Well I be shocked. Some of DeLay's behavior has finally caught up with him. Today a grand jury indicted the man for criminial conspiracy (whatever that is) in regards to his campaign donations. As a result of this DeLay is no longer the House Majority Leader. Sure the house re-wrote the rules to protect him last year but their isn't a whole lot they can do in this scenario except find a replayment, who will be Eric Cantor (VA) and David Dreir (CA).
Of course nothing will come of this and something like "criminial conspiracy" sounds likes it would be a bitch to prove even if the person wasn't one of the most powerful in the country. This will go away quietly and silently much like Karl Rove's part in the Plume case has. For whatever reason, the Republicans get a free ride in stuff like this rather then -Gate names that democrats get on a regular basis.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Friday, September 23, 2005
WinMX Dead?
Apparently over the weekend the RIAA struck trying to shut down 7 peer to peer networks sites including WinMX and eDonkey, which if go to doesn't bring up anything even up. This move is a result of a Supreme Court ruling in favor of the music industry and their fight to protect the bottom line. However, this rules only apply to the United States which means that P2P sites home-based outside of the US are techinically safe from prosecution. I say techinically because we are talking about the law and nothing is stable in that arena. Its possible that the US government, with monetary encouragement of the RIAA could decide to touch base with other government offcials and enforce the law elsewhere. So far that hasn't happened fortunatly. Besides, you all know, kill one network, 10 will rise in its place.
An example of this is WinMX. P2PZone has posted instructions on how to connect your WinMX browser back to the P2P network by updating your hosts file on your PC. The solution is technically correct, after all the hosts file is a nifty tool. For example you could add this entry to the hosts file: www.foxnews.com, is the IP address of www.cnn.com. Now as a result of this entry, anytime someone on that computer tries to go to foxnews.com, Windows checks the hosts file, sees that entry and automatically redirects to that IP address...the result is always going to cnn.com. Much fun can be had on the computer illiterate with that.
Anycase, just be aware that updating your hosts files will redirect winmx to connect to unknown and possibly malicious servers. Use at your own risk and maybe be careful on the folders you are sharing until get an idea on things. As always, never share your personal information.
Found out the above suggested method didn't work for me with WinMX but then Slyck News found this site that did work. So try this if other doesn't work but again at your own risk but so far all seems good but then I don't really care that much.
Also Slyck has an article called Top 10 WinMX Alternatives that may be worth noting along with news that eDonkey is also still up and running...at least for now.
An example of this is WinMX. P2PZone has posted instructions on how to connect your WinMX browser back to the P2P network by updating your hosts file on your PC. The solution is technically correct, after all the hosts file is a nifty tool. For example you could add this entry to the hosts file: www.foxnews.com, is the IP address of www.cnn.com. Now as a result of this entry, anytime someone on that computer tries to go to foxnews.com, Windows checks the hosts file, sees that entry and automatically redirects to that IP address...the result is always going to cnn.com. Much fun can be had on the computer illiterate with that.
Anycase, just be aware that updating your hosts files will redirect winmx to connect to unknown and possibly malicious servers. Use at your own risk and maybe be careful on the folders you are sharing until get an idea on things. As always, never share your personal information.
Found out the above suggested method didn't work for me with WinMX but then Slyck News found this site that did work. So try this if other doesn't work but again at your own risk but so far all seems good but then I don't really care that much.
Also Slyck has an article called Top 10 WinMX Alternatives that may be worth noting along with news that eDonkey is also still up and running...at least for now.
Jon Stewart who?
I find it hard to believe that many haven't heard of Jon Stewart the host of The Daily Show on comedy central. Especially in Washington, but apparently many have not.
If you don't watch this show, do it. Its own Monday through Thursday at 11pm eastern time. Its a hilarious and very informative showcasing of the news. Its does what the news use to, show inconstiancies, factuals missteps and other silliness of our nations leaders.
If you don't watch this show, do it. Its own Monday through Thursday at 11pm eastern time. Its a hilarious and very informative showcasing of the news. Its does what the news use to, show inconstiancies, factuals missteps and other silliness of our nations leaders.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
JetBlue Passengers Viewing Own Near Crash
I am sure many have seen the near crash (QT or WMP) of the JetBlue airplane after the front landing gear was discovered broken after takeoff. The landing was just amazing with the streak of fire and burst of flame. It was amazing footage and an amazing landing. If not the for the fire it was probably a textbook landing. The pilot deservers more then a handshake, he deserves a raise and an metal.
It must have been both frightening and bizarre for the passengers though. The JetBlue plane has DirectTV for each seat and as a result each passenger was able to view their own possible crash both from the perspective of potential victim and viewer. I don't know how I would handle that duality. It must have just been odd, scary, and strangly informative combines with cable TVs usually "we are going to die" drama they like to insert into everything. I honestly can't imagine.
Extra kudos should go to JetBlue, not only for apparently hiring great pilots, techs etc that got that plan down, but also for the decision to allow the passengers of not only that plane but others to see the unfolding drama. I am not sure most companies would have risked that kind of potential PR nightmare in their shoes. So hats off to all and its wonderful after so long to see a good ending on TV for once.
It must have been both frightening and bizarre for the passengers though. The JetBlue plane has DirectTV for each seat and as a result each passenger was able to view their own possible crash both from the perspective of potential victim and viewer. I don't know how I would handle that duality. It must have just been odd, scary, and strangly informative combines with cable TVs usually "we are going to die" drama they like to insert into everything. I honestly can't imagine.
