"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Katrina News Coverage Opinion Pieces

"How're they doing?" - Nice little write-up from Jeff Jarvis on Buzzmachine.com about how the press coverage of Katrina is doing. He makes excellent points and I agree with most of it. He feels it could be a turning point with "new humility, transparency, fallibility, and humanity". I say not likely but one can hope. In the end, the almighty ratings and thus dollars will get in the way.

Reporters Show Their Teeth - This one by Howard Kurtz is a nice little write-up showing how finally after nearly half a decade of complanency and cow towing to the Bush Admistration, the Press is finally baring their teeth and demanding answers. Not even 9/11 accomplished this. But Katrina has finally reminded the press why they exist, to seek out the truth whether we will want to hear it or not. The truth about what went wrong and right about Katrina needs to be discussed and with politicians already in damage control mode its up to the 4th estate to find the truth for the public. I hope they are up to the task as I still have my doubts if this new found aggression will last for the long difficult months ahead.

The World Reaction - Article describing some of the various reactions from the media around the world. "How could this happen in the richest, most powerful country in the world" seems to sum up the article nicely. Its also an answer the Americans need to.

Murders Most Foul - Article describing the dead bodies being found in the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center and other refugee locations as many people where found dead including a 7 year old with her throat cut. A gruesome telling of human depravity.

Stupid Defiance - Up to thousands of New Orleans residents refuse to leave their devasted, mostly underwater homes. Rescuers keep asking to leave, try to explain why they need to leave, point out the lack of food, clean water, and no knowledge of when supplies will be available. Yet the fools will not listen. This level of blind stupidty is part of the reason why the death toll will be so high. Its also something to consider when blame is being assigned. The average NO does take some of the blame for the death toll, its not just the governments fault.

FEMA Chief Waited to Deploy - AP is reporting that FEMA Chief Michael Brown waited until after Katrina struck to dispatch 1000 homeland security employees to the region and gave them 2 days to get there. The article reports that one of the duties was to "convey a positive image" about the government's response. Just an example of how this man was over his head. That is a how a CEO responds to the sinking ship of his business, not to a disaster with lives on the line. With decisions like that Bush is sure to give him a Congressional Medal and cabinet position.

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