"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Thursday, March 16, 2006

XP on Mac offical

A contest, started by Colin Nederkoorm, offered up some money to have whoever could boot Windows XP on an Intel MAc, have windows coexist with OS X and not interfere with operation of either, and at bootup gives the user the option to choose which OS to boot. The money started at $100 but through donations ballooned up to $13000.

The contest finally has a winner. Confired by Colin, the solution is now wild on the net for whoever wants to try it. Be wary though, its a new solution, its probably hasn't been fully vetted so be sure to back up all your data just incase a hard drive/reinstall of OS X is needed.

Go here to the .zip that has the bootloader CD image and how-to info. Apparently will work on MacBook Pro, iMac and Mac mini. Sweetness.

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