Extra kudos should go to JetBlue, not only for apparently hiring great pilots, techs etc that got that plan down, but also for the decision to allow the passengers of not only that plane but others to see the unfolding drama. I am not sure most companies would have risked that kind of potential PR nightmare in their shoes. So hats off to all and its wonderful after so long to see a good ending on TV for once.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Clinton on Bush's Tax Policy
Clinton basically calls Bush out on his tax policy on George Stephanopoulos' show this weekend. "I don't think it makes any sense. I think its wrong." Despite the cost of Iraq, Katrina, and the general war on terror, Bush is still pushing to do tax cuts. Once again these tax cuts are aimed at the upper class. Republicans deny this but the facts bear it out. If it was an across the board cut...why not just make it that way? 5% for everyone, not the convoluted "trust us" math that is currently used.
Anyway, it just seems weird that Bush is talking about how we need to do this and that to eliminate our reliance on oil while at the same time creating this gigantic deficit that is reliant on foriegn money. Of course one of those is Saudia Arabia who the Bush family is in tight with so there is personal motivation involved.
For me, there should be "The 1st Law of US Tax Policy", its very simple:
Spend more, tax more; spend less, tax less.
The nice thing about this law it is a great motivator. All politicans like to cut taxes, they love to use it as a tool to boost numbers or get re-elected. Thats fine, they just have to be responsible about it. They want that boost, cut spending. That pork bill about to pass, sorry got to go. Oh that tax cut for oil, no can do unless can work arrangement with x to cut the spending on y.
Bush's policy though, no good can come of it. None, zilch, nada, there is nothing under the sun that can make me think that debt is a good thing, wether its on a credit card or for the federal government. Giving away money on the interest owed is always always bad business and it should be bad policy. But what the rich wants and can sell to the idiots, the rich get.
Anyway, it just seems weird that Bush is talking about how we need to do this and that to eliminate our reliance on oil while at the same time creating this gigantic deficit that is reliant on foriegn money. Of course one of those is Saudia Arabia who the Bush family is in tight with so there is personal motivation involved.
For me, there should be "The 1st Law of US Tax Policy", its very simple:
Spend more, tax more; spend less, tax less.
The nice thing about this law it is a great motivator. All politicans like to cut taxes, they love to use it as a tool to boost numbers or get re-elected. Thats fine, they just have to be responsible about it. They want that boost, cut spending. That pork bill about to pass, sorry got to go. Oh that tax cut for oil, no can do unless can work arrangement with x to cut the spending on y.
Bush's policy though, no good can come of it. None, zilch, nada, there is nothing under the sun that can make me think that debt is a good thing, wether its on a credit card or for the federal government. Giving away money on the interest owed is always always bad business and it should be bad policy. But what the rich wants and can sell to the idiots, the rich get.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed

Click here for the 411 on the Nintendo Revolution Controller being released next year. The controller, oddly enough, looks just like an old fashioned television remote mixed with the clean look of an iPod. Just based on the visual I thought "what the hell?" and then thought it was a hoax as there have already been many. Based on the description though and after the Gameboy DS, this just like Nintendo. Graphics, characters, story, difficulty can be important but if has to be balanced with the unquntifable thing called fun and Nintendo has always excelled at that. The PSP has shown that its an area that Sony still doesn't understand. Any case read up and be both confused and a little amazed.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Bandwagon Line Forming
Bush admitted a mistake yesterday, now its LA Governor Blano's turn. I wonder if the mayor is next? I don't think he is politically savy enough to see the smarts behind this but might be suprised.
Its nice to see our leaders grow up a little. To bad I think this new found honesty has less to do with a new understanding of the perils of leadership and more of a political move.
Its nice to see our leaders grow up a little. To bad I think this new found honesty has less to do with a new understanding of the perils of leadership and more of a political move.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
As I live and breath...
George Bush takes responsibility for something bad. He admits error. He acts presidential. I am simply amazed.
Monday, September 12, 2005
"Here's What Gets Me"
If only I could write like this. This blog post called "Here's What Gets Me" did what I couldn't and thats explain in words how President Bush keeps failing us. All the frustrations, rage, irriation, exasperation, and hurt that I feel towards that useless man but just cannot seem to express or explain in a coherent manner is explained there. I think for many that don't understand, its brings clarity, and for those that do, it brings a little release.
Anderson Cooper Piece
"Unanchored"- Good read describing the impact Hurricane Katrina has had on CNN's Anderson Cooper. I was one of those that thought Anderson was full of it out there on the bridges, in the weather and so on right at the beginning of the hurricane. I didn't think it was brave, just silly and stupid. The aftermath, the way he handled it, the way he brought it home, it finally reminded us of the press corps we use to have, use to love, and use to love to hate. I missed them and its nice to see Anderson leading the charge to their return. I just hope none of them decide to give up the fight halfway through.
"News You Can Lose" - Article by Jack Shafer describing many of the problems and bad habits that plague cable journalism such as muscial montages (i like them personally), lack of maps and illustrations (no kidding, Newsweek explained the hurricane better with a few graphics then all the hours of TV did), the dishonesty (could go pages on that) and opportunism (one word: Geraldo).
"News You Can Lose" - Article by Jack Shafer describing many of the problems and bad habits that plague cable journalism such as muscial montages (i like them personally), lack of maps and illustrations (no kidding, Newsweek explained the hurricane better with a few graphics then all the hours of TV did), the dishonesty (could go pages on that) and opportunism (one word: Geraldo).
Another prediction down
Damn it feels good to be wrong. Another prediction bites the dust as FEMA director Mike Brown resigns. Now the door is still open as Bush could still reward failure with a medal but still I will err on the side of happy and go with totally wrong prediction. So that is 0/10, hopefully the streak will continue.
Pre-mature baby dies
A followup to a post in August about Susan Torres. At the time I wrote of it as a contrast to the Terri Schiavo disaster.
