"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Monday, September 05, 2005

"I'm sick of the press conferences"

"Nobody’s coming to get us. Nobody’s coming to get us. The secretary has promised. Everybody’s promised. They’ve had press conferences. I’m sick of the press conferences. For God sakes, shut up and send us somebody."
- Aaron Broussard talking about efforts after Katrina on Meet the Press before breaking down in tears.

Mr Bush,
All we have seens since you took charge is a series of clearly staged press conferences as you visit Mississippi for the 3rd or 4th time and does a fly by over New Orleans. I don't want you pretending to care and playing the politics, I want to see results. Its seems everyone else, both Republican and Democrat realize right now is not the time for politics. Politics take a backseat to the devastation. Shut the Karl Rove machine down for god's sake.

Also President Bush quit blaming everyone but yourself. Take ownership for your failings so they will not be repeated. Rather then rewarding the FEMA head for his mistakes as you have everyone else in the administration, fire him. He was a crony that was not qualified for the postion. He should have never been put there in the first place. You failed as your job to look out for the nation when you put someone that unqualified in such a position and you failed at your job for failing to realize it fast enough, end your vacation and get supplies and troops in postition.

Fundamentally this disaster is what a president is for. Everything the office is about comes together in a time of crisis and you failed us in a way few have in history. You should be ashamed. You should be embarrassed and most importantly, as president, you have to put that aside, address the failings and get them corrected. To do that properly you must start with yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Once President Bush stepped in, things got moving. Was it later than it should have been? Yes...he evidently placed too much faith in the ability of the local government to deal with the crisis. FEMA is in place to assist local government, not take over. It's a shame that the politicians in Louisiana have such a total lack of leadership.
