Macy's Parade Rick Rolled - In a cute joke on the crowd, the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was Rick-rolled by the man himself.

Box Office Weekend - Family fare ruled the box office with Four Christmases taking the top spot with $31.6M and Bolt second with $26.5M. Twilight took a 60% hit, not surprising considering female tweens are about the only group willing to see it considering the bad reviews and heavy romance angle. Not a slam on the business though as the movie cost $37M to make so profits are raining down on the company and that is before DVD sales add to the total. Quantum of Solace made $19.5M considering its slide in the US but that is more then made up by its foreign take. Australia sits at 5th with $14.8M, a horrible take considering the promotional blitz and talent in the movie. It was probably hurt by its 3 hour running time and overall bad reviews which essentially all called the movie boring.
Netbooks vs. Notebooks - If your in the market for a new notebook or netbook, a good read to help you make up your mind covering the areas of gaming, work and play. Overall, my advice is a netbook is good if you travel a lot and just need email, internet and basic word processing. A netbook is built for size and convenience not power so if your a user with many programs opened, tons of stuff installed or do stuff that is processor intensive (gaming, graphic editing, etc) netbooks will not meet your needs.
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