Sadly, Susan Torres was kept on life support for three months so her baby could live. The baby was born on August 2nd as Susan Anne Catherine Torres and her mother was allowed to die. Sadly the struggle for life ended today when the poor child died during emergency surgery to repair a perforated intestine.
Full story here.
Sadly, Susan Torres was kept on life support for three months so her baby could live. The baby was born on August 2nd as Susan Anne Catherine Torres and her mother was allowed to die. Sadly the struggle for life ended today when the poor child died during emergency surgery to repair a perforated intestine.
Full story here.
The World Remembers 9/11
While the United States remembered the 4th Anniversary of 9/11 in New York, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania, so did many others around the world including:
Great Britain
Middle East
The Vatican
Also the politics of the time was discussed by many, rather then the tragedy, one a warning of more:
Al Quida
Al Jazeera
Great Britain
Middle East
The Vatican
Also the politics of the time was discussed by many, rather then the tragedy, one a warning of more:
Al Quida
Al Jazeera
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Katrina Death Toll Less Than 10k
Unlike most prognosticators, I don't mind being wrong. I am a cyncial SOB so my "predictions" are cyncial so being wrong can only mean good things for others. In this case I predicted a death toll of 35k, instead it looks like less than 10k. Still a high number and incredibly tragic (compare 9/11 with 3k) but still considering how bad the situation was alot of less then most expecting.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Katrina and Race
I was watching Bill Mohar or however spell it on HBO yesterday and once again they played the race card. Saying its unconscious racism and all this other garbage. They also said was a classism which is debateable but doubtful. On top of that, they just absolutely refused the believe the mayor could have played a part in it. I am sorry but you can't blame Bush and not blame the mayor. You have to blame both. If truly want answers and solutions, you must blame both.
Anyway, I am just sick of the racist and class angle and here is why: there is no proof. Seeing a bunch of poor black people is not proof of anything other then that a bunch of poor black people where effected.
What is never mentioned and what there is ton of circumstantial proof is this: incompetence. There is tons of proof of that. Why does this and everything have to about race just because it involves black people? Why does it have to be about class just because it involves poor? Why can't it just be about a lack of leadership? Or a lack of experience, lack of knowledge, lack of ability, lack of prepreperation? Other then discussions on this board I have yet to hear that anywhere else, they all just climb ontop of the race bandwagon because I guess its the politically safe wagon. But really sometimes, I know its hard to believe, but not everything is about race.
Anyway, I am just sick of the racist and class angle and here is why: there is no proof. Seeing a bunch of poor black people is not proof of anything other then that a bunch of poor black people where effected.
What is never mentioned and what there is ton of circumstantial proof is this: incompetence. There is tons of proof of that. Why does this and everything have to about race just because it involves black people? Why does it have to be about class just because it involves poor? Why can't it just be about a lack of leadership? Or a lack of experience, lack of knowledge, lack of ability, lack of prepreperation? Other then discussions on this board I have yet to hear that anywhere else, they all just climb ontop of the race bandwagon because I guess its the politically safe wagon. But really sometimes, I know its hard to believe, but not everything is about race.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Right or Wrong Direction?
FEMA Director called back to Washington - This usually means a vote of no confidence from the presidential admisitration, but this is Bush so don't know what it means till he is either promoted or fired but its a step in the right direction.
Bush lifts wage rules for Katrina - Basically the president gives permission to anyone working on Katrina rebuilding can do what they want wage wise. Good news if you are one of the contractors used in the rebuilding (good news for Bush's friends) but bad news if one of the workers desperate for a job and forced to accepts a $2 hour wage or whatever the contractor decides is "fair". Since fair is usually defined as the bare minimium, I don't see those working on the rebuilding to be the best or the brightest. Personally I would be afraid to return to New Orleans for this reason alone. Definitly a step in the wrong direction for NO.
Media Moguls Regain Control of Media - Nice little article showing how the owners of all the major media new sources, CNN, Fox, NBC, etc, have used the last week to reign in their on air talent and once again return to the sunny size of the Bush agenda. Its a nice writeup comparing the previous week to the next and how most stations seems to do an 180 on approach to the coverage. The media may be liberal but the owners are not, people like to forget that.
Bush lifts wage rules for Katrina - Basically the president gives permission to anyone working on Katrina rebuilding can do what they want wage wise. Good news if you are one of the contractors used in the rebuilding (good news for Bush's friends) but bad news if one of the workers desperate for a job and forced to accepts a $2 hour wage or whatever the contractor decides is "fair". Since fair is usually defined as the bare minimium, I don't see those working on the rebuilding to be the best or the brightest. Personally I would be afraid to return to New Orleans for this reason alone. Definitly a step in the wrong direction for NO.
Media Moguls Regain Control of Media - Nice little article showing how the owners of all the major media new sources, CNN, Fox, NBC, etc, have used the last week to reign in their on air talent and once again return to the sunny size of the Bush agenda. Its a nice writeup comparing the previous week to the next and how most stations seems to do an 180 on approach to the coverage. The media may be liberal but the owners are not, people like to forget that.
"Everyone loses in blame game"
Wish I had a link but just read a column in the paper by Charles Krauthammer called "Everyone loses in blame game." Someone post it in comments if find it.
He startes by pointing out three of the popular reasons why blaming Bush is wrong:
1) Global warming.
He says that there is no relationship between global warming and frequency and intensity of Atlantic Hurricanes. He's right actually, there isn't really any definitive evidence that supports or disproves him. Both are just theories. I do agree that even if Bush had been mister gung ho on the enviroment things wouldn't have changed enough to make a difference.
