Friday, October 28, 2005
Libby in Trouble, Rove Safe?
Amazingly enough, at the 11th hour, Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald handed down some indictments against Lewis Libby, VP Cheney's chief of staff. Like most I was hoping for Karl Rove would get some indictments but alas he didn't. However that condition could be temporary. Still of the two the bigger fish was caught. Maybe with some hope that will lead to biggest fish of all but I seriously doubt it. If jail time really looks like a possiblily, which is highly unlikely, then I am betting he will take one for the team. I say this on the assumption that the VP at least was involved but most likely the Bush was to. I just don't see how something this high level as revealing info about the CIA in revenge, that directly effected Presidential mandate on Iraq wasn't done with their knowledge. I just don't see it. I recognize its possible, but for it to be true means either our leaders breaking the law for petty reasons or they had a rogue employee doing whatever he wanted. Niether sounds good in my opinion and just further reflects the ongoing incompency that is the Bush administration. Shows what happens when you surround yourself with "yes-men" and cronies rather then experiences and capable people. Hopefully this will bite everyone in the ass enough to have future leaders give seconds thoughts to such behavior but its probably wishful thinking on my part.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Record Profits in Oil
"Net income up 75% to $9.92 billion."
Yep that is a b for billion and 75% increase in profit. This is despite supposed oil shortages, natural disasters and other things that was supposed to damage the oil industry requiring billion dollar tax breaks from Congress and record breaking oil costs. Can anyone else say "bullshit"? You would think after 9/11 and insurance premiums increasing sharply leading to record breaking profits for insurance companies would be enough but I guess not. If this isn't evidence of Bush and republicans being in the pocket of oil I don't know what is. This country is hurting in many ways, the citizens are hurting, many facing an inability to pay for heating costs and trying to cut expenses just to afford to go to work. I am sick of the citizens of this country not seeing it. 10 billion in PROFIT. Thats not earnings, that is PROFIT!! Money made after expensives. How can they claim to be hurting when making that kind of money. Why are we shouldering costs that clearing don't exist? Why are we giving them tax cuts they don't need? Why do we allow this to continue?
Yep that is a b for billion and 75% increase in profit. This is despite supposed oil shortages, natural disasters and other things that was supposed to damage the oil industry requiring billion dollar tax breaks from Congress and record breaking oil costs. Can anyone else say "bullshit"? You would think after 9/11 and insurance premiums increasing sharply leading to record breaking profits for insurance companies would be enough but I guess not. If this isn't evidence of Bush and republicans being in the pocket of oil I don't know what is. This country is hurting in many ways, the citizens are hurting, many facing an inability to pay for heating costs and trying to cut expenses just to afford to go to work. I am sick of the citizens of this country not seeing it. 10 billion in PROFIT. Thats not earnings, that is PROFIT!! Money made after expensives. How can they claim to be hurting when making that kind of money. Why are we shouldering costs that clearing don't exist? Why are we giving them tax cuts they don't need? Why do we allow this to continue?
Miers down, Rodriguez to go
Miers has officially withdrawn her nomiation to the Supreme Court and Bush gladly took it. The cause was a desire by the Senate Jidiciary Committe to see some of the documents she worked on. Bush balked, claiming executive privilage. The fact that Miers freaked out the religious nuts on capital hill was enough for me to like her but now I am concerned about the evidence that Bush is blocking. He actually took a blow to his ego with Miers to prevent those documents from coming to light. There is clearly some very nasty mo-jo in those files that he and his cabel don't want to come to light. Hmm nope checked the calender, its 2005, not 1970 Nixon era but damn if it doesn't smell like it.
Experimental Gameplay
Experimental Gameplay, a fantastic site where in one semester a group of students created 50 web based games. Most are pretty decent to. Even better they have started semester 2 with a goal of 4 new games every Wednesday. Go, have fun, be less productive worker bee. Also, if want to know how they do it, read this.
