"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Friday, July 21, 2006


In an article from Gamworld Network, they suggest that the PSP is done. The attempt at creating the next gen videogame handheld has failed, and not because of the Nintendo DS but more because its a reflection of what Sony didn't do right.

The trigger of this argument seems to be Target no longer selling UMD format for movies with rumors that Best Buy and Wal-Mart will do the same. Once that happens, all studio will bow out too. This is a gimme to me. I don't know what genius business exec though people would be willing to pay as much if not more, for a UMD movie that can't hold all the features of a DVD, only plays on the small screen of the PSP, and just doesn't look as good. If they couldn't price it right, they shouldn't have introduced it.

The biggest problem with the system is the games. The system is more Playstation 1.5 then its own brand and identity. It seems designers decided it was just easier to port games then create unique experiences for the handheld market. If I wanted a PS1 or 2 game, I wouldn't need the handheld afterall.

Another issue is price. The PSP isn't worth the $200 price tag, especially in light that the much funner and better Wii is going to be that price too. Nevermind the more competitivily price Nintendo DS. On top of that, you have $40-$50 games that are not worth that price point. The cause of that price is that making the games is nearly as expensive as the console games, but that seems like a problem that should be taken up with Sony, not with the consumer.

Theatrically, the PSP can survive, but that requires a whole new approach to the system, with a new approach on how its sold and its prices. I doubt that will happen with the focus Sony currently has on the PS3. Long story short, if you are thinking of buying the system, give it a pass.

Article is here.

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