"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Thursday, July 07, 2005

London Subway Bombed

If you haven't heard about this you might live in a whole in the ground. London experienced explosion of four bombs in their subway system that currently has killed 37 and wounded 700.

The group claiming responsibility is is called the "Secret Organization group al Qaeda Organization in Europe." If their actions didn't prove it then their name does. They are the stupidest bastards on the planet. The redefine stupidity. At a time in the ties between the US and Britain where falling apart, they decide that instead of trying to sever those ties to renew and strenghen them instead. They actually blew stuff up to make the relations stronger and better for the US. Gee thanks guys, didn't really need your help on that. Stupidest bastards.

What really amazes me about these groups beyond their stupidity is just how close minded they are. When we blow their shit up, they get pissed. What the fuck makes them think are reaction wouldn't be the same? Seriously what goes through their heads? It seems like their solution to everything is to blow shit up even though that hasn't worked. For centuries. They have literally been blowing shit up for centuries and accomplished nada, yet they continue the path as if something will change. They get pissed when their shit blows up, so do we. There something in common. And it shows just how stupid they are. At least the "infidels" learn after a few years when a new approach is needed. These dumb shits still haven't learned after centuries.

Another reason we know they are dumbshits. They stole from the Christian Playbook. Christian rulers way back when, lets use crusades as an example, would tell the uneducated that the bible says go kill the evil Muslims. Of course the Bible never said this, but the uneducated masses marching off to war couldn't read so they couldn't disprove it. They just assumed their leadership was telling the truth. That is exactly how these dipshit terrorists work. Instead of learning to read and verify for themselves what the Koran says, they just happily follow along with whatever garbage spews from their leadership. Once again, they fail to learn from history. The very tactics used against them, they know use against their own people. And the people love them for it. Once again, stupid dumpshits.

Finally, they blew up the streets of London. London people. Stupid. This is the city that has dealt with more then its share of bombings. The IRA for decades, Indian uprising, pretty much ever country in the world at some point in time has dropped a bomb or two on London. This is the same London that was bombed to hell and back in WWII. After all that, when the resolve of the British never changed, do these dipshits seriously think blowing up a subway system is going to get them to cower? Please.

Again, history. WWII is all you need to know to realize that the only thing this act would do is piss the British off. To again renew their ties with the US. To strengthen the goals of the US. The opposite of what the terrorists want. Stupid stupid stupid dipshits.

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