GM Reveals Re-Structure Plans - Today GM has announced that as part of a plan to shed $44 billion in debt, it will cut 21,000 factory jobs, end the Pontiac brand, cut 42% of its dealerships, end production of the Saturn and Hummer lines, and attempt to offer 225 shares for $1000 in notes as a debt-for-equity swap. The swap plan is actually the key to the whole thing as the CEO has said that if that fails then the company will have to file for bankruptcy by June. Sadly, where once I was on the "save GM" bandwagon, I now believe that bankruptcy may be the only thing that can allow the company to rebuild as most of its debt deals with the various unions that were made worse by the company's belief that it didn't have to compete with foreign companies, that its name alone was enough.

IBM's Watson to Compete On Jeopardy! - Much like its chess computer Deep Blue, Watson is designed for one purpose - win at Jeopardy against human players. However, this task is much more difficult as it requires more than just a database of information. While it is something we take for granted, the ability to take an answer and device the question requires more than just facts, it requires understanding the "answer", getting the context and taking information and putting it together, something computers don't do on their own very well. If they did, search engines wouldn't be the billion dollar industry it is now.
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