"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Best Buy, Born Agains, and Moment of Truth

Police For Dissing Best Buy - A manager at Best Buy had a customer escorted out by police for the "crime" of advising another customer that a Bluetooth headphone set was overpriced and not very good. Apparently one of the employee's overheard the conversation, tattled to their manager, who in turn called the police. The problems here include employee's listening in on conversation t hat don't involve them and also a poorly trained and idiotic manager who took a minor situation and blew it out of proportion. I have worked retail, these people have enough problems to deal with as the reality is the customer is often wrong and just a general headache. In this case though, why manufacture a problem? Why create a scene? It’s just so over the top reaction that it defies belief.

Parents Choose Prayer Over Medicine - 11 year old Madeline Nuemann died Sunday from undiagnosed and easily treatable case of diabetes because her parents chose prayer over medicine. The mother isn't concerned about a police investigation because they "only tried to do the best they could for their daughter." The best does not include a doctor. The child was apparently in public school until recently when the parents decided to do home schooling. I get a sinking feeling the parents are born agains so to a degree the poor child might have got off easy as she would probably has been forced to live a very fervent and abusive life as the parents lacked the experience to balance their beliefs with reality. Most that grow up on a religion learn to balance the more extreme aspects of their religion with the realities of life but born agains simply do not and take it extremes never intended nor taught, as this sad example illustrates. Hopefully the DA will force jail time on these parents so they can try to learn some balance but considering this occurred in Weston Wisconsin, I am not holding my breath.

Moment of Truth Preview - Fox is advertising the season finale of Moment of Truth as "have saved the worst for last." Once again it’s a woman on the hot seat, an absolutely gorgeous woman that continues to make me wonder if this show isn't staged. Yet the questions seem very dodgy to me. For example, it asks if the woman has had a man in the house without the husband’s knowledge. That could be something as simple as she accidentally blew out the plumbing and had it fixed before her husband came home to blowing the neighbor's brains out daily. Another question is has she done something that she feels guilty about while husband was gone. Again that could include something like eating junk food all weekend up to doing the entire high school marching band. Finally, the last teaser is the "devastating" question of "Have you ever regretted marrying your husband?" Now I am not married, but if anyone has been married for a few years, wouldn't that answer be an automatic "yes"? Not because of a true deep regret but because of an argument or fed up with certain behavior. Regret over our decisions is a constant of the human condition. It just strikes me as very odd that for a show that isn't shy about asking "Have you cheated on your spouse?" they advertise three questions that suggest that very idea without directly asking it.

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