"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Friday, October 28, 2005

Libby in Trouble, Rove Safe?

Amazingly enough, at the 11th hour, Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald handed down some indictments against Lewis Libby, VP Cheney's chief of staff. Like most I was hoping for Karl Rove would get some indictments but alas he didn't. However that condition could be temporary. Still of the two the bigger fish was caught. Maybe with some hope that will lead to biggest fish of all but I seriously doubt it. If jail time really looks like a possiblily, which is highly unlikely, then I am betting he will take one for the team. I say this on the assumption that the VP at least was involved but most likely the Bush was to. I just don't see how something this high level as revealing info about the CIA in revenge, that directly effected Presidential mandate on Iraq wasn't done with their knowledge. I just don't see it. I recognize its possible, but for it to be true means either our leaders breaking the law for petty reasons or they had a rogue employee doing whatever he wanted. Niether sounds good in my opinion and just further reflects the ongoing incompency that is the Bush administration. Shows what happens when you surround yourself with "yes-men" and cronies rather then experiences and capable people. Hopefully this will bite everyone in the ass enough to have future leaders give seconds thoughts to such behavior but its probably wishful thinking on my part.

1 comment:

  1. So, let me see if I understand this. The prosecutor didn't find the WMDs, but he's going ahead with the war anyway?
