"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Monday, April 17, 2006

Michelle Malkin crosses the line #123543

Michelle Malkin is a known media darling for the Republican party. To her, "any means necessary" is the phrase to employ when defending her Republican heroes against their critics. She worships at the alter of Bush so you can imagine her reaction to anything that is against his precious holy war in Iraq. This week in a blog posting called "SEDITIOUS SANTA CRUZ VS. AMERICA", in response to a group called Students Against War (SAW) on the Santa Cruz Campus, she decided to post the personal phone numbers of the leaders of the campus group. Of course the expected death threats followed, which is always going to occur on any decisive issue.

Even more amazing then the gall for this women to give out personal information on students is that she has the nerve to say "As for SAW, my message is this: You are responsible for your individual actions. Other individuals are responsible for theirs. Grow up and take responsibility."

This from a person that does everything to dodge responsibility for anything she has said or done, whose career is about making excuses for others not living up to their responsibilities. Even more hypocritical, you can't exactly give Michelle a call when you disagree with her statements. You think Michelle would have the balls to back up her own words with action. She takes them to task for their views and wants people to call those students, you would think she would offer up her home phone number so those of us that don't agree with her can give her our opinions.

However, we are talking about a mouthpiece of the republican parties so hypocrasy is a given.

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