"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Thursday, August 05, 2004

The Village

Just got back from watching The Village. Was bored silly. Once again M. Night Schmalyan (schmalyn? bah can't spell it and too lazy to look) crafted a technically good movie that would be good for directing classes in college...but not a particularly interesting or even entertaining movie.

You have most of the ingredients, good cast, acting, plot, set and so forth. Its just the actually story itself is boring. Also the movie is just so damn sloooooooow. You thought Signs developed slowly...this one is practically glacial in pace.

As for the twist...its ok. Really not bad, more creative then what 99.9% of other Hollywood writers would have come up with...except you really just don't care. The problem is you really don't care about the characters and even if you did the twist effects them but doesn't really involve them personally. So you are "oh okay /shrug" instead of "ooh ahhh".

In the end though this movie suffers from the failure of room number one that any movie should aspire to - entertain the damn audience. This movie was simply boring.

My rating for this movie: wait for cable...better yet wait till free on network TV couple of years from now.

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