"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Monday, April 10, 2006

Immigration protests

Apparently in mulitple locations in the US, organized protests where carried out. In Lexington, Kentucky, they waved signs that read: "We were all immigrants once," and "We are not terrorists," The Associated Press reported. Many carried Mexican flags. Basically they want the chance at a better life.

Let us dissect some of these statements which truly summarize the thing. "We were all immigrants once." This is true, but most of those immigrants became citizens through legal means. They earned it. They followed the law. Are any of them terrorists? Not likely. I also find it telling many carry the Mexican flag. This seems to confuse the issue of loyalty. The claim they want to opportunites of the US but seem to also have divided loyalties. Also, they claim this issue is for all immigrants regardless of nationality, but clearly the flags prove its really only a Mexican issue. Considering that 70% of the illegals are probably from Mexico then its no surprise.

Key thing about this whole argument though...they want this chance without having to earn through legal means. They basically are arguing that since they have broken the law for so long lets just make it legal and be done with it. There are already means in place to earn citizenship, earn the right to live and work here. The key word is earn. Actually learning English being step 1 rather then living a lifetime here unable to communicate with 90% of the countries population many claim they are loyal (while waving the Mexican flag). The millions of people ignoring it shouldn't just get carte blanche because they have gotten away with it for so long.

You want the rights and freedoms that citizenship brings. Earn it. Become a citizen. End the divided loyalies.

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