GM's 60 Day Return Caveats - GM, in a bid to increase sales, has started a 60 day money back guarantee only it has a few holes in it. One takes advantage of buyer's remorse by not allowing you to return the vehicle until after 30 days of ownership. A second issue is only the cost of the vehicle + sales tax. Any add-ons, aftermarket equipment, title and registration fees have to be eaten by you so that’s hundreds of dollars hit two essentially borrow a car for two months. The biggest problem though is you can't return the vehicle if it the cost of repairs exceeds $200, a value determined by the dealer. Considering something as simple a cart hitting the side door can exceed that value, this pretty much makes the deal void. Long story short, this return policy has no value and should not play a part whatsoever in your purchase decision.
Masters of the Universe Movie Lives...Sorta - The option for the He-Man movie lapsed at Warner Bros so Columbia has stepped in to take on the potential franchise. The projects will start from scrap, tossing attached director John Stevenson, producer Joel Silver and writer Justin Marks. Basically what little ground was made is back to square one so a movie, if ever made, is years away.
Outfoxed - Click the link for story of Fox lying about their manufactured rally at the capital for Glenn Beck's 9/12 hate fest event and also watch Outfoxed from a few years ago that documents how and why Faux News operates the way it does.
Protect Insurance Companies PSA - Hilarious video that has a bunch of stars participate in a "PSA" asking for the public to protect insurance companies, CEO's and their billion dollar profits that Obama is trying to take away. After all, as the GOP keeps telling us, corporate America must be protected at all costs.
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