"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Friday, October 14, 2005

Actor Greed Strikes Again

Once again the "creators" of Hollywood want a slice of pie they do not deserve. The actors, writers, and director guilds are demanding that they get a piece of the new source of revenue represented by the new video iPod.

Currently, iTunes is offering the episodes of 5 ABC television programs for $1.99. Clearly seeing the future where the other networks will join in along with movies studios, the guilds are prepping now to make sure as much of that money comes their way as possible.

Now I have no problem with people trying to get a slice of pie, but this expectation that they just automatically deservce it because they are actors, directors, and writers is a bunch of BS. That is like you demanding a percentage of the pie for every product your company sells because you had something to do with its creation. Now we would all love that, but reality doesn't work that way. Just because they where paid to create a product doesn't automatically make them part owner of said product which this new call for the pie basically claims. They get all the benefits but none of the risk. The studios take on the risk by hiring said actors, writers, and directors (hince forth called the Greedy), the studio pay for the movie, the distriubtion, the advertising, the DVD pressing and everything else. Until they put in their own risk, say some cash for the production of the movie, they simply do not deserve to have a claim on any of the profits that is generated.

The Greedy just cash the paychecks and do the work (like the rest of us in the world). Yet for some reason they claim their effort is more deserving of more reward. What about the other important people that get the movie made? The Greedy can't do it without the costumers, set designers, builders, location scouts, carpenters, special effects crews, stuntman, the list is endless. Why don't they deserve a piece? What makes their contribution less important? Could the Greedy step up and do those other jobs if they all refused? I highly doubt it.

Simply put, just because you are called an actor, writer, or director doesn't automatically mean you deserve more. Nor does it mean your contribution is greater. If you want a piece of the pie, its high time you put in a bit for the risk. Until then, do like everyone else in the world does, get paid to do the damn job and nothing else.

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