Stephen King Revisits the Dark Tower

Its been confirmed, Stephen King is joining the increasing rank of novelists turned comic writers. He is revisting the his Dark Tower series in 2006 for a limited series drawn by Jae Lee. For those not in the know, the Dark Tower series was a 7 part book series that spans Stephen King's entire career and often many of the "universes" he created (fan site). Its follows the gunslinger Roland as he tries to reach the Dark Tower to save everything. Not just a world, but all worlds. Basically creation is at stake. joing him are several characters including some recognizable from other King books. Its a great series and I highly recommend it. Hopefully the comic series will be just as good.
Update: Joe Quesade, EIC of Marvel, give some info on how the deal came to be and what the frist story arc will focus on, which is during Dark Tower IV, Rolands' childhood and growth to the Gunslinger.

Sadly as of 10/25/2005, 2000 soldiers have died for Iraq while on the same day, the results of the vote for their Constititution passed with 78% of the voters for it.. 2000 dead US. Historically, not so high, for a modern war, its pretty high. This number doesn't include the unknown number of allied dead. Nor does it include injuries and the pain of families of those 2000. I have yet to see how the US benefits from this now or in the future. As is the American Way, we tend to forget history, even our own.
Wasn't it not even 20 years ago we where defending or helping countries stop the spread of communism? Before that, from WWI, WWII, Korean, Vietnam, Iraq I, and every fight in between was about us preventing "them" from forcing their definition of the ideal government on others? Wasn't the creation of Saddamn and Osama in part an effort to prevent an act we called evil? Sure they where trying to spread dictatorships or communism but is still one group forcing their government view on others. Hell, we even teach the forcing of democracy on others as being bad. Britain and India? Ireland? Pakistan?
Americans as a whole have always looks at forcing one viewpoint or government on another without the citizens permission as being a great evil. Until we do it. Because its our view on the ideal government its suddenly ok. Its suddenly acceptable. Before we provided help either because a great evil was being done or the citizens wanted the help. Now we do it because we thinks its best. Its Manifest Destiny all over again. Our version of "right" supercedes everyone else's.
No one has explained why the US forcing democracy on others is not as wrong as someone trying to force communism. No one has explained why the US benefits from the current situation. No one has explained why we no longer demand the citizens to fight for their own freedom. The US shouldn't be the world's police. The republicans use to agree with the type of thinking. They also used to beleive that big brother shouldn't be watching. I miss the republicans of yesteryears. Hopefully history will prove Bush a prophet for it means the 2000 dead where not wasted.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Read-worthy links
Jack Thompson v Penny Arcade - A nice little write up over Florida Attorney and anti-video game crusade against Penny Arcade for alleged allegations of harassment. Basically the guy is making an ass of himself and no one has the balls to tell him to his face.
Best iPod Video Review - This review pretty much covers everything you thought you needed to know about the 5th generation iPod and some things you didn't know to ask. Thanks to this review I went and spent more money buying the cable to hook my iPod to my TV. Not because I need it, but because it just seem to damn cool not to use that ability.
Jon Stewart Washington highlights - Jon Stewart did an event in Washington, D.C and there where some amusing comments, especially one making fun of CNN's Situation Room while host Wolf Blitzer was in the audience.
Daily Scans - Website about today's and yesteryears comic books with actually pages scans of the comic being discussed. Interesting read and good for those "I read/own that issue" moments.
Marvel Anti-Semitism? - Paty Cockrum is either losing her mind or has some good points. Personally based on what I have read she is losing it but you can decide. Lying in the Gutters gives a good summary and excellent write-up on this person's opinion or you can read some of her rantings your self here and here.
Best iPod Video Review - This review pretty much covers everything you thought you needed to know about the 5th generation iPod and some things you didn't know to ask. Thanks to this review I went and spent more money buying the cable to hook my iPod to my TV. Not because I need it, but because it just seem to damn cool not to use that ability.
Jon Stewart Washington highlights - Jon Stewart did an event in Washington, D.C and there where some amusing comments, especially one making fun of CNN's Situation Room while host Wolf Blitzer was in the audience.
Daily Scans - Website about today's and yesteryears comic books with actually pages scans of the comic being discussed. Interesting read and good for those "I read/own that issue" moments.