2) War in Iraq. He says that the problem was that the guardsmen where Iraq but those in Louisianna didn't get to New Orleans. Not sure where was going with that as it doesn't really disprove or prove his point that its a false claim. Personally I think its sure didn't help.
3) Tax cuts. He basically saying that assuming if not for the tax cuts, thus loss revenue resulting in cutting the levee budget is wrong. Even if the money had been there it wouldn't have made a difference. He is correct on that. The levee's where rated for a cat 3 not a 4 or 5. They would have fallen. If anything, the fact that they held as long as they did is a marvel of the skill of the Army Corp of Engineers. Sadly the time that the levees bought was wasted by all levels of government.
Charles then points out that the "author of this calamity... was Nature (or Nature's God)". I find it interesting (say cowardly) he avoided just straight out blaming God. Personally I wasn't aware Nature had a God. Does that mean there are two Gods now?
He then listed "in descending order of culpability" those responsible for the recovery disaster. I mostly agree with his order except for FEMA almost is at 1 slot rather then 3.
1) Mayor of New Orleans.
Charles points out the mayor knew from Hurricane Georges in '98 the use of the Superdome was a disaster and that with 2/3 of the residents failing to get out new plans where needed, yet nothing was implemented. He then held off calling a mandatory evacuation until 24 hours before because was researching his legal authority to avoid lawsuits from hotels and businesses. Well I can understand where the Mayor was coming from on that but there was nothing preventing him from preparing with buses, supplies, and all that until the mandatory evacutation was called. Simply put, yes, the major deserves much blame.
2) The Louisiana Governor.
Her failure to call up the National Guard resulting in a delay. Also Charles points out the disaster with the school buses and says its her fault for not commanding them commandeered until it was too late. Personally, that sounds more like a failure on the Major's part to me. Anycase, the Governor's hesititancy and concern more for the beaurcracy over results definitly means some blame goes there. However, I would place her 3rd or 4th in order of blame.
3) Head of FEMA - "Late, slow, and in way over his head" Not knowing about the convention center while it was on every major news network is a inexcuseable. Good summation from Charles on that one. I think there are so many more reasons he is to blame I do not know where to begin but suffice it to say FEMA and the major run neck in neck for the number one slot to me.
4) The president. - "Late, slow, and simply out of tune with the urgency and magnitude of the disaster." That sums it up nicely and explains why he writes for a living and I don't. Charles says he takes the blame for failure to immediatly "addressd the country on national television to mobilize it both emotionally and physically to assist in the disaster." IE, a failure to lead. True but there is so many other things both past and present he didn't do.
5) Congress.
Charles blames then due to the creation of Homeland Security that really just added one extra layers and allowing it to spend more time "bureaucratic reorganization" rather then a workable plan for disasters (this could also go under why Bush is at fault.) I personally add allowing FEMA to become a second class citizen in Homeland Security and allowing the President to appoint clearly unqualified candidates to important jobs, ie allowing the party to come before the American people.
6) The American people. "They have made it impossible for any politican to make any responsibile energy policy over the last 30 years." I can't really argue with that. SUV buying loving public doesn't exactly disprove the notion. Of course I am confused he brought it up at all as this indicates he thinks global warming played a part, even though he called the idea a "kind of stupidity [that] merits no attention whatsoever." He needs to make up his mind on that. This last reason could then splinter in many directions that are not on topic.
I add a final item:
7) Citizens of New Orleans. Many that could have evacuated, didn't. Many could have helped their neighbors get out, didn't. Instead of forming gangs, they could have helped and protected their fellow citizen. Its a shame that the actions of so few has such an impact on so many. There is a lot that could be said on how the citizens responded both in the good and the bad, but they shouldn't be excused either.
He startes by pointing out three of the popular reasons why blaming Bush is wrong:
1) Global warming.
He says that there is no relationship between global warming and frequency and intensity of Atlantic Hurricanes. He's right actually, there isn't really any definitive evidence that supports or disproves him. Both are just theories. I do agree that even if Bush had been mister gung ho on the enviroment
2) War in Iraq. He says that the problem was that the guardsmen where Iraq but those in Louisianna didn't get to New Orleans. Not sure where was going with that as it doesn't really disprove or prove his point that its a false claim. Personally I think its sure didn't help.
3) Tax cuts. He basically saying that assuming if not for the tax cuts, thus loss revenue resulting in cutting the levee budget is wrong. Even if the money had been there it wouldn't have made a difference. He is correct on that. The levee's where rated for a cat 3 not a 4 or 5. They would have fallen. If anything, the fact that they held as long as they did is a marvel of the skill of the Army Corp of Engineers. Sadly the time that the levees bought was wasted by all levels of government.
Charles then points out that the "author of this calamity... was Nature (or Nature's God)". I find it interesting (say cowardly) he avoided just straight out blaming God. Personally I wasn't aware Nature had a God. Does that mean there are two Gods now?
He then listed "in descending order of culpability" those responsible for the recovery disaster. I mostly agree with his order except for FEMA almost is at 1 slot rather then 3.
1) Mayor of New Orleans.
Charles points out the mayor knew from Hurricane Georges in '98 the use of the Superdome was a disaster and that with 2/3 of the residents failing to get out new plans where needed, yet nothing was implemented. He then held off calling a mandatory evacuation until 24 hours before because was researching his legal authority to avoid lawsuits from hotels and businesses. Well I can understand where the Mayor was coming from on that but there was nothing preventing him from preparing with buses, supplies, and all that until the mandatory evacutation was called. Simply put, yes, the major deserves much blame.
2) The Louisiana Governor.
Her failure to call up the National Guard resulting in a delay. Also Charles points out the disaster with the school buses and says its her fault for not commanding them commandeered until it was too late. Personally, that sounds more like a failure on the Major's part to me. Anycase, the Governor's hesititancy and concern more for the beaurcracy over results definitly means some blame goes there. However, I would place her 3rd or 4th in order of blame.
