"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Touchscreen Voting Machines, but Don't Use Touchscreen

Diebold as declared their touchscreen voting machines work great, except don't use the touchscreen when voting. Instead use the mouses they are going to provide. Apparently the use of the main feature of the electronic voting machines causes them to lose a connection to main server which can result in a lost vote or allow a person to vote twice.

Its amazing that in this day and age of electronic brilliance where touchscreen pads are used constantly at restaurants, at movie theatres, for video games (Nintendo DS), laptops, graphic design and many many more complicated things then voting, that Diebold can't not get their crap together and our elected officials tolerate it. How much money has been thrown away on their inability to create these machines that can't even do the simplest task correctly.

I recognize that security is hard but this isn't even a security issue (even though they can't get that right either). This is a fundamental purpose of the machine failing. What is, by today's standards, a trivial purpose of the machine. How many excuses will be tolerated? At what point do the people in charge decide that Diebold no longer deserves the governments money? Its obviously wasted, its obvious that people working on these machines are either incompetent or purposely ripping the government off thereby committing fraud. The excuses and the tolerance needs to end. A new company needs to be used that actually has its act together and can deliver on their promises rather then stringing everyone along for a higher paycheck.


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