The scandal rocking Capital Hill, especially Republicans and their leadership, in regards to former Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL) is causing quite a problem. Republicans bread and butter is to disseminate information, cover it up and blame others. In this case though, there is not false information to spread, the story is out there so to late to cover, and who can you blame? I know some will try Clinton and other Democrats but most know that simply isn't going to work.
Apparently Fox News has decided if can't find a scapegoat just change the man's party affiliation. As reported on several segments, including "The O'Reilly Factor", apparently its now "Former Congressman Mark Foley (D-FL)". Considering this story, including labels, discussions, both on air and in print has been going on for days, I find it hard to believe this would be a simple typo. For one thing check your keyboard. The "R" and the "D" buttons are no where near each other. I don't think its unreasonable to assume that Fox News was trying to confuse their viewers (cause historically it has worked) and didn't think they would get caught. As it is they altered the lines in repeat broadcasts later.
Also, in additional, the AP is reporting that Fox News, the St. Petersburg Times and The Miami Herald knew about Foley's behavior via emails they received and did nothing. "Our decision at the time was ... that because the language was not sexually explicit and was subject to interpretation, from innocuous to 'sick,' as the page characterized it, to be cautious," said Tom Fiedler, executive editor of the Herald. "Given the potentially devastating impact that a false suggestion of pedophilia could have on anyone, not to mention a congressman known to be gay, and lacking any corroborating information, we chose not to do a story."
Considering that for quite a while now, most of the media happily just regurgitate whatever is handed to them with almost no effort to collaborate the information, why not do the same here? Still, I can't fault them for being cautious. Its a good call. However, why didn't they dig into it further? You know, actually go and investigate? Isn't that what reporters are supposed to do, get a story and confirm the story through research, questioning and other means? It seems here they did nothing but bury the potential story.
Do they have policies on how they handle issues against Republicans vs Democrats? Is it in writing? If given the same information about a Democrat, would Fox News have been as cautious? For some reason, I seriously doubt they would have held back if it truly had involved a Democrat.
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