The Star Wars attraction at Legoland California which as more than 2000 Lego Star Wars sculptures on display. Hit the link for a gallery of some of the masterpieces.
25 Years of Pixar Animation
An excellent fan made video that celebrates 25 years of excellence from Pixar which brought us Toy Story, Cars, Up, Wall-E and so much more.
WonderCon Green Lantern Footage and Panel
Below is four minutes from Green Lantern along with all five parts of the WonderCon panel. Over all the footage makes the movie look much better than the teaser trailer had. Definitely going for an epic, universe spanning feel that DC movies have normally lacked.
Stephen Colbert Sings Friday
As part of an agreement with Jimmy Fallon, Colbert agreed to perform Friday. Below is the video that was pretty entertaining with a few C-list surprise guests.
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