Hit the link for a huge gallery of images from the six Star Wars films and few video games that show how a lot of what is now iconic images were developed.
iPhone 4Gen Review
Apple has released the update 4.0 for the iPhone operating systems and now the 4th gen iPhone has started shipping to retail and those that pre-ordered online. Overall, the media remains in love with the phone calling it the best yet and worth the upgrade for most users. An unboxing video can be found here.
Complete Guide to iOS4
Click the link to get an overview of all the features the new 4.0 OS for the iPhone including how to use folders, multi-tasking, new mail features, and more. Again, the OS is considered a win and worthwhile for iPhone 3GS users. There is a caveat (see below).
iPhone 3G Should Hold on Upgrading
It turns out that there is basically no benefit to upgrading to iOS4 is you have the 2nd gen iPhone 3G. Most of the new features will not work. About the only features you will get is app folders management and threaded emails. However, for those two features you are sacrificing some serious lag time in over all operation on most native apps like the camera, settings, safari and more.
Batman: City of Scars
A pretty sweet fan film made for $27,000. Batman is on the hunt for the Joker who escaped from Arkham and killed two parents causing Batman to the edge due to his own history of losing his own in a similar manner.
10 Brands That Will Disappear in 2010
24/7 Wall Street website has compiled a list of 10 brands that will cease to exist either do to bankruptcy, being bought out or a name change. It seems their 2009 lists was about 75% accurate so it’s an interesting read with the list of the obvious and not so obvious brands. The brands include Newsweek, Readers Digest, Kia Motors, Dollar Thrifty, Zale, Blockbuster, T-Mobile, BP, RadioShack, Merrill Lynch, and Moody's.
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