"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Bush's In-Action Prior To 9/11

Keith Olbermann strikes again, putting together an excellent analysis of in-action from the Bush Administration prior to 9/11 showing just how they had warnings of a possible attack including history showing attempts to use plains as ballistic weapons. It also rebuffs Rice's claims that the admin was left no plans when no less then five days in office, Bush officials where provided just that and was ignored. A rough transcript and video is here.

In addition, Chris Matthews apparently has found his backbone as he is starting to get truly critical with Republicans about the Iraqi War. He recently took House Majority Leader John Boehner to task for asserting that the Iraqi War is the front for the war on terror even though there its never been proven that Iraq had anything to do with recent terrorists activity including 9/11. As it seems people need to be reminded, the person responsible is still at large. Details and video here.

Also on Hardball, Al Franken and Mathews took Tony Blankley to task over attempt to dismiss the recent National Intelligence Estimate leak. Info and video here.

Next, is another video, this time of ultra libertarian and ABC "reporter" John Stossel attacks the website Media Matters for being a smear site, but then as is typical of the average "reporter" in this day and age, failed to provide factual backup for his opinion. Now Media Matters is a misnomer in the sense that it only points out the errors of the media when slanted against liberals (much prefer it did it's work against both groups) but it does support its assertions with facts, transcripts and history. All they do really is highlight statements conservatives make on the airwaves. Usually that stuff slides and they don't let it. I am not sure how that is smearing since its not manufactured data or opinions represented as facts, which Stossel is a fan of doing. Video is here.


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