3) Head of FEMA - "Late, slow, and in way over his head" Not knowing about the convention center while it was on every major news network is a inexcuseable. Good summation from Charles on that one. I think there are so many more reasons he is to blame I do not know where to begin but suffice it to say FEMA and the major run neck in neck for the number one slot to me.
4) The president. - "Late, slow, and simply out of tune with the urgency and magnitude of the disaster." That sums it up nicely and explains why he writes for a living and I don't. Charles says he takes the blame for failure to immediatly "addressd the country on national television to mobilize it both emotionally and physically to assist in the disaster." IE, a failure to lead. True but there is so many other things both past and present he didn't do.
5) Congress.
Charles blames then due to the creation of Homeland Security that really just added one extra layers and allowing it to spend more time "bureaucratic reorganization" rather then a workable plan for disasters (this could also go under why Bush is at fault.) I personally add allowing FEMA to become a second class citizen in Homeland Security and allowing the President to appoint clearly unqualified candidates to important jobs, ie allowing the party to come before the American people.
6) The American people. "They have made it impossible for any politican to make any responsibile energy policy over the last 30 years." I can't really argue with that. SUV buying loving public doesn't exactly disprove the notion. Of course I am confused he brought it up at all as this indicates he thinks global warming played a part, even though he called the idea a "kind of stupidity [that] merits no attention whatsoever." He needs to make up his mind on that. This last reason could then splinter in many directions that are not on topic.
I add a final item:
7) Citizens of New Orleans. Many that could have evacuated, didn't. Many could have helped their neighbors get out, didn't. Instead of forming gangs, they could have helped and protected their fellow citizen. Its a shame that the actions of so few has such an impact on so many. There is a lot that could be said on how the citizens responded both in the good and the bad, but they shouldn't be excused either.
Some Predictions for Rest of '05
1) Sadly the amount of dead in Katrina will be higher. In range of 35k.
2) The economy, due mostly to cost of oil, will enter a recession.
3) Bush by end of the year will pass another tax cut for the super rich. Once again it will have no impact on the economy.
4) The Katrina Commission will absolve the federal government of any responsibility, place it entirely on the local and state officials and thank Bush and Brown for a timely response that saved lives.
5) A "fix" will be to return FEMA to a cabinet level position.
6) "Brownie" will be named to the FEMA cabinet position.
7) The investigation into the White House leak will end with no charges filed and the grand jury dismissed.
8) Bush will sign into law a bill to seek out more oil reserves in response to Katrina and suggest that some exploration be looked into for alternative fuel sources but will not require it by law.
9) John Roberts will easily be confirmed as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
10) Albert Gonzales will be confirmed to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court.
2) The economy, due mostly to cost of oil, will enter a recession.
3) Bush by end of the year will pass another tax cut for the super rich. Once again it will have no impact on the economy.
4) The Katrina Commission will absolve the federal government of any responsibility, place it entirely on the local and state officials and thank Bush and Brown for a timely response that saved lives.
5) A "fix" will be to return FEMA to a cabinet level position.
6) "Brownie" will be named to the FEMA cabinet position.
7) The investigation into the White House leak will end with no charges filed and the grand jury dismissed.
8) Bush will sign into law a bill to seek out more oil reserves in response to Katrina and suggest that some exploration be looked into for alternative fuel sources but will not require it by law.
9) John Roberts will easily be confirmed as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
10) Albert Gonzales will be confirmed to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Bush's Katrina Dodge Strategy
Well, the Bush's administration has finally crystallized it strategy to avoid blame for the Katrina. Its called "not" playing the blame game as shown at the Wednesday White House news conference. This new purpose is further supported by Republican leadership who have also engaged in attacking others for engaging in such wrong behavior. How dare the public want to know what went wrong so its not repeated. We are such bastards for wanting answers. Tsk shame on us for questioning our masters, as Anne Coulter would say, that makes us traitors.
While our leaders bash us for daring to want answers, we have FEMA attempting to cover up the scope of the tragedy. Apparently they don't want the press to show the dead, the destruction and basically just want them to go away. I guess they figure if have nothing nice to say... should take priority. Also its interesting that while we are not supposed to play the blame game, its seems that Republican Speaking Points headhunters keep showing up on the news blaming state and local government. They are right of course, state and local deserver blame, but to obsolve the federal government, ie the Bush Administration, would be criminial.
Fortuntaly while our politicians are focused on saving their careers, the new continues to do an excellent job in cover this event, the aftermath and the litany of mistakes. For the first time in a long time they are doing their jobs.
Evidence of this politic dodging mixed with an excellent coverage is was shown on MSNBC by Keith Olbermann with a video timeline that shows the politicans dodging and lies with the actual truth. Thanks to Crooks and Liars for capturing that.
The press is doing their job finally of demanding the truth and seeking answers, the politicians are doing the job of spinning the truth and speading mis-information, now its time for the public to do their jobs. Seek out the truth, use our heads to find it, and make sure the politicans that failed to do their jobs at all levels of government are shown what we think of how they did their jobs. No more medals for incompetence should be the new call for this post-Katrina era.
While our leaders bash us for daring to want answers, we have FEMA attempting to cover up the scope of the tragedy. Apparently they don't want the press to show the dead, the destruction and basically just want them to go away. I guess they figure if have nothing nice to say... should take priority. Also its interesting that while we are not supposed to play the blame game, its seems that Republican Speaking Points headhunters keep showing up on the news blaming state and local government. They are right of course, state and local deserver blame, but to obsolve the federal government, ie the Bush Administration, would be criminial.
