"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Friday, September 29, 2006

Bush's Torture Bill Passes Congress

What are we becoming?

Today marks the second phase of a real attempt by Bush and his Republican cronies to destroy the United States. The first step of the force the Patriot Act through congress to give them ability to suspend the Bill of Rights. Now comes the Detainee Bill, passed by Congress, which gives Bush the ability to interpret the Geneva Conventions (ie torture now legal) and suspend Habeas corpus.

Basically, as of now, whether a US citizen or not, the simple act of a law enforcement official deciding someone is a suspected terrorist eliminates all rights the United States use to grant a person. The Bill of Rights, gone. Due process, gone. Protections from torture, gone. Ability to hear evidence and defend against charges, gone. As of now, based on nothing more then thinking someone could be dangerous, you can be thrown in jail for the rest of your natural life. If the government then so chooses, they can torture a confession, whether real or not, out of you, to justify keeping you in jail for as long as they see fit.

Quite literally, everything that use to define what made the United States special as a democracy no longer exists. All its takes is an accusation and your life is quite literally over. The government has total control and you have no rights to do anything about it.

This is what happens when "security" becomes more important then freedom. The founding fathers are rolling in their graves. God help the United States.


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