"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Monday, July 18, 2005

Harry Potter Year 6

Just finished the book and sadly I found it too short at only 630 pages. I wanted it to be longer because it was such an enjoyable read. I love to read, always have, and I can't recommend Harry Potter enough. It is a great read for all ages. Once get to book 3, you will not stop till get through with six.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is a great and enjoyable read that further's his adventures and his relationships. The novel goes a long way into filling in the back story, motivations and evil of Lord Vordemort while at the same time showing how that back story plays apart into the previous books including a very neat explanation for the diary in the Chamber of Secrets. Pretty much every previous book gets touched upon in this story further filling out many backstories and questions. And like any good book series, new questions arise to join the ones not yet answered. If I had one complaint, it was the ending which seemed sudden and quick even with the big o' boomstick that Rawlings dropped on fans. Oddly enough the ending seems so rushed with the changes, revelations, and a quest that is introduced. that it feels like either the next book will be dictionary sized or maybe just maybe year 7 may not necessary be just one book. I don't remember if Rawlings ever said there would be only 7 books or 7 years but on can hope for the former.

New or old, go read this and all other Harry Potter books.

Now for some mean o fun:

- Snape kills Dumbledore.
- Voldemort is practically immortal because he committed murders to store 7 pieces of his soul in objects including the diary and his current body.
- To kill Voldemort, all 7 pieces have to be destroyed. Currently two pieces are destroyed, the diary and Sytherin's ring.
- Remaining pieces are in a snake, Humplepuff cup, and two unknown objects beloning to Ravenclaw and the other house.
- Potter vows to destroy Voldemort and will not return to the school to do it.
- Malfoy is instructmental in helping to kill Dumbledore, yet at the same time sorta redeems himself.
- Snape is the one that informed his master of the prophecy that led to the death of Potter's parents and his mark.
- Voldemort created his own arch enemy by responding to the prophecy. No action taken, no dead potter parents and no "chosen one".
- And for the wee ones, Harry and Ginny "snog" then break up and Ron and Hermoine are clearing about to snog but haven't yet.
- Lord Vordemort is winning the war.

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