"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

North Korea's Nuclear Program is Clinton's Fault

According to John McCain, Clinton (you know from 6+ years ago) is the reason North Korea has a nuclear program in the testing phase now. It has nothing to do with being called an "Axis of Evil" by Bush shortly before invading fellow Axis of Evil country Iraq. Threat following by action tends to make country leaders nervous. But not in McCain/Bush land. Nor does North Korea's current position have anything to do with Bush's inaction in regards to the country while focused entirely on Iraq. Nope, its all simple. Like all things from the last 6 years, be it hurricanes, bombs, or someone sneezing, its all Clinton's fault. So remember, next time something bad happens to you, blame Clinton.

As for McCain, I use to like the man. I honestly would have voted for him in 2008. However, the last year has show that in his desperation to become the next President, there is literally nothing he is not willing to do. He has sold his soul for the power and nothing good can from that. The final straw was the Geneva conventions agreement where McCain basically caved, despite his own experience as a POW, for political expediency and score points with the "base" that helped get the country in the current mess its dealing with. Bush kicked him in the balls in 2000 and now McCain is cutting his own off voluntarily. How the potentially mighty have fallen.

The video of McCain's comments is here.

1 comment:

  1. What's going on in Korea is the fact that the Korean War ended in a seise-fire. There were no peace treaties. In other words the Korean War didn't really end.