Fortuntaly while our politicians are focused on saving their careers, the new continues to do an excellent job in cover this event, the aftermath and the litany of mistakes. For the first time in a long time they are doing their jobs.
Evidence of this politic dodging mixed with an excellent coverage is was shown on MSNBC by Keith Olbermann with a video timeline that shows the politicans dodging and lies with the actual truth. Thanks to Crooks and Liars for capturing that.
The press is doing their job finally of demanding the truth and seeking answers, the politicians are doing the job of spinning the truth and speading mis-information, now its time for the public to do their jobs. Seek out the truth, use our heads to find it, and make sure the politicans that failed to do their jobs at all levels of government are shown what we think of how they did their jobs. No more medals for incompetence should be the new call for this post-Katrina era.
Hurricane Katrina Timeline
Think Progress has an excellent timeline of Katrina and the government response. Worth a read with multiple links to back up the account.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
More Katrina Links
We stood idle as a city fell to its knees - Essay written from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution about Katrina Aftermath. Worth reading.
Barbara Bush, dumbass bitch - The White House's failed attempt to respond to Barbara's Bush "better off now" remarks about Katrina. Talk about being oblivious.
The Pendulum of Reporting - A New York Times write-up about how the press has finally find its voice after many years of quiet. Its about damn time. If they had continued to do their jobs years ago instead of allowing themselves to be quieted, maybe not so many lives would have been lost such as say someone with experience being in charge of FEMA instead of an unqualified crony.
Many Evacuated... - Just a well-written story about all the work to go.
Barbara Bush, dumbass bitch - The White House's failed attempt to respond to Barbara's Bush "better off now" remarks about Katrina. Talk about being oblivious.
The Pendulum of Reporting - A New York Times write-up about how the press has finally find its voice after many years of quiet. Its about damn time. If they had continued to do their jobs years ago instead of allowing themselves to be quieted, maybe not so many lives would have been lost such as say someone with experience being in charge of FEMA instead of an unqualified crony.
Many Evacuated... - Just a well-written story about all the work to go.
The Daily Show and Katrina
Make sure to watch the repeats of the Daily Show Wednesday. Jon Stewart just nailed it. Absolutely freaking nailed it.
"For people who are saying 'well stop pointing fingers at the President, the Left Wing Media...No. Shut Up. No. The is inarguably, inarguably a failure of leadership from the top of the federal government."
"He didn't even stop his vacation for three days..."
- Jon Stewart, Daily Show 9/6/05
He later then had the audio of Barbara Bush's comment about being better off and then back from commercial showed the timeline of Bush's "response" to the disaster. When broken down like that, its even more appalling and indefensible.
Saturday 8/27 Week 5 of Bush's summer vacation begins.
Sunday 8/28 Still on vacation even though clearly a cat 5 was near the gulf.
Monday 8/29 Hurricane hit, Bush doing a town hall meeting on Medicare in Arizona.
Tuesday 8/30 Levee collapsed over night. Bush was in San Diego for ceremony marking end of WWII.
Wednesday 8/31 New Orleans underwater. Bush makes decision to cut vacation short, goes back to Washington.
Thursday 9/1 "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees." - Bush said on Good Morning America. Copious amounts of data is available to prove otherwise.
Friday 9/2 Goes to Kenner, LA to "take charge" and that New Orleans "will rise again." Later gives "Brownie, you are doing a heck of a job" to FEMA head.
What amazes me is the defenders don't even get that as a leader, the President gets the blamed for all successes and failures. EVERY failure is his fault because he is the leader. That is part of the price of being in charge. The fact that none of them get that fundamental fact, including Bush, is part of the reason he is such a horrible leader.
The fact that his defenders have to keep pulling more and more rediculous excuses out of their ass is actually further proof at what a pathetic leader Bush is. The fact that the man has to have such blind faith to stand tall...that not a testament to his leadership, its a testament to his failure. True leaders can stand in criticism. True leaders can take it and learn from it. Bush cannot. Simply put, Bush failed. His entire last 4 years as a leader, as the President cost thousands of lives and an entire city. No. Shut Up!
"For people who are saying 'well stop pointing fingers at the President, the Left Wing Media...No. Shut Up. No. The is inarguably, inarguably a failure of leadership from the top of the federal government."
"He didn't even stop his vacation for three days..."
- Jon Stewart, Daily Show 9/6/05
He later then had the audio of Barbara Bush's comment about being better off and then back from commercial showed the timeline of Bush's "response" to the disaster. When broken down like that, its even more appalling and indefensible.
Saturday 8/27 Week 5 of Bush's summer vacation begins.
Sunday 8/28 Still on vacation even though clearly a cat 5 was near the gulf.
Monday 8/29 Hurricane hit, Bush doing a town hall meeting on Medicare in Arizona.
Tuesday 8/30 Levee collapsed over night. Bush was in San Diego for ceremony marking end of WWII.
Wednesday 8/31 New Orleans underwater. Bush makes decision to cut vacation short, goes back to Washington.
Thursday 9/1 "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees." - Bush said on Good Morning America. Copious amounts of data is available to prove otherwise.
Friday 9/2 Goes to Kenner, LA to "take charge" and that New Orleans "will rise again." Later gives "Brownie, you are doing a heck of a job" to FEMA head.
What amazes me is the defenders don't even get that as a leader, the President gets the blamed for all successes and failures. EVERY failure is his fault because he is the leader. That is part of the price of being in charge. The fact that none of them get that fundamental fact, including Bush, is part of the reason he is such a horrible leader.
