"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Monday, June 13, 2005

Jackson on all charges: not guilty

All I can say I am so glad that is done with. Not guilty. Another day or two of it and no more Jackson, Jackson, Jackson on the air waves. So sick of it. Now if only that pesky civil trial goes away Jackson can finally slide into that nothingness that all ex-popstars go to.

As for the verdict, I can't say I am happy or not happy. I still don't know what the man did. I do know that based on the evidence as presented by the prosecution, they didn't prove the case. It basically came down to a child with clearly money hungry parents. The problem with this is that you have to wonder how much the child tells is truth and how much was made up to bolster the civil case.

Not sure what the press will do after this, suddenly have 2100 reporters with nothing to do. Yes I am sure they will all squeeze at least another week of "reports" out this, the usual reaction, what you think, what we think, what now, blah blah blahness that tells you nothing and gives no actually news. Sigh, those poor bastards may actually have to do something they are out of practice on, actually report some other news. That transition alone may kill some of them.

Two things I would like to see from this trial:
1) Arrest charges against the parents. If you are not willing to let some adult from down the street watch you children or stay overnight, then there is no excuse for allowing Michael Jackson or any other celebrity that same. Just because can add some zeros on his income doesn't make the decision "ok". Rich, not rich, doesn't matter, those children should have never been allowed to visit and especially never, ever allowed to spend the night. What the parents did was sacrifice their children for the almight dollar and they should get jail time for it.

2) Make the fucking press actually report some news. Strange concept but the ONLY news from the Jackson trail is the verdict. That took, what 2 minutes to rattle off. Allow another 10 minutes for commentary and thats it. No more news. Either repeat or move on. Instead will hear about this for at least another 24-72 hours while the news elsewhere continues to get ignored. So to the press, report some news for once, there is an entire world out there beyond the "story of the day." Go do your jobs, find it and inform us about it.

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