Marvel Anti-Semitism? - Paty Cockrum is either losing her mind or has some good points. Personally based on what I have read she is losing it but you can decide. Lying in the Gutters gives a good summary and excellent write-up on this person's opinion or you can read some of her rantings your self here and here.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
DeLay Arrested
Well, it happened. Hell has frozen over or at least the teflon shield surrounding some of the more slimey bags of republicans has weaken considerably. Tom DeLay was arrested for his possible role in conspiracy and money laundering charges. Now an arrest should be a surprise. If one gets charged, arrest usually follows with a court appearance shortly thereafter. Most others go through that. But DeLay? I have to admit I just assumed he would get a pass on that part of the process and its good to see he didn't. Also: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
The Colbert Report
The Co-bear Re-Poor (the "t" is not pronounced in either) is pretty hilarious. The first episode moved at a good click, in some cases seeming almost crowded with all the stuff they where throwing at the screen. If anything they may be trying to hard. Can't complain about that though cause the end result is a hilarious show that does an excellent job of making fun of all the news talk shows that plague the cable news channels. Clearly though its satire is aimed squarely at Bill O'Reilly whose self-aggrandizement and oblivious to irony is mirrored on the show. The last segment of the show, the "gravitas" showdown between Stone Phillips and Colbert was absolutely freaking hilarious. Props to Phillips for having a sense of humor but the whole thing. Crooks and Liars has some links and video for those that want a taste of the show.
iPod Video Unpacking photos
Friday, October 14, 2005
Infinite Crisis Newbie Guides

Sheesh four posts in one day, a personal record.
This Wednesday marked the release of the much hyped and talked about release of Infinite Crisis #1. After a buildup of 5 mini-series, multiple issues in comics, it has arrived. Does it disappoint? Eh, too soon to say. The potential fun is ungodly but its just to early to say, afterall, its only the first issue. The story is "What if the universe is coming to and end, but the Superheroes are unable to work together and Villians have learned to work together?". The story itself can be describes simply, but the buildup to it, the history its indicating, and all the characters involved are only known by the die hard comic fans. Luckily, for those not in the know, Infinite Crisis is still an easy read with great action and dialogue. However, there are panels that will cause some questions such as who is that person that was skewered and is that a different Superman?
Thankfully, the good folks at have created two great writeup to help. One is the background and lead-up to Infinite Crisis and the other is a page by page writeup on who all those strange faces and events are. Lost of reading to be done so sit back and enjoy.
Homegrown Portables

Apparently Ben Heckendorn has to much free time. He keeps creating portable game sytems for all the consoles that have existed in the last 20 years. For example, he just completed a portable version of the NES that is nearly the size of the new Gameboy Micro (if don't count cartridge). He has also done the same for many other consoles including the Nintendo 64 and the Playstation 2. Check out his home page for the what and the how.
In other news, Nintendo is slowly revealing more info about Mario Kart DS and online play. Its pretty sad that Nintendo can milk this for so much since Sony beat them to the punch by a year but this is what happens with the games don't support the hardware. Also, Nintendo, as of 10/27, gives retailers free reign to price the GameCube to whatever price they see fit. What does this mean for you? Probably not much. Maybe the occasional sale price of 5 or 10 dollars but not much else.
Other iPod Video News
In an addition to my greedy hollywood rant below, I stumbled across Sony grossly underestimating the potential damage the iPod video will have to the PSP. Since the PSP doesn't have enough games worth buying it has relied heavily on its multimedia functions. The problem with those functions is your limited by the size of the very expensive memory cards. Well, the iPod video basically makes everything the PSP does moot. Even worse, iTunes will likely do to video distribution what it did for music. If Sony has any brains the very first thing they will do if update the PSP to play all Apple formats stat. At least that way it can try to get some of the pie, even if only an itty bitty bite.
Also for those, like me, that are getting the iPod Video, here is a link that shows how to convert DVDs to a usable format. By the way, since iPod and PSP both play the .mp4 video format, whatever method people use for the PSP will work the same for the iPod.