The fact that his defenders have to keep pulling more and more rediculous excuses out of their ass is actually further proof at what a pathetic leader Bush is. The fact that the man has to have such blind faith to stand tall...that not a testament to his leadership, its a testament to his failure. True leaders can stand in criticism. True leaders can take it and learn from it. Bush cannot. Simply put, Bush failed. His entire last 4 years as a leader, as the President cost thousands of lives and an entire city. No. Shut Up!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Yahoo's Katrina Metasearch for the Missing
Katrina: Metasearch for Missing People
Click the link above, can look by location of the effected areas or search the Katrina lists from across the Web.
Click the link above, can look by location of the effected areas or search the Katrina lists from across the Web.
Katrina News Coverage Opinion Pieces
"How're they doing?" - Nice little write-up from Jeff Jarvis on Buzzmachine.com about how the press coverage of Katrina is doing. He makes excellent points and I agree with most of it. He feels it could be a turning point with "new humility, transparency, fallibility, and humanity". I say not likely but one can hope. In the end, the almighty ratings and thus dollars will get in the way.
Reporters Show Their Teeth - This one by Howard Kurtz is a nice little write-up showing how finally after nearly half a decade of complanency and cow towing to the Bush Admistration, the Press is finally baring their teeth and demanding answers. Not even 9/11 accomplished this. But Katrina has finally reminded the press why they exist, to seek out the truth whether we will want to hear it or not. The truth about what went wrong and right about Katrina needs to be discussed and with politicians already in damage control mode its up to the 4th estate to find the truth for the public. I hope they are up to the task as I still have my doubts if this new found aggression will last for the long difficult months ahead.
The World Reaction - Article describing some of the various reactions from the media around the world. "How could this happen in the richest, most powerful country in the world" seems to sum up the article nicely. Its also an answer the Americans need to.
Murders Most Foul - Article describing the dead bodies being found in the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center and other refugee locations as many people where found dead including a 7 year old with her throat cut. A gruesome telling of human depravity.
Stupid Defiance - Up to thousands of New Orleans residents refuse to leave their devasted, mostly underwater homes. Rescuers keep asking to leave, try to explain why they need to leave, point out the lack of food, clean water, and no knowledge of when supplies will be available. Yet the fools will not listen. This level of blind stupidty is part of the reason why the death toll will be so high. Its also something to consider when blame is being assigned. The average NO does take some of the blame for the death toll, its not just the governments fault.
FEMA Chief Waited to Deploy - AP is reporting that FEMA Chief Michael Brown waited until after Katrina struck to dispatch 1000 homeland security employees to the region and gave them 2 days to get there. The article reports that one of the duties was to "convey a positive image" about the government's response. Just an example of how this man was over his head. That is a how a CEO responds to the sinking ship of his business, not to a disaster with lives on the line. With decisions like that Bush is sure to give him a Congressional Medal and cabinet position.
Reporters Show Their Teeth - This one by Howard Kurtz is a nice little write-up showing how finally after nearly half a decade of complanency and cow towing to the Bush Admistration, the Press is finally baring their teeth and demanding answers. Not even 9/11 accomplished this. But Katrina has finally reminded the press why they exist, to seek out the truth whether we will want to hear it or not. The truth about what went wrong and right about Katrina needs to be discussed and with politicians already in damage control mode its up to the 4th estate to find the truth for the public. I hope they are up to the task as I still have my doubts if this new found aggression will last for the long difficult months ahead.
The World Reaction - Article describing some of the various reactions from the media around the world. "How could this happen in the richest, most powerful country in the world" seems to sum up the article nicely. Its also an answer the Americans need to.
Murders Most Foul - Article describing the dead bodies being found in the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center and other refugee locations as many people where found dead including a 7 year old with her throat cut. A gruesome telling of human depravity.
Stupid Defiance - Up to thousands of New Orleans residents refuse to leave their devasted, mostly underwater homes. Rescuers keep asking to leave, try to explain why they need to leave, point out the lack of food, clean water, and no knowledge of when supplies will be available. Yet the fools will not listen. This level of blind stupidty is part of the reason why the death toll will be so high. Its also something to consider when blame is being assigned. The average NO does take some of the blame for the death toll, its not just the governments fault.
FEMA Chief Waited to Deploy - AP is reporting that FEMA Chief Michael Brown waited until after Katrina struck to dispatch 1000 homeland security employees to the region and gave them 2 days to get there. The article reports that one of the duties was to "convey a positive image" about the government's response. Just an example of how this man was over his head. That is a how a CEO responds to the sinking ship of his business, not to a disaster with lives on the line. With decisions like that Bush is sure to give him a Congressional Medal and cabinet position.
Monday, September 05, 2005
"I'm sick of the press conferences"
"Nobody’s coming to get us. Nobody’s coming to get us. The secretary has promised. Everybody’s promised. They’ve had press conferences. I’m sick of the press conferences. For God sakes, shut up and send us somebody."
- Aaron Broussard talking about efforts after Katrina on Meet the Press before breaking down in tears.
Mr Bush,
All we have seens since you took charge is a series of clearly staged press conferences as you visit Mississippi for the 3rd or 4th time and does a fly by over New Orleans. I don't want you pretending to care and playing the politics, I want to see results. Its seems everyone else, both Republican and Democrat realize right now is not the time for politics. Politics take a backseat to the devastation. Shut the Karl Rove machine down for god's sake.
Also President Bush quit blaming everyone but yourself. Take ownership for your failings so they will not be repeated. Rather then rewarding the FEMA head for his mistakes as you have everyone else in the administration, fire him. He was a crony that was not qualified for the postion. He should have never been put there in the first place. You failed as your job to look out for the nation when you put someone that unqualified in such a position and you failed at your job for failing to realize it fast enough, end your vacation and get supplies and troops in postition.
