"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Thursday, September 01, 2005

New Orleans SOS

Sigh a few days ago we all thought that the US dodged a bullet. Sure some damage but nothing we can't handle...then the levees broke. The result is not a town, or a village, but one entire city destroyed.

Its pretty clear...everyone is overwhelmed. From the residents of the effected area, to the citizens of the US, to the reporters covering the event, and the rescuers trying to do everything they can but lacking the manpower to do it. The US use to have the man power for such events. We called then the National Guard. However most of them are overseas, as is the money, manpower, skill, equipment and everything else you can name. Sadly, to pull out of Iraq to deal with this is not an option. A constiutional crisis looms large and very little could spark violence.

So where does that leave New Orleans. I guess where often it leaves us in times of crisis. With each other. With the citizens of the United States and the World. The outpoor of help is everywhere. In the tears of the effected and the audience that watches in horror. On the radio, over the airwaves, the cries for help are heard, and everyone is trying to answer. Even the networks are joining in with one of the Heroes fundraiser campaigns. While the crime, looting, and gas gouging speaks of the horror of the human condition, the desire to help, the empathy and pain that many feel also shows its greatness. Times of great hardship require a response of great love and sacrifice and the nation is responding. Be sure to give to your favorite charity to help.

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