Ann Coulter got around to commenting on the plagiarism charges from the NY Post that I posted about before. In her July 5th column, she responded "How crappy a newspaper is the Post? Let me put it this way: It's New York's second-crappiest paper."
Not exactly a mature response and more telling, not a denial either. It seems like she couldn't help herself and had to same something, even if just a dismissive note, but I get the feeling she is just hoping the whole thing will blow over. It probably will but I hope not.
Even more ironic, Ann Coulter derided ex-New York Times reporter Jayson Blair for this very same behavior. She can't even claim she wasn't aware or doesn't know how the rules of sourcing works as she used much ink showing how she feels the behavior is wrong.
About Blair in her 5/15/03 column "The New York Times is to be commended for ferreting out Jayson Blair, the reporter recently discovered making up facts, plagiarism other news organizations and lying about nonexistent trips and interviews. A newspaper that employs Maureen Dowd can't have had an easy time settling on Blair as the scapegoat. Blair's record of inaccuracies, lies and distortions made him a candidate for either immediate dismissal or his own regular column on the op-ed page."
Click here for an interview Keith Olbermann had about this issue.
Here is hoping this issue starts to get into the mainstream press. FoxNews is unlikely to comment on it as she is their golden girl but nothing is stopping the other channels and newspapers from going to town on this issue. It shouldn't be ignored. She is a prominent political commentator who has condemned others for the very act she herself commits regularly. That behavior would not be tolerated from anyone else and it shouldn't be from her.
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