Also for those, like me, that are getting the iPod Video, here is a link that shows how to convert DVDs to a usable format. By the way, since iPod and PSP both play the .mp4 video format, whatever method people use for the PSP will work the same for the iPod.
Actor Greed Strikes Again
Once again the "creators" of Hollywood want a slice of pie they do not deserve. The actors, writers, and director guilds are demanding that they get a piece of the new source of revenue represented by the new video iPod.
Currently, iTunes is offering the episodes of 5 ABC television programs for $1.99. Clearly seeing the future where the other networks will join in along with movies studios, the guilds are prepping now to make sure as much of that money comes their way as possible.
Now I have no problem with people trying to get a slice of pie, but this expectation that they just automatically deservce it because they are actors, directors, and writers is a bunch of BS. That is like you demanding a percentage of the pie for every product your company sells because you had something to do with its creation. Now we would all love that, but reality doesn't work that way. Just because they where paid to create a product doesn't automatically make them part owner of said product which this new call for the pie basically claims. They get all the benefits but none of the risk. The studios take on the risk by hiring said actors, writers, and directors (hince forth called the Greedy), the studio pay for the movie, the distriubtion, the advertising, the DVD pressing and everything else. Until they put in their own risk, say some cash for the production of the movie, they simply do not deserve to have a claim on any of the profits that is generated.
The Greedy just cash the paychecks and do the work (like the rest of us in the world). Yet for some reason they claim their effort is more deserving of more reward. What about the other important people that get the movie made? The Greedy can't do it without the costumers, set designers, builders, location scouts, carpenters, special effects crews, stuntman, the list is endless. Why don't they deserve a piece? What makes their contribution less important? Could the Greedy step up and do those other jobs if they all refused? I highly doubt it.
Simply put, just because you are called an actor, writer, or director doesn't automatically mean you deserve more. Nor does it mean your contribution is greater. If you want a piece of the pie, its high time you put in a bit for the risk. Until then, do like everyone else in the world does, get paid to do the damn job and nothing else.
Currently, iTunes is offering the episodes of 5 ABC television programs for $1.99. Clearly seeing the future where the other networks will join in along with movies studios, the guilds are prepping now to make sure as much of that money comes their way as possible.
Now I have no problem with people trying to get a slice of pie, but this expectation that they just automatically deservce it because they are actors, directors, and writers is a bunch of BS. That is like you demanding a percentage of the pie for every product your company sells because you had something to do with its creation. Now we would all love that, but reality doesn't work that way. Just because they where paid to create a product doesn't automatically make them part owner of said product which this new call for the pie basically claims. They get all the benefits but none of the risk. The studios take on the risk by hiring said actors, writers, and directors (hince forth called the Greedy), the studio pay for the movie, the distriubtion, the advertising, the DVD pressing and everything else. Until they put in their own risk, say some cash for the production of the movie, they simply do not deserve to have a claim on any of the profits that is generated.
The Greedy just cash the paychecks and do the work (like the rest of us in the world). Yet for some reason they claim their effort is more deserving of more reward. What about the other important people that get the movie made? The Greedy can't do it without the costumers, set designers, builders, location scouts, carpenters, special effects crews, stuntman, the list is endless. Why don't they deserve a piece? What makes their contribution less important? Could the Greedy step up and do those other jobs if they all refused? I highly doubt it.
Simply put, just because you are called an actor, writer, or director doesn't automatically mean you deserve more. Nor does it mean your contribution is greater. If you want a piece of the pie, its high time you put in a bit for the risk. Until then, do like everyone else in the world does, get paid to do the damn job and nothing else.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
iPod Video
Apple and Steve Jobs announced the latest improvements being made to select Apple products today at his "One More Thing" conference. Included in this is an upgrade of the iPod that basically made buying the iPod nano a waste of money. The next generation of iPod now have the ability to play videos, assuming the Quicktime format only for now. On top of that they know come in black just like the nano. There are two models, the 30gb ($300) and the 60gb ($400). At that price, there is no point in getting a nano in my opinion. Pay $50 extra an not only get about 26 gigs more space, but a bigger screen and the ability to play videos.
