"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Monday, August 23, 2004

Overtime Rules change

Here is an example of how the Bush Admin is using the silly Vietnam stuff to distract everyone from stuff that DOES effect you, Bush acolyte or not.

Where you aware that overtime rules have changed? And not for the better. That this change was supported by major corporations (now that should scare you) and pushed by the Bush Admin?

If that isn't a clear indication that Bush cares NOTHING about anyone that isn't rich or able to funnel money to him and his buddies I don't know what will. What really is shameful is the press is too imcompetent to make it a HUGE issue of this election. It makes it pretty clear, you ain't rich, you don't matter to Bush except as the stupid sheep to trick so can get re-elected so can really help his buddies. You think corporations run the US gov't you ain't seen nothing yet if Bush gets elected.



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