Exxon Mobil reported another near record breaking 2nd quarter profit today. According to cnn.com, that makes the earnings $1318.00 a second in profit. Now remember, profit is money made after expenses such as repairs, R&D, payroll, compensation, all that stuff. This is pure, in the bank, swim in like Scrooge McDuck profit. This is despite the claims of instability in the Middle East disrupting supply and other supposed increases in cost. Again profit is money made after those costs.
Gas sits at $3.00 plus a gallon, the search for new energy sources has been lackluster at best in part because of the oil lobby, yet they are not price gouging? Does any of it make sense to you because it doesn't to me. All I can say is elections are coming up, send the message to your rep that if you support big oil, you don't vote for them.
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