In addition to the iPod video, Jobs announced a new iMac that is slimmer with new equipment such as the iSight videocam and an apple remote. The best part about the remote, other then controlling the Apple stuff from away is can use it on the iPod "Universal docking station". Of course this requires paying about $30 for the remote and $40 for the docking station so its meh to me. The extra cost isn't worth the reward, but if bundled together for around $50 I might reconsider.
Finally, iTunes in the space of a month, went from 5.0 to 6.0. The version change is the result of offering video's for download for $2 bucks a pop. Currently the site offers about 2000 videos, mostly music video but a sprinkling of individual episodes of ABC programs such as "Lost."
I was hyper about a nano, actually bought one last week but didn't open it as heard about new products being released. Glad I waited as going to return that nano and get the iPod video instead. Also, I recommend ordering it online, not only is it free shipping currently on the apple website, but free engraving to. Since its a new iPod, unless very lucky, you are going to have wait anyway, might as well get a free goody out of it.
PSP Price Cut?
Speculation is beginning that the PSP is going to take a price cut to better compete against the Nintendo DS that is kicking its hiney in sales. Apparently they assumed that cutting the price will fill the gap. I am betting the price will be 199.99 US in time for the holiday. Hopefully after that move fails to boost sales, Sony will realize they need good games to compete. Porting games isn't enough. It needs to be fun games with the whole "portable" concept in mind. Right now they still are treating the PSP likes its a Playstation.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Wi-Fi for DS

Japan has finally revealed some details for the wireless capability for the Nintendo DS. The core plan is like the PSP, if have a wireless setup or access to a wireless signal, you can play against others all over the world. However, Nintendo also realizes not everyone has wireless access. For that they have two solutions. One is to create Nintendo sponsered hotspots across the country, locations unknown at this time. The other is a nifty little dongle that connects via the USB port on your computer. The dongle uses the existing network access on the computer to allow the DS to connect wireless. Currently release date for the first DS Wi-Fi enabled game is DS Mario Kart on November 14th with more coming later.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
RIAA Wars continue
RIAA continues it bloody war on online music trading. No side is safe as the RIAA has made it clear that everyone, wether a customer or not is fair game if it will add bills to the coffers. Recently it claimed a few casulties with WinMX shutting down and eDonkey calling it quits today. In addition they have recently launched another salvo against consumers, filing 757 more suits bringing the total to 14,8000. In addition they have attempted to use print ads, teenagers, and other means to disseminate misleading and incorrect information about this war.
Now though, the consumers and musicians are fighting back. One victim is suing the RIAA for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. The RIAA outfit called MediaSentry is the vendor that collects the data that the RIAA then uses to decide who to sue. The victim is claiming that this company, with known permission of the RIAA, basically hacked her computer to get the music files she has.
The RIAA also suffered a set back when forced to withdraw their case against a mother whose daughter was downloading the music. Since the computer belonged to the girl, the mother was not liable. Of course, now the music industry is considering suing the 13 year old girl.
Finally, even musicians are fighting back. Apparently more then annoyed with copy protection attempts on new CDs that prevents using for ripping them to iTunes and then only mp3 devices, many musicians are showing their fans how to get around the protection. Its makes you wonder why even bother buying a CD anymore.
I know war seems to be an exaggeration but thats what it is. The RIAA is attacking anyone and everything. They even have a propaganda campaign. They try to use overwhelming force of lawyers rather then soldiers to reach their goal. The RIAA goal is simple, return control of the music industry ie the pricing back to the music cartel. Before, they could price music at whatever they felt like, produce crap and tell us to like it. Now that music has been forced on the digital form they are being forced down a new business path they not only don't understand but they cannot control as they did in the past.
The consumers now are in control. With this new domain the entire CD of crap is worthless. If people want the prize jewel, thats all they get and dump the rest. No more spending 15 bucks for one song, now its just 1 buck. No more quick cheap hits like Britany Spears and her clan. In the new music digital age, their shelf life is brief unless they truly have the talent to back it up. The result is a return to quality. The problem with quality though is its expensive and time consuming. It can also cut into profit margins in an age where the quick buck is king.
