"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Friday, September 09, 2005

"Everyone loses in blame game"

Wish I had a link but just read a column in the paper by Charles Krauthammer called "Everyone loses in blame game." Someone post it in comments if find it.

He startes by pointing out three of the popular reasons why blaming Bush is wrong:
1) Global warming.
He says that there is no relationship between global warming and frequency and intensity of Atlantic Hurricanes. He's right actually, there isn't really any definitive evidence that supports or disproves him. Both are just theories. I do agree that even if Bush had been mister gung ho on the enviroment things wouldn't have changed enough to make a difference.

2) War in Iraq. He says that the problem was that the guardsmen where Iraq but those in Louisianna didn't get to New Orleans. Not sure where was going with that as it doesn't really disprove or prove his point that its a false claim. Personally I think its sure didn't help.

3) Tax cuts. He basically saying that assuming if not for the tax cuts, thus loss revenue resulting in cutting the levee budget is wrong. Even if the money had been there it wouldn't have made a difference. He is correct on that. The levee's where rated for a cat 3 not a 4 or 5. They would have fallen. If anything, the fact that they held as long as they did is a marvel of the skill of the Army Corp of Engineers. Sadly the time that the levees bought was wasted by all levels of government.

Charles then points out that the "author of this calamity... was Nature (or Nature's God)". I find it interesting (say cowardly) he avoided just straight out blaming God. Personally I wasn't aware Nature had a God. Does that mean there are two Gods now?

He then listed "in descending order of culpability" those responsible for the recovery disaster. I mostly agree with his order except for FEMA almost is at 1 slot rather then 3.
1) Mayor of New Orleans.
Charles points out the mayor knew from Hurricane Georges in '98 the use of the Superdome was a disaster and that with 2/3 of the residents failing to get out new plans where needed, yet nothing was implemented. He then held off calling a mandatory evacuation until 24 hours before because was researching his legal authority to avoid lawsuits from hotels and businesses. Well I can understand where the Mayor was coming from on that but there was nothing preventing him from preparing with buses, supplies, and all that until the mandatory evacutation was called. Simply put, yes, the major deserves much blame.

2) The Louisiana Governor.
Her failure to call up the National Guard resulting in a delay. Also Charles points out the disaster with the school buses and says its her fault for not commanding them commandeered until it was too late. Personally, that sounds more like a failure on the Major's part to me. Anycase, the Governor's hesititancy and concern more for the beaurcracy over results definitly means some blame goes there. However, I would place her 3rd or 4th in order of blame.

3) Head of FEMA - "Late, slow, and in way over his head" Not knowing about the convention center while it was on every major news network is a inexcuseable. Good summation from Charles on that one. I think there are so many more reasons he is to blame I do not know where to begin but suffice it to say FEMA and the major run neck in neck for the number one slot to me.

4) The president. - "Late, slow, and simply out of tune with the urgency and magnitude of the disaster." That sums it up nicely and explains why he writes for a living and I don't. Charles says he takes the blame for failure to immediatly "addressd the country on national television to mobilize it both emotionally and physically to assist in the disaster." IE, a failure to lead. True but there is so many other things both past and present he didn't do.

5) Congress.
Charles blames then due to the creation of Homeland Security that really just added one extra layers and allowing it to spend more time "bureaucratic reorganization" rather then a workable plan for disasters (this could also go under why Bush is at fault.) I personally add allowing FEMA to become a second class citizen in Homeland Security and allowing the President to appoint clearly unqualified candidates to important jobs, ie allowing the party to come before the American people.

6) The American people. "They have made it impossible for any politican to make any responsibile energy policy over the last 30 years." I can't really argue with that. SUV buying loving public doesn't exactly disprove the notion. Of course I am confused he brought it up at all as this indicates he thinks global warming played a part, even though he called the idea a "kind of stupidity [that] merits no attention whatsoever." He needs to make up his mind on that. This last reason could then splinter in many directions that are not on topic.

I add a final item:
7) Citizens of New Orleans. Many that could have evacuated, didn't. Many could have helped their neighbors get out, didn't. Instead of forming gangs, they could have helped and protected their fellow citizen. Its a shame that the actions of so few has such an impact on so many. There is a lot that could be said on how the citizens responded both in the good and the bad, but they shouldn't be excused either.

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