I can't get over that price. For $4,300 I could buy a new TV, computer, and surround sound. Or just knock off a good chunk of debt. For the money, I can't help but wonder if the escort isn't some B or C list actress, porn star, maybe some high level exec because based on a random lookup on various sites via Google, basically the more they cost an hour, the more gorgeous and named they become. One of the ads I found was for porn star Amy Reid. Gorgeous woman. If I had a few grand to throw around, I would tap that. However I am broke so pictures will have to do.
Frankly, I am betting a mass majority of politicians have cheated with their wives on a semi regular basis whether with an escort, another wife, a friend’s daughter, co-worker, whatever. I think it’s just a matter of odds. The rich and powerful are exposed to more temptation then the average person (who also cheat). For whatever reason, people are attracted to power (or money). John Q Average might be exposed to real, this would happen if I let it, temptation maybe once a month (to be generous). The rich or powerful probably have temptation thrown at them on practically hourly basis (either literal or just have the money to anytime want). With a constant stream of temptation, it’s simply a matter of time before a little rationalization will occur (hard day, no one will find out) and its off to the races. Most ignore the rationalizations because it simply doesn't come up that much but if it was a constant drumbeat I think most would fail to stay faithful (and do). Doesn't make it right, just saying that fame and fortune requires a greater will. Spitzer's clearly isn't strong enough and I seriously doubt this was the first time for him.
In the end though, this is just an amusing story for me. It is a non-event for the country at large but important for the citizens of New York. It should be interesting to see what happens next. I hope that Spitzer didn't have dreams of a Presidential run because they are dead now. Personally I just want to know what a $4,300 hooker looks like.
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