The websites are also in control. Right now iTunes controls most of the downloading market but others are entering. There are three ingredients that will decide who stays on top 1) the music library 2) price 3) ease of use of the site and the music bought. Right now Apple not only rules in these critical categories with a massive music library, the price point is fabulous, but the site is easy to navigate and the music once bought is yours. The rules are few and not a limiting factor.
This, however, goes against the control the RIAA wants. They too are developing sites to compete with iTunes such as Rhapsody. However, they don't even bother to compete. Not only is the library usually limited, the price more expensive, but the rules and ease of use is non-existant. There are often many rules governing use of the music the consumer purchased and downloaded. However, rather then try to compete properly and competitivily, the RIAA is trying to cheat the field. They are attempting to force Apple to increase the cost of each song, claiming they don't get any money from it, even though its documented they get 70% of the sales of each song. They are also trying to force competing P2P sites to shut down. If they could legally find a way I am sure its just a matter of time before the try to shut down iTunes.
As of right now, RIAA has no control over pricing nor distribution. A situation that has never occured in its history. Its clearly frightened and lashing out like a spoiled brat at anyone they can. The problem is that in the digital age, lashing out rather then embracing simple creates problems. As the fall of Napster showed, taking out one P2P doesn't eliminate the problem, its just creates more problems. For every WinMX they take down, 5 will replace them...only they will be replaced overseas outside of the RIAA's and Supreme Court's jurisdiction. As iTunes has shown, give people a competitive reasonable method to get what they want, they will follow. Everytime industry has fought technology they have lost, but the moment they embrace it and harness it, new avenues of profit has opened up. Its time that the RIAA woke up and smelled the silicon. They may have won some battles but they lost the war.
Now though, the consumers and musicians are fighting back. One victim is suing the RIAA for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. The RIAA outfit called MediaSentry is the vendor that collects the data that the RIAA then uses to decide who to sue. The victim is claiming that this company, with known permission of the RIAA, basically hacked her computer to get the music files she has.
The RIAA also suffered a set back when forced to withdraw their case against a mother whose daughter was downloading the music. Since the computer belonged to the girl, the mother was not liable. Of course, now the music industry is considering suing the 13 year old girl.
Finally, even musicians are fighting back. Apparently more then annoyed with copy protection attempts on new CDs that prevents using for ripping them to iTunes and then only mp3 devices, many musicians are showing their fans how to get around the protection. Its makes you wonder why even bother buying a CD anymore.
I know war seems to be an exaggeration but thats what it is. The RIAA is attacking anyone and everything. They even have a propaganda campaign. They try to use overwhelming force of lawyers rather then soldiers to reach their goal. The RIAA goal is simple, return control of the music industry ie the pricing back to the music cartel. Before, they could price music at whatever they felt like, produce crap and tell us to like it. Now that music has been forced on the digital form they are being forced down a new business path they not only don't understand but they cannot control as they did in the past.
The consumers now are in control. With this new domain the entire CD of crap is worthless. If people want the prize jewel, thats all they get and dump the rest. No more spending 15 bucks for one song, now its just 1 buck. No more quick cheap hits like Britany Spears and her clan. In the new music digital age, their shelf life is brief unless they truly have the talent to back it up. The result is a return to quality. The problem with quality though is its expensive and time consuming. It can also cut into profit margins in an age where the quick buck is king.
The websites are also in control. Right now iTunes controls most of the downloading market but others are entering. There are three ingredients that will decide who stays on top 1) the music library 2) price 3) ease of use of the site and the music bought. Right now Apple not only rules in these critical categories with a massive music library, the price point is fabulous, but the site is easy to navigate and the music once bought is yours. The rules are few and not a limiting factor.
