"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Supreme Court Nom

Too early to form an opinion on the nomination but based on what little I have read, I don't really have cause to complain. Sounds like Bush might have picked a conservative moderate and really can't ask better then that (well for a liberal moderate of course :P). I am alo pleased that Bush didn't pick a woman or minority just to pick a woman or minority so points for that to.

Now here is the thing, its been proven that the press (and by extension congress) only has the attention span for one story at a time, so which will get the focus now? Rove or Court nom? Next few days should be interesting. Either way Bush wins. Attention focuses on the nom, Rove story becomes "old". Or they stay drilled on Rove, attention moves away from the nom making his passage more likely.

Now not saying that the Court nomination was planned for that cause really, I don't. Bush had to wait long enough after the British bombings to announce and if he waited too long that would just look indecisive. So timing is just lucky happenstance.

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