Fundamentally this disaster is what a president is for. Everything the office is about comes together in a time of crisis and you failed us in a way few have in history. You should be ashamed. You should be embarrassed and most importantly, as president, you have to put that aside, address the failings and get them corrected. To do that properly you must start with yourself.
- Aaron Broussard talking about efforts after Katrina on Meet the Press before breaking down in tears.
Mr Bush,
All we have seens since you took charge is a series of clearly staged press conferences as you visit Mississippi for the 3rd or 4th time and does a fly by over New Orleans. I don't want you pretending to care and playing the politics, I want to see results. Its seems everyone else, both Republican and Democrat realize right now is not the time for politics. Politics take a backseat to the devastation. Shut the Karl Rove machine down for god's sake.
Also President Bush quit blaming everyone but yourself. Take ownership for your failings so they will not be repeated. Rather then rewarding the FEMA head for his mistakes as you have everyone else in the administration, fire him. He was a crony that was not qualified for the postion. He should have never been put there in the first place. You failed as your job to look out for the nation when you put someone that unqualified in such a position and you failed at your job for failing to realize it fast enough, end your vacation and get supplies and troops in postition.
Fundamentally this disaster is what a president is for. Everything the office is about comes together in a time of crisis and you failed us in a way few have in history. You should be ashamed. You should be embarrassed and most importantly, as president, you have to put that aside, address the failings and get them corrected. To do that properly you must start with yourself.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Hurricane Katrina Links
Hurricane Katrina Aftermath:
DomeBlog - A blog report from Astrodome about conditions and events for refugees there.
Yahoo's Katrina Lists of Missing Lists - A list of all the lists that name the missing in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina - Java applet from the associated press that allows a look at the map with zoom function.
The World Responds - CNN article on pledges of help from countries all over the world.
Comicbook Related Charity events:
Newsarama Charity News - Updated thread from Newsarama.com updating on comic book related Katrina Charity events.
Bendis Board Charity - Items, artwook, video, tons of different stuff for auction for Katrina Victims.
Rob Liefeld Katrina Auction - Liefeld has put up the artwork for Teen Titans #27 with all proceeds going to Katrina relief.
CNN - The big disconnect on New Orleans - Basically how reporters are reporting one version of events with pictures and video and Bush admin officials say another view.
Bush Policy on NO levees - Summation report on how recent budget cuts may have resulted in the levee collapse.
Reports of Relief Arrival - CNN piece on arrival of relief supplies arriving to New Orleans
DomeBlog - A blog report from Astrodome about conditions and events for refugees there.
Yahoo's Katrina Lists of Missing Lists - A list of all the lists that name the missing in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina - Java applet from the associated press that allows a look at the map with zoom function.
The World Responds - CNN article on pledges of help from countries all over the world.
Comicbook Related Charity events:
Newsarama Charity News - Updated thread from Newsarama.com updating on comic book related Katrina Charity events.
Bendis Board Charity - Items, artwook, video, tons of different stuff for auction for Katrina Victims.
Rob Liefeld Katrina Auction - Liefeld has put up the artwork for Teen Titans #27 with all proceeds going to Katrina relief.
CNN - The big disconnect on New Orleans - Basically how reporters are reporting one version of events with pictures and video and Bush admin officials say another view.
Bush Policy on NO levees - Summation report on how recent budget cuts may have resulted in the levee collapse.
Reports of Relief Arrival - CNN piece on arrival of relief supplies arriving to New Orleans
Thursday, September 01, 2005
New Orleans SOS
Sigh a few days ago we all thought that the US dodged a bullet. Sure some damage but nothing we can't handle...then the levees broke. The result is not a town, or a village, but one entire city destroyed.
Its pretty clear...everyone is overwhelmed. From the residents of the effected area, to the citizens of the US, to the reporters covering the event, and the rescuers trying to do everything they can but lacking the manpower to do it. The US use to have the man power for such events. We called then the National Guard. However most of them are overseas, as is the money, manpower, skill, equipment and everything else you can name. Sadly, to pull out of Iraq to deal with this is not an option. A constiutional crisis looms large and very little could spark violence.
So where does that leave New Orleans. I guess where often it leaves us in times of crisis. With each other. With the citizens of the United States and the World. The outpoor of help is everywhere. In the tears of the effected and the audience that watches in horror. On the radio, over the airwaves, the cries for help are heard, and everyone is trying to answer. Even the networks are joining in with one of the Heroes fundraiser campaigns. While the crime, looting, and gas gouging speaks of the horror of the human condition, the desire to help, the empathy and pain that many feel also shows its greatness. Times of great hardship require a response of great love and sacrifice and the nation is responding. Be sure to give to your favorite charity to help.
Its pretty clear...everyone is overwhelmed. From the residents of the effected area, to the citizens of the US, to the reporters covering the event, and the rescuers trying to do everything they can but lacking the manpower to do it. The US use to have the man power for such events. We called then the National Guard. However most of them are overseas, as is the money, manpower, skill, equipment and everything else you can name. Sadly, to pull out of Iraq to deal with this is not an option. A constiutional crisis looms large and very little could spark violence.
So where does that leave New Orleans. I guess where often it leaves us in times of crisis. With each other. With the citizens of the United States and the World. The outpoor of help is everywhere. In the tears of the effected and the audience that watches in horror. On the radio, over the airwaves, the cries for help are heard, and everyone is trying to answer. Even the networks are joining in with one of the Heroes fundraiser campaigns. While the crime, looting, and gas gouging speaks of the horror of the human condition, the desire to help, the empathy and pain that many feel also shows its greatness. Times of great hardship require a response of great love and sacrifice and the nation is responding. Be sure to give to your favorite charity to help.
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