This, however, goes against the control the RIAA wants. They too are developing sites to compete with iTunes such as Rhapsody. However, they don't even bother to compete. Not only is the library usually limited, the price more expensive, but the rules and ease of use is non-existant. There are often many rules governing use of the music the consumer purchased and downloaded. However, rather then try to compete properly and competitivily, the RIAA is trying to cheat the field. They are attempting to force Apple to increase the cost of each song, claiming they don't get any money from it, even though its documented they get 70% of the sales of each song. They are also trying to force competing P2P sites to shut down. If they could legally find a way I am sure its just a matter of time before the try to shut down iTunes.
As of right now, RIAA has no control over pricing nor distribution. A situation that has never occured in its history. Its clearly frightened and lashing out like a spoiled brat at anyone they can. The problem is that in the digital age, lashing out rather then embracing simple creates problems. As the fall of Napster showed, taking out one P2P doesn't eliminate the problem, its just creates more problems. For every WinMX they take down, 5 will replace them...only they will be replaced overseas outside of the RIAA's and Supreme Court's jurisdiction. As iTunes has shown, give people a competitive reasonable method to get what they want, they will follow. Everytime industry has fought technology they have lost, but the moment they embrace it and harness it, new avenues of profit has opened up. Its time that the RIAA woke up and smelled the silicon. They may have won some battles but they lost the war.
Monday, October 03, 2005
The Bill of Players' Right
Read the article from called "The Bill of Player's Rights". In this article they basically list out features that they feel all games should have or address.
The Right to Play
Basically less cut-scenes, more play time. I can agree, I love cut scenes as much as the next person, the grand pupbah and inventor being the Final Fantasy series, but the problem know is they seem to have them just to have them rather then for pushing forward a story.
The Right To Win
The game should be winable. Basically, the game shouldn't make it so hard that winning is impossible or done only by a select few. Once again, a solid suggestion. I do get sick of games that basically create this point where nothing less then perfect skills and timing will allow advancement. Thats not fun its just irritating.
The Right to Instructions
Make sure there are clear instructions on what the buttons and menus do. That seems a no brainer to me yet many games do forget that fact. They seem to like to just toss people in the middle of the game, hoping that they suddenly have memorized what every button does. The better games not only have a written instruction book, but in game book and use the first few levels to build up the skills.
The Right to Feedback
This doesn't refer to feedback to the maker but feedback from the game. Basically some way of informing the player whether their approach is wrong or not. If you don't know your making mistakes you can't adjust your strategy.
The Right to Motivation
This is saying give people the "why" for doing what they do in a game. Its an emphasis not only the end goal but the journey. Makes perfect sense to me. The journey is a whole point of a game and often makers just throw in levels and obstacles to make the end important rather then getting to the end.
The Right to Make Decisions
A good game should require the player to decide things. It could be as simple as weapon choice, to which path to take, but at least require the player to engage their brain beyond thumping buttons at a rapid pace.
The Right to a Swift Death
Yes, I so agree with this one. Games that don't let me die when I want are frustrating. Sometimes you know you made a mistake and need to die and try again yet the game will not let you. If forces your to either restart the machine or go on for awhile before can attempt it again. If a game section requires passing it successfully to move further in the game, the game should give the option of death and try again rather then wasting much time only to find out that success was essential.
The Right to Control Cut-Scenes
Yes, another solid one. This is total control like a movie, with pause, skip and replay. Replaying is always a nice feature and is usually lacking in most games. Sometimes a good cut scene just needs to be seen more then once. Sometimes, due to death, repeat playthrough, etc maybe we just don't want to see the cut-scene again. Let us see it or skip it as we see fit.
The Right to Quit, Pause, Save and Resume the Game
Again can't agree more. The player should be able to save the game and start back where left off anytime the mood strikes. If can be in mid swing against the boss, or halfway through a dungeon. We shouldn't get punished because real-world events prevents playing the game or level all the way through. Also, this right extends to being able to create as many save slots as want. Most games seem to leave at three, but let the player decide if they want three or thirty. Its their game and memory, let em use it how they see fit. Mostly though, preventing saves until reach a certain point or goal is a cheap way of making a game hard.
The Right to Choose Not to Save the Game
This doesn't seem to make sense as a seperate right to me. It fits more with the above. If the person has the right to save anytime they want, they should therefore automatically have the right to refuse to save.
