More Nick Fury - In an interview with MTV, Samuel Jackson said he is "looking forward to make that character a bit more integral, in terms of the other stories that are happening." For those that don't know, the movie version of Nick Fury started in the Ultimates comics where artist Bryan Hitch admitted to purposely making the character look like Samuel Jackson as he was a big fan (same here). So very cool news to me.
Stash Stuff in a Soda Bottle - Click the for a video that shows how you can have a what looks like a full soda bottle but is really mostly hollow so can hide stuff in plain site. The idea is useful to other areas and condiments.