"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Where in the US is info on the British Election?

What do you know, tomorrow is the last day in United Kingdom to vote for their representatives in Parliment. What does this mean for the US?

Well it means the majority party, currently Tony Blair's Labour Party, would decide who the next prime minister. In theory, that means Tony Blair gets tossed on his keister, a new UK prime minister is selected, one who is not so happy to kiss Bush's ass. The end result would be our last large ally pulling out of Iraq. The one real friend in the world US has left may be gone after these elections end.

You would think the American media would feel a need to mention this at some point in the last week or so. Sounds like news to me, doesn't it you? But nope, the only reason I heard about this was from the 5/4/05 Daily Show. They informed me of this remarkable news. They also had a scathing difference of what a true town hall meeting is supposed to be instead of the rally that Bush's people kept labeling "town hall." So once again, the "Story of the Day" approach to the news fails to inform us of somethign we may need to know, that a new prime minister may be elected.

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