The Right to Reconfigure the Input Device
Again a no-brainer to me. This is saying let us set up our controllers, keyboards, etc however the player sees fit. Everyone has their own preference, let them do it how they want. In addition, make sure that configuration is savable.
The Right Not To Be Insulted
Uh not sure what this one is about. I think its reference to some games that "punish" you for dying, losing, etc with insults, noises etc. I do think doing that is silly and waste of time but it shouldn't be a gamers right.
So what do you think? Need more rights? Take away more? Either way I do like alot of the ideas presented. Some of the best games unknowingly follow the above rights so something could be said about them being helpful in designing the better game.
The Right to Play
Basically less cut-scenes, more play time. I can agree, I love cut scenes as much as the next person, the grand pupbah and inventor being the Final Fantasy series, but the problem know is they seem to have them just to have them rather then for pushing forward a story.
The Right To Win
The game should be winable. Basically, the game shouldn't make it so hard that winning is impossible or done only by a select few. Once again, a solid suggestion. I do get sick of games that basically create this point where nothing less then perfect skills and timing will allow advancement. Thats not fun its just irritating.
The Right to Instructions
Make sure there are clear instructions on what the buttons and menus do. That seems a no brainer to me yet many games do forget that fact. They seem to like to just toss people in the middle of the game, hoping that they suddenly have memorized what every button does. The better games not only have a written instruction book, but in game book and use the first few levels to build up the skills.
The Right to Feedback
This doesn't refer to feedback to the maker but feedback from the game. Basically some way of informing the player whether their approach is wrong or not. If you don't know your making mistakes you can't adjust your strategy.
The Right to Motivation
This is saying give people the "why" for doing what they do in a game. Its an emphasis not only the end goal but the journey. Makes perfect sense to me. The journey is a whole point of a game and often makers just throw in levels and obstacles to make the end important rather then getting to the end.
The Right to Make Decisions
A good game should require the player to decide things. It could be as simple as weapon choice, to which path to take, but at least require the player to engage their brain beyond thumping buttons at a rapid pace.
The Right to a Swift Death
Yes, I so agree with this one. Games that don't let me die when I want are frustrating. Sometimes you know you made a mistake and need to die and try again yet the game will not let you. If forces your to either restart the machine or go on for awhile before can attempt it again. If a game section requires passing it successfully to move further in the game, the game should give the option of death and try again rather then wasting much time only to find out that success was essential.
The Right to Control Cut-Scenes
Yes, another solid one. This is total control like a movie, with pause, skip and replay. Replaying is always a nice feature and is usually lacking in most games. Sometimes a good cut scene just needs to be seen more then once. Sometimes, due to death, repeat playthrough, etc maybe we just don't want to see the cut-scene again. Let us see it or skip it as we see fit.
The Right to Quit, Pause, Save and Resume the Game
Again can't agree more. The player should be able to save the game and start back where left off anytime the mood strikes. If can be in mid swing against the boss, or halfway through a dungeon. We shouldn't get punished because real-world events prevents playing the game or level all the way through. Also, this right extends to being able to create as many save slots as want. Most games seem to leave at three, but let the player decide if they want three or thirty. Its their game and memory, let em use it how they see fit. Mostly though, preventing saves until reach a certain point or goal is a cheap way of making a game hard.
The Right to Choose Not to Save the Game
This doesn't seem to make sense as a seperate right to me. It fits more with the above. If the person has the right to save anytime they want, they should therefore automatically have the right to refuse to save.
The Right to Reconfigure the Input Device
Again a no-brainer to me. This is saying let us set up our controllers, keyboards, etc however the player sees fit. Everyone has their own preference, let them do it how they want. In addition, make sure that configuration is savable.
The Right Not To Be Insulted
Uh not sure what this one is about. I think its reference to some games that "punish" you for dying, losing, etc with insults, noises etc. I do think doing that is silly and waste of time but it shouldn't be a gamers right.
So what do you think? Need more rights? Take away more? Either way I do like alot of the ideas presented. Some of the best games unknowingly follow the above rights so something could be said about them being helpful in designing the better game.
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