"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Jon Stewart and Crossfire

What's really sad is that the press doesn't even get it. Some thought he was being a dick, others thought he was being a hypocrit (nevermind his show has never sold itself as a news source), and even others just went on about an opportunity that CNN let pass by not putting it on their website while dismissing the content of what Jon was saying.

I don't think the press gets how disgusted Americans are with the media now. They are lazy, irrelevant hacks who can't even be bothered to research a story. If its not written for them by a source, producer or handed to them as "Talking Points" they can't even be bothered. Even the so-called "political experts" such as those on Crossfile, all they do is regurgitate talking points like some mindless puppet. A monkey could do that. No attempt is made to actually discuss or delve deeper into the topics. That would be fine if they didn't then lie to themselves and the audience and claim the contary.

At least Jon Stewart has the integrity to not pretend he is something he isn't. He doesn't call himself a reporter, a source for news, or even an expert. Yet his show consistancy shows to is superior to the networks in all three arenas. Its actually pathetic that the media gets queues from his show (which Jon is fully aware). The press corps is so far gone now though I don't think it will ever recover. I think ambulance chasers have more credibilty now then a member of the press.

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