"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Nancy Grace's history a myth?

A write-up came out on the observer.com that puts forth the idea that Nancy Grace's great motivation, the death of her fiance, was in fact largely exaggerated. If ever watch this women on CNN she is a this loud, obnoxious, "I know it all" type who clearly often knows and understands little. She also like to bring up whenever she can, as often she can, how over 25 years ago she was a "victim". Actually the BF that died was the larger victim that that is neither here nor there to her.

Her story is that basically the justice system failed her, that her boyfriend's killer, a thief basically got away with murder after appealing the case. Turns out that the killer was a friend of the boyfriend, mentally retarded, never tried to appeal and is sitting in jail. When asked about this, she claims she couldn't be bothered to find out about the killer.

Does that make since to you? Here she is using this moment as a defining moment of her life that set her on the path of rightousness and she can't even be bothered to get the details right? It sounds more like she created a history with a kernal of truth and through the constant and frequent retelling of the lies, she has literally talked herself into believing the lies are the truth. When people do that, there is only one word to describe them - pathetic.

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