"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Thursday, February 03, 2005

The State of the Union '05

I missed it. Decided to go the movies since figured it would be "freedom", "liberty", "social security", and "marriage" repeated over and over.

Based on write ups read on CNN and Fox I was mostly right. I am amazed he mentioned the economy even though it seemed to be a pat on the back for its stagnation. I guess it not sliding backwards but not really growing is a win.

So what else,
War - like how he continues to hammer the whole "bring freedom" thing while ignoring even worse and more dangerous regimes in the world. Also like that whole "WMD" thing just didn't happen.

Social Security - well as 401k programs prove, unless you are already rich, all the investing in the world not going to create a nest egg large enough to retire on. So expect his plan for SS to create a mess in about 20 years. Not that anyone would blame him by then.

Gay Marriage - Sadly an admendment would pass and it proves that America is falling apart at the seems. I guess the whole "equality' thing was just a joke that people have died for 100+ years to prove and make sure America lived up to. So much from learning from history.

Stem cells - You would have though Ronald Reagan's plights would have taught a lesson. Stem cells doesn't harm babies. The fool tries to paint some picture that women are out manufacturing babies to turn over for research or some other way out there line of thinking.

Abortion - Fix the current welfare system and all the children that are left behind, abused, uncared for and stuck in the system then maybe I can support eliminating abortion. As it is we have more children then the system can handle abused and unwanted. Eliminating abortion would simply make a bad situation horribly worse. Its simply evil to do that. For every "thank god i didn't get the abortion" happy story there are probably dozens of "that poor child" stories. Fix the system before moving on to something that will make it worse.

Government spending - Bush talking about fiscal responsibility is hilarious. I mean it. How he about it and keeps a straight face is hilarious. I am guessing his idea would be to eliminate any program that hurts his corporate buddies, increase defense spending for future wars and of course gut education. Now if he has a true, logical plan that is good for the country, more power to him. But his history shows that is highly unlikely.

Basically, you can sum up his State of the Union address as more of the same.

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